YAABMT (Why are Black Men always portrayed as criminals)

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Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Amused
For forty years between 1932 and 1972, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) conducted an experiment on 399 black men in the late stages of syphilis. These men, for the most part illiterate sharecroppers from one of the poorest counties in Alabama, were never told what disease they were suffering from or of its seriousness. Informed that they were being treated for ?bad blood,? their doctors had no intention of curing them of syphilis at all.

Nice Plagarism



Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: homestarmy
Originally posted by: Amused
For forty years between 1932 and 1972, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) conducted an experiment on 399 black men in the late stages of syphilis. These men, for the most part illiterate sharecroppers from one of the poorest counties in Alabama, were never told what disease they were suffering from or of its seriousness. Informed that they were being treated for ?bad blood,? their doctors had no intention of curing them of syphilis at all.

Nice Plagarism


Hey, I looked it up to be sure of the dates and said, "what the hell" and just pasted it here.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Amused
AA and welfare have returned the black community to slavery. Only now, they are slaves to poverty and the myth that they need unfair advantages to succeed.

That is ridiculous. That second form of 'slavery' as you call it is in no way slavery.

Slavery means working your ass off for nothing.

Your 'other slavery' means getting what you don't deserve or haven't worked for.

Your flowery language doesn't even make sense.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: homestarmy
Originally posted by: Amused
AA and welfare have returned the black community to slavery. Only now, they are slaves to poverty and the myth that they need unfair advantages to succeed.

That is ridiculous. That second form of 'slavery' as you call it is in no way slavery.

Slavery means working your ass off for nothing.

Your 'other slavery' means getting what you don't deserve or haven't worked for.

Your flowery language doesn't even make sense.

You can become a slave to many things. One can be a slave to an addiction. One can be a slave to their hobbies.

My point makes perfect sense. AA and welfare are keeping people in a cycle of poverty and dispair.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
Originally posted by: LongAce
From my experience with black friends growing up, it seems as they always use the black card whenever they don?t get what they want or not able to achieve. At the same time, I felt that they?re a lot more racist at least vocally racist towards other races. They seem to point out that they?re black and then there?s everyone else that?s against them. They?ll be the first one to point out that I?m a Chinese even if I?m not. Always calling people ignorant when they in turn are so much more ignorant. We use to go off on each other when I hear them say really ignorant things.

You had some wack friends

most blacks I know do not do that.

I think you live in some type of paradise where black people are all good and do no wrong or something... but seriously, where do you live? What socio-economic class did you grow up in and what would you consider yourself to be in now? Maybe you've never even seen the ghetto yourself? I say maybe because up to what I've said so far you haven't given any background on yourself.


Apr 29, 2001
incarceration rates by race, June 30, 2002:

Whites: 353 per 100,000
Latinos: 895 per 100,000
Blacks: 2,470 per 100,000

according to www.prisonsucks.com which seems to be an unbiased website.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: homestarmy
Originally posted by: Amused
AA and welfare have returned the black community to slavery. Only now, they are slaves to poverty and the myth that they need unfair advantages to succeed.

That is ridiculous. That second form of 'slavery' as you call it is in no way slavery.

Slavery means working your ass off for nothing.

Your 'other slavery' means getting what you don't deserve or haven't worked for.

Your flowery language doesn't even make sense.

You can become a slave to many things. One can be a slave to an addiction. One can be a slave to their hobbies.

My point makes perfect sense. AA and welfare are keeping people in a cycle of poverty and dispair.

Those are two different meanings of the word slave. One is literal and one is just a simple form of speech.

It's like drawing a conclusion between having the runs (meaning you're crapping your pants) and a woman getting a run in her pantyhose. They're the same word but they're in no way related except for what conclusion you draw.


Golden Member
May 28, 2003
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
Well Im quite upset today. I go to read a number of threads today about people getting robbed. I then proceed to read each post and I come to realize that there are allot of people upset with blacks because they have been robbed by someone black. WELL LET ME SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT for those who seem to have it confused. WHITE MEN ROBB, ASAIN MEN ROB, Native American MEN ROB, Hispanic MEN ROB. Remember all criminals are not blacks! Also I feel bad that so many of you in the SOL CAL area have had such negative experiences with blacks. I for one wish that you could come out east or in the south where there are a great deal of black americans who are hard working family loving and law abiding people.

That is all

In Canada it's white Biker Gangs.

And Indians (statisically speaking)


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2002
Originally posted by: simms
Originally posted by: illustri
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
Well Im quite upset today. I go to read a number of threads today about people getting robbed. I then proceed to read each post and I come to realize that there are allot of people upset with blacks because they have been robbed by someone black. WELL LET ME SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT for those who seem to have it confused. WHITE MEN ROBB, ASAIN MEN ROB, Native American MEN ROB, Hispanic MEN ROB. Remember all criminals are not blacks! Also I feel bad that so many of you in the SOL CAL area have had such negative experiences with blacks. I for one wish that you could come out east or in the south where there are a great deal of black americans who are hard working family loving and law abiding people.

That is all


Better if you'd say "all blacks are not criminals."

No, that would imply that ALL black people, as a complete entity are not criminals.
You should say not all criminals are black people.

You suck at teh SAT logic.

Actually, taking into account the topic and nature of the OP, the most logical order would be:

"Not all black people are criminals."

We're talking about seeing a black person and identifying him immediately as a criminal, not about hearing of a criminal and immediately assuming he's black.


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Ilmater
Originally posted by: illustri
Originally posted by: simms
Originally posted by: illustri
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
Well Im quite upset today. I go to read a number of threads today about people getting robbed. I then proceed to read each post and I come to realize that there are allot of people upset with blacks because they have been robbed by someone black. WELL LET ME SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT for those who seem to have it confused. WHITE MEN ROBB, ASAIN MEN ROB, Native American MEN ROB, Hispanic MEN ROB. Remember all criminals are not blacks! Also I feel bad that so many of you in the SOL CAL area have had such negative experiences with blacks. I for one wish that you could come out east or in the south where there are a great deal of black americans who are hard working family loving and law abiding people.

That is all


Better if you'd say "all blacks are not criminals."

No, that would imply that ALL black people, as a complete entity are not criminals.
You should say not all criminals are black people.

You suck at teh SAT logic.

Better work on your reading comprehension, as you grow older you'll find that graduate level exercises make use of passage based critical thinking...

To say that all blacks are not criminals does not discount the implication that some blacks, or perhaps even most blacks (sake of arguement) are criminals. What you're trying to reason out, sadly would only be true had I suggested, "EVERY black is not a criminal".

edit: clarity
JESUS CHRIST PEOPLE! The correct way to say it is, "Not all blacks are criminals." That conveys the message you're trying to get across. Good Lord. That was ridiculous.

Oops, you beat me to it. Didn't realize this thread was so long.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
AA and welfare are keeping people in a cycle of poverty and dispair.
Whites have AA already Amused. It's called friends and family already in powerful posisition and/or who have money... This cycle has'nt been broken since the mayflower days and probably before. GWB family was alwsys rich and his wealth and connections got him initially into Andover then Yale. This was followed up by a 100K "loan" from dad to start first biz and much much more... This story is reapeated a thousand times a day in white america and you know it. From plumbing contractor bob who starts his son in biz to someone like gates who got 2M seed capital from dad.

Blacks never had anything. No real jobs other than hand to mouth, no assets, not even the 40 acres and mule promised by (Sherman?). The were bascially slaves until the 60's, 1960's, because of jim crow and overt racism. Finally when whites were forced to hire and make loans to them, and let them live in the same neighborhood, have they crawled out of poverty a little bit. Racism is still very prevelent, I just heard a story about "black sounding names" getting 1/4 (when adjusted to applicants/interviews by race) of the interviews as "white sounding".. Racism is just not as overt. You know this too. I go fishing/hunting/golfing with business owners akll the time and it comes out on the greens. Do away with AA and I think blacks will NEVER get hired unless it's a sh1t position as before they've always had.

As far as welfare...nothing should be free....create some lame job for them to get the check like most governemnt employees already have and do

Edit: besides it's not like AA recipiants are not qualified. All it does is is require white corporations to show they are making an "affirmative actions" to hire blacks.. quotas are illegal unless ordered by a judge..usually happens if your hiring program is found racist when EEOC auditors reviews it and you refuse to change the next quarter/year when it's re-reviewed... It is virtually impossible to go through a day without using a negative mean to achieve a positive end. I think, as does most republicans in power the ends justifies the means.

Anyway, you believe in merit right? Me too. I agree to do away with AA if there's a 100% inheritance tax so everyone gets to start from scratch and merit will really shine though then

Hell you could probably eliminate all "living" taxes this way too, have a 2B defense budget, and send every american to harvard and the mayo clinic for "free"..


Golden Member
Aug 19, 2001
Media & stereotyping.

That's not to say such portrayals are morally or ethically justified. The statistical truths are often used to support sweeping statements.

MadCow hit the nail on the head. Racism isn't much an overt issue anymore, but it still exists. If nothing else, I can attest to the fact that it does exist in my specific locale, my school, and my demographic.

I attend a private 4 year college, and live in southwestern Connecticut, a relatively wealthy region. The people here and the people I've met who attend my school don't treat minorities any differently. They do, however, think of them differently.

My understanding is their treatment of minorities is attributed to the mannerisms in which they were instructed as youths, whereas their preconceptions have been largely formed by stereotypes propagated by the media. FWIW, I behave in the same way. I don't believe I'm racist (hell I'm a minority), but I do recognize that I should not think the way I do. But as long as that doesn't affect how I treat people, it's a flaw I'm willing to live with.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2000
Maybe the reason black men are portrayed as criminals is because they commit crimes. I agree, not all criminals are black, but enough of them are that I'd feel nervous around the thugs. You try driving through West Oakland at 3am and tell me how safe you feel.


Senior member
Sep 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Ilmater
Originally posted by: illustri
Originally posted by: simms
Originally posted by: illustri
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
Well Im quite upset today. I go to read a number of threads today about people getting robbed. I then proceed to read each post and I come to realize that there are allot of people upset with blacks because they have been robbed by someone black. WELL LET ME SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT for those who seem to have it confused. WHITE MEN ROBB, ASAIN MEN ROB, Native American MEN ROB, Hispanic MEN ROB. Remember all criminals are not blacks! Also I feel bad that so many of you in the SOL CAL area have had such negative experiences with blacks. I for one wish that you could come out east or in the south where there are a great deal of black americans who are hard working family loving and law abiding people.

That is all


Better if you'd say "all blacks are not criminals."

No, that would imply that ALL black people, as a complete entity are not criminals.
You should say not all criminals are black people.

You suck at teh SAT logic.

Better work on your reading comprehension, as you grow older you'll find that graduate level exercises make use of passage based critical thinking...

To say that all blacks are not criminals does not discount the implication that some blacks, or perhaps even most blacks (sake of arguement) are criminals. What you're trying to reason out, sadly would only be true had I suggested, "EVERY black is not a criminal".

edit: clarity
JESUS CHRIST PEOPLE! The correct way to say it is, "Not all blacks are criminals." That conveys the message you're trying to get across. Good Lord. That was ridiculous.

Yeah. Way too much over thinking going on. Are any of these comments wrong? Relax. The intended meaning despite whatever the over thought technicalities is the same. Isn't that enough?


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Zebo
AA and welfare are keeping people in a cycle of poverty and dispair.
Whites have AA already Amused. It's called friends and family already in powerful posisition and/or who have money... This cycle has'nt been broken since the mayflower days and probably before. GWB family was alwsys rich and his wealth and connections got him initially into Andover then Yale. This was followed up by a 100K "loan" from dad to start first biz and much much more... This story is reapeated a thousand times a day in white america and you know it. From plumbing contractor bob who starts his son in biz to someone like gates who got 2M seed capital from dad.

Blacks never had anything. No real jobs other than hand to mouth, no assets, not even the 40 acres and mule promised by (Sherman?). The were bascially slaves until the 60's, 1960's, because of jim crow and overt racism. Finally when whites were forced to hire and make loans to them, and let them live in the same neighborhood, have they crawled out of poverty a little bit. Racism is still very prevelent, I just heard a story about "black sounding names" getting 1/4 (when adjusted to applicants/interviews by race) of the interviews as "white sounding".. Racism is just not as overt. You know this too. I go fishing/hunting/golfing with business owners akll the time and it comes out on the greens. Do away with AA and I think blacks will NEVER get hired unless it's a sh1t position as before they've always had.

As far as welfare...nothing should be free....create some lame job for them to get the check like most governemnt employees already have and do

Edit: besides it's not like AA recipiants are not qualified. All it does is is require white corporations to show they are making an "affirmative actions" to hire blacks.. quotas are illegal unless ordered by a judge..usually happens if your hiring program is found racist when EEOC auditors reviews it and you refuse to change the next quarter/year when it's re-reviewed... It is virtually impossible to go through a day without using a negative mean to achieve a positive end. I think, as does most republicans in power the ends justifies the means.

Anyway, you believe in merit right? Me too. I agree to do away with AA if there's a 100% inheritance tax so everyone gets to start from scratch and merit will really shine though then

Hell you could probably eliminate all "living" taxes this way too, have a 2B defense budget, and send every american to harvard and the mayo clinic for "free"..

Millions of immigrants have come to this country with nothing, and have made something of themselves. Your post simply perpetuates the myth that blacks need special treatment and a leg up to succeed. This myth does far more harm than good in the long run. All it truly succeeds in doing is teaching young blacks that something must be inherently wrong with them, since they NEED these set asides and fudged test scores to compete.

Equality of oportunity does NOT mean equality of outcome, or advantage. You make your own advantages and outcomes. Pointing at generational wealth is a favorite of the left to say that the situation is unfair. What they ignore is the new wealth created everyday in America. People cross class lines everyday in this country... even blacks. Class lines are crossed so often in the US it is the rule, not the exception.

IMO AA is as racist as any redneck in a white sheet. It destroys the black community with the self deprecating and insulting way it treats them... much like how we treat our disabled or retarded.


Senior member
Mar 26, 2001
All these programs we have in america helping the poor but they're really a way keep them the way they are. They would never have more then what they have. If they find a descent job, their governemtn support check would be gone thus they feel that it's not worth the extra work but losing all that free money. Are we helping or are we giving them money to make sure that they'll never have the courage to lift their heads up.


Senior member
Apr 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Zebo
AA and welfare are keeping people in a cycle of poverty and dispair.
Whites have AA already Amused. It's called friends and family already in powerful posisition and/or who have money... This cycle has'nt been broken since the mayflower days and probably before. GWB family was alwsys rich and his wealth and connections got him initially into Andover then Yale. This was followed up by a 100K "loan" from dad to start first biz and much much more... This story is reapeated a thousand times a day in white america and you know it. From plumbing contractor bob who starts his son in biz to someone like gates who got 2M seed capital from dad.

I had to respond to this. I'm sorry, but I'm white and I don't have any friends or family with an inordinate amount of money that have helped me get jack in life. What has? Education and intelligence. And I'm certainly not pissed that the rich are what they are - rich. GWBs father also went to Yale; that helps at most any school. The way to level the playing field is for people in the lower and middle classes need to focus more on gaining their own wealth instead of taking it from those who already have it. The Black culture basically says to it's kids: You're screwed because you're Black. Don't bother educating yourself or working any harder than you have to. Just go out and join a gang or what have you like you're "supposed to". The black children who have a strong enough family to give them direction in life will make it, the rest won't. Cosby hit the nail on the head.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
had to respond to this. I'm sorry, but I'm white and I don't have any friends or family with an inordinate amount of money that have helped me get jack in life. What has? Education and intelligence.
Good for you. But you do have to property of being white/asian, or just not black, which nets rewards unseen by most whites/asians. Like a job interview bais as I talked about in the later part of the quote.

The Black culture basically says to it's kids: You're screwed because you're Black. Don't bother educating yourself or working any harder than you have to. Just go out and join a gang or what have you like you're "supposed to".
You don't know "black culture". Every black I know knows the cards are stacked against them but at the same know if they want to succeed they will have to work hard just like everybody else. Maybe you mean the ghetto culture? Same for whites there....blaming everyone else. Like AA for thier lack of success for example

Don't bother educating yourself or working any harder than you have to. Just go out and join a gang or what have you like you're "supposed to
Show me unqualified/uneducated blacks getting hired. You can't This is just BS talk as that's not even what AA is all about. Every single black has thier job or college admission because they earned it. More so than a white since they have to overcome prejudice that still exists in this country.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Zebo, so you deny that in many areas of employment and education blacks with lower test scores are picked over whites and other minorities with higher test scores for jobs and entrance into schools?

If you're doing that, you're denying reality.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Amused
Zebo, so you deny that in many areas of employment and education blacks with lower test scores are picked over whites and other minorities with higher test scores for jobs and entrance into schools?

If you're doing that, you're denying reality.

NO I don't deny. I know those with lower get in/hired, does'nt mean they are unqualified. Black is just a factor that may put them over the top just like knowing the boss might. My point has always been the ends (having blacks fully intergrated in american society with good paying jobs and later being able to send thier kids to university) justifies the means... which we disagree on.

One point I do dislike is lowering standards accross the board so women and minoirties can qualify though. Like for figher fighers...used to be a 200lb dummy one had to haul out of a building now it 100lbs. No one weighs 100 lbs and this puts public at risk... there are many more examples of this...


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: Amused
Zebo, so you deny that in many areas of employment and education blacks with lower test scores are picked over whites and other minorities with higher test scores for jobs and entrance into schools?

If you're doing that, you're denying reality.

NO I don't deny. I know those with lower get in/hired, does'nt mean they are unqualified. Black is just a factor that may put them over the top just like knowing the boss might. My point has always been the ends (having blacks fully intergrated in american society with good paying jobs and later being able to send thier kids to university) justifies the means... which we disagree on.

One point I do dislike is lowering standards so women and minoirties can qualify though. Like for figher fighers...used to be a 200lb dummy one had to haul out of a building now it 100lbs. No one wieghs 100 lbs and puts public at risk... there are many more examples of this...

The means in this case weaken blacks instead of making them stronger. How would you feel about yourself if you got the same treatement that the retarded and disabled got?

The ends do NOT justify the means. Not when the means are not only imbalanced and partial, but they demean an entire race by "admitting" they are not good enough to compete.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
How would you feel about yourself if you got the same treatement that the retarded and disabled got?
I do. It's called being white Cops never hassle me, I always get flirted with by waitresses, I always get the benefit of the doubt and preferential treatment by other whites who run this country. I just have my eyes open you obviously don't/

Black get none, only when white america is forced to give...and only in three areas...do they get a leg up...college admission, governemnt contracts and hiring by companies with 50-150+ employees.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Not when the means are not only imbalanced and partial, but they demean an entire race by "admitting" they are not good enough to compete.
No what it's saying is you were discriminated against, even after the civil rights act, so we must force, monitor and take a active role in compliance/

Ranger X

Mar 18, 2000
Why are Black Men always portrayed as criminals

Because majority of the prison inmates are black.
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