YAABMT (Why are Black Men always portrayed as criminals)

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Junior Member
Jul 19, 2004
yea we all saw that michael moore movie chill out. Its all a difference between ghetto people regardless of race. The problem is the difference between a lot of ghetto black people and a lot of ghetto wannabe black people who get straight A's is hard to miss sometimes when they talk like a ganster, roll with gansta music and wear gangsta clothes. Anway....


Junior Member
Jul 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
Originally posted by: dquan97
probably the same reason why Bill Cosby recently gave a speech directed to the black community

I agree with Bill totally however I still dont think its a good excuse to use blanket racism on all blacks.

I don't think that is what Bill was trying to achieve or even hint at.... I think its about time the black community have a good role model. They haven't had one since Martin Luther King JR. THe last thing blacks need is 50 cent telling kids how to be.


Junior Member
Jul 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
Originally posted by: LongAce
From my experience with black friends growing up, it seems as they always use the black card whenever they don?t get what they want or not able to achieve. At the same time, I felt that they?re a lot more racist at least vocally racist towards other races. They seem to point out that they?re black and then there?s everyone else that?s against them. They?ll be the first one to point out that I?m a Chinese even if I?m not. Always calling people ignorant when they in turn are so much more ignorant. We use to go off on each other when I hear them say really ignorant things.

You had some wack friends

most blacks I know do not do that.


YOU have done that several times in this thread and others. :roll:

yeah ok what ever and I guess that racism didnt play a role in rodeny king or the lew guy that got beat by the LAPD.;

Nevermind the fact that Rodney King was jacked up on PCP and drunk and running from the cops in a residential neighborhood going 90MPH. You know what PCP does to someone? HOw come you don't mention the white guy that those blacks beatup that was just driving his truck through the neighborhood because of the Rodney King thing.... or the riot they started afterward. Why is it that people always have to make excuses for bad behavior because of race. I wouldn't give a sh!t if he was white, black, asian or whatever..... i'm glad they beat his ass.


Senior member
Jan 4, 2001
I have to say that I am EXTREMELY pleased at this particular forum. The comments here sound very open minded and tactful. I believe that this is showing the progress that has come in time with open communication amongst the races.

Typically, I've seen forums in AT that are just completely racist for no reason. This is very refreshing.

My 2c -> We need to realize what we do have, what we now can do and understand that being average or sub-par is not acceptible. It is the reason why people like Bill Cosby is so upset. He sees, like I see, the greater opportunity that we now have thanks to our parents (in the 60s and earlier) who fought for us. When I meet people of my own ilk, they are suprised at who I am: I clear-spoken, well traveled, multi-culturally aware, profession, clean cut (Saab driving Saabs help prevent DWB), caring, open minded man. But this should be expected.

Anyway.. I didn't want to get on a soap box. I just wanted to say this forum makes me smile in the way people are communicating here. We should all be proud


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: Kaiser__Sose
Originally posted by: Zebo
because black men DO commit more crimes per capita than other races.

you mean Black men are CAUGHT and PUNISHED for more crimes per capita than other races.

what? are black murderers easier to catch? or are they just that incompentent.

I'm not going to touch that. Read Thomas Sowells ...Race and Culture: A World View:


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2003
Many black people see whites as prejudice, controlling, and stiff. Many white people see blacks as loud, stupid, and dependent.

Both assumptions are true for a large portion of their respective races, but I think most people understand and can differentiate between those who fit the stereotype and those that do not.


Mar 21, 2002
stereotypes are so much easier to handle ... it keeps you from having to think - which is always hard work!

No, it keeps you from reevaluating from scratch, that which has been evaluated countless times. Do you go to sleep in terror that the sun may not come up the next day?

There problem with problems in society, is that there are too many actors and they can never be taught act in concert. Culture is the tie that binds people, but when they are robbed of a cultures, as the blacks were, it is quite difficult to recreate one. Sadly, the resulting black culture is one of de facto rules, clearly made up by the ignorant masses they were forced to be. That a successful person is a sell out because he's copying the white man. That education is useless. That you must do anythign to "get yours". That you are owed something because you are black. These beliefs pervade even the most successful of black people, as is evident by a push for reperations by the educated and "intellectual" representatives of the black community in the political sphere. Until this crap can be shed, nothing will change.

I always wonder, when i'm sitting on a subway, and I see a polite, usually older, black gentleman across from me, and then some other blacks begin to heckle and (purposefully) act boisterous, as if to make a statement that social rules don't apply to them (and this is precisely why I believe they do that). I wonder what goes on in his head, and what he must feel, constantly being reminded that so much of his people are mired in ignorance and moral filth. How lonely that must be.


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
Well Im quite upset today. I go to read a number of threads today about people getting robbed. I then proceed to read each post and I come to realize that there are allot of people upset with blacks because they have been robbed by someone black. WELL LET ME SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT for those who seem to have it confused. WHITE MEN ROBB, ASAIN MEN ROB, Native American MEN ROB, Hispanic MEN ROB. Remember all criminals are not blacks! Also I feel bad that so many of you in the SOL CAL area have had such negative experiences with blacks. I for one wish that you could come out east or in the south where there are a great deal of black americans who are hard working family loving and law abiding people.

That is all


I have never read a post by you before, but Dude trust me, You picked the wrong forum to talk about blacks being good in anyway. You got a better chance at walking on water. :shocked:


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: classy
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
Well Im quite upset today. I go to read a number of threads today about people getting robbed. I then proceed to read each post and I come to realize that there are allot of people upset with blacks because they have been robbed by someone black. WELL LET ME SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT for those who seem to have it confused. WHITE MEN ROBB, ASAIN MEN ROB, Native American MEN ROB, Hispanic MEN ROB. Remember all criminals are not blacks! Also I feel bad that so many of you in the SOL CAL area have had such negative experiences with blacks. I for one wish that you could come out east or in the south where there are a great deal of black americans who are hard working family loving and law abiding people.

That is all


I have never read a post by you before, but Dude trust me, You picked the wrong forum to talk about blacks being good in anyway. You got a better chance at walking on water. :shocked:

Look! More misrepresentation and charges of racism from Classy!

OK, sorry, no matter how hard I try, I cannot act surprised about this and keep a straight face.

Classy, it would do you a world of good to listen to Bill Cosby rather than Jesse Jackson.


Jul 21, 2001
why do people think asians are smart at Math and know karate?

I'm not good at math, nor english, or know Karate. WHy?????????????????????????????????????????????


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2001
Originally posted by: toant103
why do people think asians are smart at Math and know karate?

I'm not good at math, nor english, or know Karate. WHy?????????????????????????????????????????????

negative i think asians are dumb and are panseys


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: toant103
why do people think asians are smart at Math and know karate?

I'm not good at math, nor english, or know Karate. WHy?????????????????????????????????????????????

Because you were born and raised in America around lazy and disrepectful whites?

Can you frag though? That is the question. (shakespeare BTW)


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2003

Root cause analysis time, folks...

Also, something I never considered before, but during the years slavery was legal/practiced, black family units did not exist. Blacks were often bred with no reguard for family. But it's time the black community dealt with this crap.[/quote]

So true but it will take time because we were enslaved for so long that many do not know how to manage a family. I also agree with Bill Cosby and the fact that hard work is needed and not blaming it all on racism. However I will point out that racism still exsists and still is a huge problem. I just so happens that its not the only nore the biggest problem the black community faces today.[/quote]

OH I'm SORRY. Would you like another hundred years to work on it? maybe we should spend some government money to set up workshops to teach them how not to fvck up.



Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2003
Take responsibility for your own problems. If you fail do not blame whites, blame yourself because even if there was a barrier, whining will not break it down. Only hard work will.

Personally I think with affirmative action and the desire for companies to be politcally correct, it is easier today for a black man to make it to college and get a good job. Now if he gets bad grade in school and starts robbing people, it is not the white man's fault but it is his own.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2000
Originally posted by: chrisms
Take responsibility for your own problems. If you fail do not blame whites, blame yourself because even if there was a barrier, whining will not break it down. Only hard work will.

Personally I think with affirmative action and the desire for companies to be politcally correct, it is easier today for a black man to make it to college and get a good job. Now if he gets bad grade in school and starts robbing people, it is not the white man's fault but it is his own.

That is based on the assumption that schooling is equal across racial boundaries, which is not necessarily true. While many Blacks do have access to good public or private education, the same is not true of many inner-city majority-Black neighborhoods. "White Flight" causes many problems with school funding. Some adjustments to taxes and the ways in which public school funds are raised and/or collected would help mitigate these problems and solve the inequality issue of public schooling across racial fronts. This would eventually eliminate the need for a program like Affirmative Action in the first place (or at least severely undercut it).


Diamond Member
May 10, 2004
I'd have to ask everyone to define what they think is racism when they use that term. I am DEFINITELY against people blocking the accessibility of job opportunities, promotions, housing, financial aid/loans, and general livelihood hinderances on the basis of race or sex; however, I am NOT against people possessing their personal fears/dislikes of particular groups of people because of experiencing only bad things from said group of people.

So true but it will take time because we were enslaved for so long that many do not know how to manage a family.

I know plenty of black families that don't have children committing crimes or married out of wedlock! How does that fit into the equation?

I don't know about you, but I wasn't born with the innate ability to raise a family, but I'd say I know a bit about it. Why? Well, I was taught a bit in school, which I don't think people in general are lacking in (although I have to say that some schools, generally public schools especially around inner Chicago, really lack in quality) educational opportunities. Watch TV or ever go outside your house and have a free will? You'll be able to see lots of examples of family types, and using your free will, be able to say "I don't want to knock a girl up/get knocked up and become a daddy/mommy at age __! I'll go buy/get free at most planned pregnancy or health clinics some (insert contraceptive here) and prevent this!"

Granted, some pleaces not near larger cities don't have such services, you're on the internet! Try typing "family planning" or anything related to family types and you'll find at least a little good info!

Hard to do when you have multiple cases of "white flight." Whenever minorities (especially Black) move into a neighborhood, all of the people with the money move out, gradually, but in a steady stream. I've seen this in action throughout Philadelphia suburbs - because school funding is based on property taxes, the effect is that the worst schools are usually in the poorest neighborhoods, once again populated by minorities. With bad schools, you get increased crime (usually drug-related), loosely structured family units, and all of those other bad things. It is a self-sustaining cycle, unfortunately.

And I do remember reading this somewhere.... do you remember a link or book title? I'd have to say, you have some of the more well-thought-out posts regarding this subject.

What about affirmative action, going the other way, where for example a white and a minority can have equal qualifications for a job/spot in school/whatever. But the minority will get it so the "quota" is met.

And that's not an official policy, but I'd suggest looking up Gratz v. Bollinger and Gruter v. Bollinger (sp?) re: U of Michigan's applications process.

And a final note on the public school system: legislative redistricting is a definite issue.

*Done reading*


Jul 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: toant103
why do people think asians are smart at Math and know karate?

I'm not good at math, nor english, or know Karate. WHy?????????????????????????????????????????????

Because you were born and raised in America around lazy and disrepectful whites?

Can you frag though? That is the question. (shakespeare BTW)

actually, i was born in Vietnam. Came here by boat. Well, was a refugee for a while in Manila before getting a sponsor to the U.S.


Aug 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
So true but it will take time because we were enslaved for so long that many do not know how to manage a family. I also agree with Bill Cosby and the fact that hard work is needed and not blaming it all on racism. However I will point out that racism still exsists and still is a huge problem. I just so happens that its not the only nore the biggest problem the black community faces today.

Wait wait wait... please don't tell me you're using slavery as an excuse for some members of the black community who have poor family values. Are your fingers calloused from picking cotton? Do you have scars are your back from being whipped? Slavery ended a while ago... black Americans have had over 100 years to learn how to "manage a family" as a free citizen of the United States.

Originally posted by: Darkstar757

UMM HOW ABOUT THE Tuskegee EXPERIMENT! Our GOV gave blacks STD's on purpose.


And you go on to feed the "angry black man" stereotype.

Originally posted by: neotype

Nevermind the fact that Rodney King was jacked up on PCP and drunk and running from the cops in a residential neighborhood going 90MPH.

EXACTLY. He was on drugs, he was speeding, he resisted arrest.

Have you seen American History X? I'm no neo-nazi, but I agree 100% with what was said about Rodney King in that movie.


Senior member
Jun 7, 2001
I'm actually afraid for my Black race. The parents nowadays are NOT taking responsibility for their kids.
You see 8-16 year old Black kids hanging out past 2 am....WTF?? Is there anything positive being planned at that hour of the night?
Now imagine these young kids armed with a gun...broke...high and/or drunk...at that hour running into a White male.
There are white kids who fail too...however I believe that there are more White parents who invest more time in correcting what is wrong with their kids than do Black parents....or baby Mommas.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: clarkey01
I blame rap........lol....

dont hate me

but think about it


Much of the rap music is but a part of the self depricating culture many blacks have adopted.
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