YAGT: HAHAH, I can't believe it


Oct 30, 2000
CLIFFS AT BOTTOM: (sorry no pics, yet) [UPDATES at bottom]

LAST Update
Putting this at the top for those that like to read what happens at the end without anything else. Feel free to skip this and read the rest if you are new to the thread and want to know the story. Elsewise, here we go. I went out with a hot stripper chick for one week. It was great, we had a good time, and by the end of the week, we were enjoying each others physical company with the clothing optional choice invoked. I thought she was really into me but I left her a message a couple days later. She didn't respond for a week and a half. Finally, I gave her one last phone call and pretty much got the the "dumped" answer. Oh well. It was definately fun while it lasted. At least I got my

More Updates as of 08/10/05

Okay, I'm a dork, I freely admit it. Always have been, always will be. I write computer software for a living. Still 27, live with a cat, and don't have a GF. Haven't been on many dates, I think about 5 in about as many years. I did mention I'm a dork right? As far as looks go, ehhh.. I'm average. Tall, but not too tall, not over weight, not muscular, and nothing really standing out on features, unless you count fish belly white skin color

So, bearing all that in mind, here's the story. Driving home today from work, I stayed late. Frikking got a stupid java program due Friday and almsot done but still it's a ballbreaker. I haven't eaten all day and I decided to stop off for Quizno's on the way back home.

Pull into the parking lot and WTF? it's gone. Grrr... I usually go to the Quizno's closer to my office, but this was the one by my apartment that I've gone to very occasionally. Still hungry, and the only right there in the same parking lot is a Souper Salad. Bleh. But I'm hungry enough, and lazy enough not to drive anywhere so I go in.

As I'm walking in, I'm on the phone talking to a friend who's called me and asking to play some Texas Holdem tonight. Says it's going to be a big game with about 12 people and rebuys. While I'm talking, I walk into the Souper Salad and don't notice anything except it's dead. I walk up to the counter, still talking on the phone, looking out the window, and fumbling for my wallet.

I here someone ask if I would like something to drink with the buffet and I say tea over my shoulder. I hear, $8... something and turn around to hand over the cash when lo and behold my eyes fall on a beaut!!! The girl at the counter is hawt!

Sigh, I hand over the cash, and continue talking on the phone. My bitterness about hot women lately makes me force her out of my mind to focus on food and my conversation instead. I mentioned while I was the bar to my friend over the phone there was a cute girl at the counter and pick out my salad.

However, my ears betray me and I hear the hot girl making wierd noises despite me trying to put her out of my mind. She's turns to some older lady standing next to her that I missed earlier and blurts out she's bored already.

So I get my plate of overpriced salad and sit down to eat at the first available seat and start digging in. After a few bites something makes me look up and I notice the hot chick is checking me out! Nah, couldn't be. Maybe I'm eating to fast and it's grossing her out or something.

I look down to eat and then a shadow comes across my table and she's standing RIGHT THERE still looking at me.

Not knowing what to say or do I blurt out, "So your bored?"

"Yep, this job sucks and it's dead in here."

I look around and notice the only other people in there were an eldery hispanic couple in the far far corner. Being even stupider and not caring I said...

"Well, this is a perfect time to practice making random barnyard animal sounds."

"Dude, don't get me started, they might fire me if I try that right now. Then again I did just put in my two weeks already. What sound does an elephant make?"

"I duno, I don't think elephants are barnyard animals."

"What should I try?"

"How about a sheep?"


I was thinking holy sh~t this chick is off her rocker she's making sheep noises. She stops suddenly and giggles and then plops down on the other side of the booth.

her:"Now what should I do?"

me:"You could tell some funny jokes."

her:"I don't know any jokes."

me:"Well, I only know some dorky ones."

her:"Humor me then"

me:"What do you call a closet full of lesbians?"

her:"I duno, what?"

me:"A liquor cabinet."

She laughs pretty damn loud at this. When she calms down I tell her another one.

me:"What's white or black and red all over but spins around on one spot?"

her:"ummm.... I give up."

me:"A baby with it's foot nailed to the floor." I make a circular motion with my hand spinning around in the air like a baby would do with it's foot nailed to the floor.

her:"OMG that's horrible!" yet she still cracks up laughing after making her mock horror face.

her:"Ack there's the boss, let me go wipe down the bar real quick so he doesn't come over here at least."

So she wanders off for a minute and I resumed eating. At least dinner wasn't going to be as boring as I thought. A few minutes later she returns and sits down again across from me in the booth.

her:"So what are you doing on the phone?"

me:"Just figuring out what I'm going to do tonight, looks like I'm going to play poker until 3am again. Do you play?"

her:"Nope, not my kind of thing to do. Tend to work too much. School, here and my other job."

me:"Oh? that's why you are so bored all the time, you need to go out and have fun more often. Just don't pass out like this my friend."

I then show her the pic of my friend passed out drunk and butt nekked in the bathtub at his place from his last party. She laughs at the pic and continues looking at the other pics in my phone and commenting on how she likes these types of phones. I couldn't think of much else to ask her except, "Where else do you work?"

"Oh at a club called Tiffany's" I'm thinking okay... Tiffany what? She notices my look and says, "Tiffany's Cabarette." The only Tiffany's Cabarette I can think of is a strip club off IH10.

me:"The one off IH10?"


me:"So are you a door girl? bartender? waitress?"

her:"keep going..."


her:"Yep!! using that job to make decent money and this crappy one so I don't have to claim as much in tips. But rather get a cashier job somewhere I don't have to deal with kids. So I applied at Linen and Things and start there soon. What do you do?"

me:"I'm a computer dork. Write software for the government."

her:"Cool. Nice picture of a cat in there by the way. I love cats. Is it yours?"

me:"Yep, the only pussy I get to pet every night."

She starts laughing hysterically at this. I keep thinking to myself, bleh, she's just passing the time so I might as well have fun with this situation since chances are it won't happen again. We talk about crap, making fun of people that walk in, and general chit chat. Her school, where she wants to go and crap. She gets up occasionally to ring people up who come in or wipe down or fill the salad bar. She turns to me at one point and asks how old I am. I say guess. She guesses 26, close but 27. She tells me she's then 18. I'm like HOLY SH~T!!!!! I thought she was 20-22. Not 18!

Finally, I realized I've been talking to her for like 2 hours and I still didn't even know her name at all. She wasn't wearing a name tag. I FINALLY managed to introduce myself.

me:"Oh yah, by the way, My names Tim, or Mit backwards."

her:"Emma or Amy backwards." she is still giggling/laughing at my pathetic attempts for humor so I keep it up.

her:"oh here give me your phone you dimwit."

me:"huh? uhh okay."

she punches in her number into my phone. "there call me. geez I was wondering when you were going to ask me for it."

me:"I was suppose to?"

her:"Well yes you are. How often does a girl hit on you?"

me:"Not often enough I guess to remember to ask for a phone number."

her:"Good, well call me after your poker game."

me:"Yes maam!"

She smiles, winks, and we continue talking a bit more on crap. Finally, I head off home to get ready, this was about 30 minutes ago when I started writing this after walking in the door so I could change out of my dorky ass work clothes, for poker. Maybe I won't get to bed tonight at 3AM!!!

UPDATES on 07/28/05
She called back last night around 10pm. I was already out playing poker, yes again because thursday nights are my normal nights to play and wednsday was a fluke asI usually play pool that night. Good thing was, I was out of the pot already (bleh) but the bad thing was I had 2 people that rode with me to the game that night so I had to wait for their fat butts to get done. So, while they were playing poker I went down stairs and talked some more to her.

Basically, since she is a stripper, she works nights on the weekends. BUT, she's only going to work a short night on Saturday so we are going to try to do something when she gets off around 10pm.

Now, just incase this turns out to be a normal date, and not a just some fun loving back at someone's place, where the hell do I take an 18 year old at 10ish? Movies seem to lame for a first date. Always hated going to movies on a first date because you don't get to talk to the other person, just sit there and watch the screen. Movies are for when you are comfortable with the other person and/or going to make out the entire time. First dates usually have people not so comfortable and not making out in a theatre like that.

I haven't a clue where to go and I think I might leave the destination up to her. Perhaps a coffee shop? she did mention she likes coffee. Not many other places open after 10pm I know that someone under 21 can get in. I got basically two days to figure it out.

UPDATES on 08/01/05
Okay, Update time.

Yes, I got a pic on my camera phone. I don't have the web service for it, and I'm not sure if I want to pay sprint for a month of web service just so you guys can get a pic of her butt. Okay, I couldn't get a great pic because well... it would seem way to obvious. I did manage to get a blurry picture of her butt, however you need to read the story to find out the information on the pic.

I woke up Saturday morning at 7am excited for the evening to come, but definately NOT excited for the day ahead. I decided my apartment needed a MAJOR CLEANING OVERHAUL. The place, to say the least didn't look habitable. You'd need a shurpa to figure out where actual spots of the carpet could be seen.

Well, it wasn't trash per say. Just JUNK and dirty clothes. Junk as in computer parts, art supplies, cat toys, shoes, and other crap. I also wanted to get my closet organized, get rid of some old clothes and what not. So I got to work. Grabbed some cleaning supplies and started digging in. I had a 35 pack box of those big black, heavy duty, yard trash bags. I went through ALL THEM. Yah, most of them were clothes, and some went to good will, the cloths I thought were salvageable, but most just went to the dumpster. Like I finally got rid of all my old Air Force uniforms since I wouldn't be needing them anymore. I also got rid of all my old sheets and bought some new bedding and stuff. Got rid of a couple ratty blankets and got some new ones. Basically I spent hours remaking the place. I even rented a Rug Doctor and shampooed the carpet.

I was working my a$$ off a top speed and not thinking I'd be done by 10 o'clock pm despite working on the place since 7am non stop. Well, 9:30pm rolls around and instead of trying to call her and seem like I'm a little bit too eager or anxious, I just send a text message saying, "Hey there, go ahead and give me a call when you get off work." I did the text message because my reasoning was that I had no clue exactly when she might get off work. It might be early or she might have to stay late. I also didn't want to bother her at work either (I know it would annoy me).

So 10 rolls by. No call. 11 rolls by, no call from her. About 11:10 pm my friends call me up and ask if I want to go out. I tell them sure but if I get a booty call I'm splitting. They have zero problems with that.

So I put all the cleaning stuff away. Hide the rest of the dirty clothes I hadn't finished washing, take a shower, and get ready to go out with friends. I figure I can keep my phone close in hand incase she calls and this way, I'd be all ready to go.

I meet my friends, Gil and Tray, and we go pick up their girls. Pavra for Gil and Marissa for Tray. Pavra also had her cousin with her Sasha and we all head off to Bar 11. I usually go there with them because Tray works there and Gil used to own the place I think before when it was called the Lexington room and got bought from him and turned to Bar 11.

Anyhow, the night there was fairly interesting. Turns out Sasha was a model and just "starred" in a new Budweiser commerical that's going to air soon. Incase you are wondering what she looks like, about 5'5", very big boobs, very thin waist, short, straight hair that stops about the jaw line. Slightly hispnic looking (as in very light skin but enough olive skin with the dark hair and dark eyes). She was a snooty "b*tch" though but still at least interesting. At least she asked me to dance. We also met up with Malik Rose there and talked with him for a bit. Well Gil did cause this guy seems to be friends with EVERYONE. So for the next few hours until the bar closed we all drank, talked about Sasha's new commericial, Malik's new Restuarant he opened in SA and was back in town for, danced, and got to watch a bar fight as some moronic off-duty cop got caught bringing in his fire arm into the place and wouldn't leave the premises.

2am rolls by, no phone call yet and I was checking like mad. Grr...

well, we call it a night a little later after going back to Gil's place and I go home. End up in bed around 4am and a little disappointed.

Wake up the following day around noon and figured, since I started the cleaning job I miht as well finish it and proceed to work on my place still. My parents call sometime in the afternoon and make sure I'm coming over to visit. Yes, I still visit my parents most Sunday nights for dinner because it's a big, nice, home cooked meal and it's free. Plus they usually give me left overs for lunches. Yumm.

Then, 5pm comes by and she calls. At least the first words out of her mouth were, "I'm sorry." She explained she just saw the text message this morning before having to go to work at Souper Salad. She said she was expecting me to call her last night and wasn't checking for text messages. She asked if I was doing anything now or if I wanted to go out for dinner. Told her I had plans to eat with my folks but we could do something afterwards.

Since she asked me out, I decided to forgive her for not calling or getting my text message read in a timely manner Well, I go visit my folks. Steak, sauteed mushrooms, baked potato, crab cakes, and salad.... MMMmmmMMMmmm goood. Got the left overs too along with some extra seafood pasta dish they made the night before. Have to love parents for good and free food no matter what age you are.

Well, I get done head back, and call her up. She says she started running some errands like grocery shopping at HEB while I was at my folks, but will head home to take a shower to get ready. I tell her it's not a problem cause I got to get ready and it will take me at least 20 minutes to get to her place from the directions she gave me.

I freshen up, throw on some tommy jeans on and a blue crew cut t-shirt, slap my black tommy boots on, and head out to pick her up. On the way, I make a detour to Exxon to fill up on gas and get my car washed from automatic washer they have.

I show up at her place, turns out to be a house. I was thinking an apartment but nope a house. I also remembered her not living with her parents so I was womdering how she owned a house or who's it was. She answered the door. Damn she looked good. It was the simplest outfit, blue jeans, tight black short sleeved and low cut top, and flip flops with manicured toe nails painted a deep red. Made me feel under dressed despite wearing almost the same thing. How can girls make simple outfits look that good? She says she was finished getting ready and asked me to come inside and wait a couple more minutes. Great! a chance to explore and learn some stuff without making it obvious.

She heads off to the bathroom and I'm left standing in the living room and looking at pictures, stuff on the shelves, and trying to learn more about her. I notice a few Jewish items, a Shammash and throw blanket that had a picture of some Mecca looking temple. I also notice a picture of a strange guy with some strange girl. These were wedding photos. Same picture of the guy with this girl are in other places. I hear her coming from the bathroom and make myself look at something other then the pictures which happened to be a die cast corvette on a shelf instead.

her:" thanks for waiting, sorry about nto being ready."

me: "no problem, experience has taught me girls are always slow"

her: "hey that's not fair."

I stick my tongue out at her. I then point to the Shammash on the mantle. "You jewish?"

her: "Nope, that's my roommates. He is."


I'm thinking to myself, male room mate and with this hot woman in this house..... not good.

me: "He?" I tried to make it not sound too obvious but what guy wouldn't be a little shocked? I guess she picked up on it because she started to explain.

her: "Yah, sorry I forgot to mention. My friend Gary is going through a divorce. This is his house but he's having a hard time keeping up the payments. Since my lease runs out at the end of August, I decided to move in a few weeks ago to get a cheaper place to live while I make some payments to get my truck fixed and also help him out on the house payments so he doesn't go under. Which brings me to something else, I had one more errand to run. Gary wants me to deliver this letter to his soon to be ex-wife. Do you mind driving me over there so I can give this to her?"

me: "Sure."

So we hop in the car and take off. On the ride she busts out the letter, which is like 9 pages long, she says talks a bitmore about the room mate and feels sorry for the guy since he pretty much fell in love with and married a trashy woman. He's 34 and got married to a 29 year old with 2 kids from a previous husband who went to jail. But the guy is now out of jail so she's breaking it off with Gary to go back to the first husband for the "kid's sake." She says that's a load of crock and can't understand that woman for being so stupid. I just nod and agree. We deliver the letter to the lady, who turns out to be the restuarant manager at a nearby IHOP. While we are delivering the letter, Gary called and was asked if she delivered the letter and was asking what her reaction was. She then says, I'll try to remember but it's not like I can take a picture to Gary over the phone.

Cha-ching!! I have an excuse to bust out my camera phone. I bring it out and say, while she's still on the phone with Gary and we are walking in. I say, "Here, just use this," and I snap off a quick picture of her backside cause she was walking in front of me. It's a bit blurry because we were walking in but I'll figure out some way to post it. She laughs and tells me to put it away. I don't think she noticed I used it on her. Just wish I could have taken a better shot.

After that is done, she says to head back to my place to see my cat. I did mention she seems to like cats a lot.

On the way to my place, we discuss a bit of the mis-understanding about the night before and I explained it wasn't problem as I went out with friends to a bar without going into too much detail. Not good to metion I was spending the night hanging out with Budweiser commercial models. I asked if she had eaten anything yet and she said nope and that she was hungry. I had already eaten but mentioned I had some fresh steak and seafood pasta back at my place as well I could heat up real quick for her. She seems to like that idea.

So we get back to my place. She starts going ga-ga over my cat. I heat up her food and try to bounce some ideas off her of where we could go. I asked if she liked to bowl or play golf. Both come back as a negatory. She basically tells me she rather hang out at my place and play with my cat and talk instead of going anywhere. Not a problem with me! I asked if she wanted anything to drink and mention I have bottle water, coke zero, bud light, monster energy drinks, and some kianti. She say's she'll take some kianti with her food. Since we were going to hang out here, I wasn't too worried about it so poured her and myself some.

From there it went to playing with my cat some, talking some small chit-chat and her finishing up eating. When she did, she joined me over on my couch and the conversation turned to stories about our past. I mentioned how I was a hellion when I was a kid and once set on fire a baby sitters hair. She got that "OMG that's awful!" look on her face while laughing again. She also tells me she's been telling that stupid baby with nail in the foot joke to everyone now because of me. I laught at that. At this point she starts lightly touching me. Stroking my arm and the back of my hand. I tell her a couple more wild stories of my past of some embarrassing moments (I have wayyy too many of those stories of mis-adventure) and she continues to get a little closer and rest her head on my shoulder. I'm taking it as a good sign.

Then all of a sudden she sit up right and gets a serious look on her face and flat out asks me. "Before you tell me anything else, do you do drugs?" I was a bit surprised by the question out of the blue and was wondering why she asked it bu respond, "Nope, just a little alcohol with friends from time to time, that's it." Her, "Good, because I see to much of that crap and it's disgusting. If I keep getting more and more interested in you I had to make sure you were clean." I've never had a girl this up front with me or ask me this out right so it was definately refreshing. She then settles back down against me but this time lays down on the couch with her head in my lap and tells me the reason she asked me was because of her last boyfriend long ago turned out to be a not so nice guy and too involved with drugs. That she didn't want to have anything to do with that anymore and she wanted to get that out of the way. Works for me.

From there it was some more stories, more cuddling and hand holding. I was pretty much letting her initiate all contact cause I was afraid of scaring her away by being too male too soon. It starts to get late and she said she's getting sleepy, but she's off tomorrow and that we can do something when I get off work. I was a tad disappointed. I offered her to sleep in my bed and I can take the couch since she doesn't have to be into work for Monday and I can drop her off on my way in. Then again, I hadn't bought any rubbers so while I was wanting to go further then it had, I probably wouldn't. In the end I drove her back to her place and walked her to her door. She gave me a hug and I decided to go in for a quick kiss. I guess it was the right move because we end up kissing for quite awhile before she finally tries to break away. She starts to back up, and comes back in to kiss more, and then bakes up and comes back in and dragging me closer and closer to the door. Finally, and I have no clue how long it's been. she gets her hands off my backside and puts them on the door and says we need to save more for tomorrow night.

I'm a little disappointed, but I can understand. One more peck, a wave and I head home happy!

I can't wait for tonight!

This time I'll definately try for a better picture. I'll use the excuse I need a face shot so it makes it easier to tell who's calling.

UPDATES on 08/02/05

Small update. Bleh, nothing happened as of last night. Since yesterday was her day off, she was running some errands: getting truck windows tinted, doing her hair, and going to visit grandparents out in Castroville since she promised them to be by this week sometime. All the while, she was talking on the phone with me off an on while I was at work. Between her phone calls, and ATOT the work day went rather quickly despite my anticipation for last night. But, she said she was guilted into staying at her grandparents house for the night because she has this whole week of and do some helping chores for them since they were getting a bit batty and older. I guess I can't fault someone for loving their family. She did mention that she also had the rest of the week off until friday/saturday night when she had to work at the club so she promised to make it up to me I did like her usage of the word promise over the phone. Anyhow, just incase I went and grabbed a box of trojans just so I don't have that hurdle in the way of fun some time down the road. If it comes to that.

BTW one of the small chit chat items we talked about.. yah I did the dumb questions girls like for stuff like you favorite color, food, things to do, blah blah blah. She said her favorite colors were black and red. She's not a girly girl in the way other women like fu-fu colors. I guess that's might be why she likes my new black RX8 with the black and red leather interior. Muaha. what a coincidence. Here's hoping for tonight.

YAU (Yet another update): Actually THREE updates in one and

Update for THURSDAY 08/04/05

Sorry for the tardiness of this update. I was hoping to get a good picture, but never did find an excuse to use the camera and wanted to only do an update with pics. Alas, no pics are available so on with the story.

Okay, I believe I had you guys back filled onto Wednesday of last week, where she was in Castroville visiting grandparents. On Thursday, I was helping her move stuff out of her old apartment and into her new place and setting stuff up for a garage sale for her on Friday. Thursday evening wasn?t too bad. Just some light banter as we moved some heavy furniture, like her dresser, couch, love seat, and glass dining room table. Also some smaller odds and ends like a lamp and such. Even that was a pretty good work out and in Texas heat I was sweating profusely. I said I was going to head home to shower off real quick and made the mock pass she could join me if she wanted to. She giggles and says she?d just might as well shower while we were at her place and for me to just wait. So I wait while she cleans up. Afterward I start driving my way back to my place and she mentions she?s hungry and says to pull over at a Las Palapas to grab something eat and it would be her treat. I just grab a small chicken burrito and she grabbed something like a Chile Willy or something sounding like that. We eat in the car and I drive her back to my place to take my shower there. It?s around 9:30pm or so when I finally plop myself down on the couch. We talk some more and she asks what DVDs I have. I run through the list and says to pick someone out that just inane enough to watch to be good without thinking much. I didn?t think I had any DVD like that, most being action dramas or major comedies, until she pointed out I had Bugs Life. So I plop it in, keep the volume a little low so we can still talk and catch snippets of the movie. I grab us something to drink, a couple bottles of water after the work we had done earlier.

We watch the movie, talk, and she starts relaxing into me while my cat joins us on my black leather couch. She strokes my arm and I stroke her hair. She keeps asking me what I?m thinking, and really, I wasn?t thinking much except contentment. The kind of contentment you get after working out to stress muscles, relaxing, and having a little soft pleasure of the skin with my arm being stroked. I told her I was just thinking how relaxing this all was instead of all that mumbo jumbo I just typed. She smiles and grabs my hand while I was stroking her hair and puts my fingers into her mouth. Can you say instant chawing! When she stops she tells me she was surprised I volunteered to help her move her furniture and thanks me. I was like, no problem, that?s just me. I like to help people. She asks me if I was sore still and if I would like a message. I replied yes to both questions and she promptly tells me to lie down on the couch. So I lay down belly first on the couch and she straddles my back and begins giving me a message that starts out normally enough for a few minutes but then turns a bit more sensual. I?m going to try to keep the story fairly clean, because this is a public forum, so I won?t go into much detail after this. Sorry pervs. Lets just say, hands went lower then just my back but at least they stayed on my backside. My shirt ended above my head at one point and she seemed to have a thing about kissing and licking my ears. Not that I was complaining.

Not being the type of person to take all the time I thought to return the favor and ask if she wanted a message too sense she might be a bit worn out from moving stuff. So we switch positions with her laying on her belly on the couch and me straddling her backside. I start messaging her and she starts rubbing her lower backside between my legs. She had my full attention that?s for sure while doing this. I?m not quite sure how long this went on but she finally flips over and starts kissing me and rubbing me from the front now. At this point she looks at me and says, ?Why are you so nice?? ?That?s just the way I am.? ?Well, you are too gentle.?

I?m thinking too gentle? That?s a new one to be called by a girl, but I respond, ?Well how else do you want me to be.? ?Well, I tend to like it a little rougher sometimes?? she trails off. ?Whatever your description of rough might be, I think I can handle it.? I said teasingly. ?Well, some light biting, but no marks.?

So I comply by bending down to start biting and licking the side of her neck by her jugular. That gets a big moan out of her! Feeling encouraged, I wrap my arms around her, squeeze what I think would be a comfortable tightness to give some pressure on her back while I nibble on her neckline and dig my finger tips (I don?t have nails but I can still dig finger tips) into her back. She moans big time and starts rubbing her leg up against my Chile Willy This continues on for a bit before we realize the couch was just to small for all the moving around we were doing and we both get up to head for my bed. We continue there, with clothes on. I?m not one to spoil the moment so I hadn?t made any moves to remove clothing just yet and wanted to see if she would make the prompting for it. It?s been my experience to best let the girl try to remove and article of clothing I?m or she is wearing first or ask me to remove something. That didn?t happen as we were basically hugging, kissing, biting, scratching, and dry humping all over the bed. At one point I look over at the alarm clock on my night stand by the bed and notice it was 3AM. GAH!! Where did the time go! That kind broke me from the reverie of enjoyment I had been having and I mention the time to her. She then says, ?You are so mean. Getting me all wet like that and not even having sex! I?ve never had a guy do that before.?

Me: ?Well I try but I?m not sure you want to go further just yet. Besides, there?s always plenty of time to have more fun later and I need to get up for work in a couple hours and you need to still get up and ready for your garage sale.?

Her: ?Dangit! Now I feel like I gota hump a tree I?m so horny. You really are mean getting me worked up like that.?

I just laugh at the statement, and ask, ?Well, would you have let me go further then what we had done tonight??

Her: ?Well no, but that doesn?t make you any less mean.?

Me: ?What happened to calling me nice and gentle??

Her: ?You are when you aren?t being mean freak in bed.?

I laugh not knowing what else to say to this but I notice at this point with the adrenaline wearing down some that a bit of pain is starting to flare through me. And not the good kind of pain even though I had some of that. It was a burning sensation of pain that wasn?t pleasant in anyway. Not trying to let her know, I kiss her and mention she?s the one who said earlier she needed to leave early to finish getting ready for the garage sale. She says I?m right and we get up and I drive her back. Even the drive back was fun as she kept trying to stroke my arm and put my fingers in her mouth between shifting gears. This has a nice side benefit of alleviating the pain between my legs for the moment as I am concentrating on her and the road, but mainly the road. I did mention that because she was trying to play unfair while I was driving, I wasn?t going to play fair tomorrow night on our date out. She giggles and asks how could I possibly play more unfair then I had tonight? I said, ?Wait for tomorrow night to find out.? That statement brings out a smile and more cajoling of my hand.

Finally I manage to get her home, and we manage to finally separate from hugging and kissing in the street to make her way to her doorstep and I let her go inside. I then head home and on the ride back I notice my Chile Willy (a term I might as well use hence forth) was really not doing to well. It was too dark to see in the car though so I didn?t bother despite the mounting discomfort. I get home and it?s around 4:30AM and I manage to look at the damage done and my worst fears we confirmed. All the dry humping and horsing around seemed to have flayed most of the skin off down there. It looked like I tried to pan sear myself and the pain was pretty bad. So I take a big IB profin and try to get what little sleep I could before having to wake up at 7AM to get ready for work.

Next Update for Friday in a few hours?. It gets better.

Update for FRIDAY 08/05/05

So I wake up finally and REALLY start feeling the pain as I try to take a shower and dress for work. Bearing in mind that I was going out on a date that night and I said I wouldn?t play fair, I wore a really nice outfit to work. It consistied of a Geoffery Been Sateen Red shirt with some nice Black Slacks, shoes, belt, black silk boxers and my gold watch. I mentioned I was going to do this earlier and so I did. Why was this unfair? She told me not to dress up for the date at all because she wasn?t going to. Since I was wearing this into work for the day, technically it?s not dressing up because I occasionally do wear long sleeve buttoned shirts and I almost always wear slacks. Of course I don?t usually wear my really nice dress shirt unless it?s for a special reason at work, nor does anyone at work wear anything like I was wearing on Fridays since they are dress down days and almost everyone comes into work on Fridays with jeans and a t-shirt. Just mere technicalities. but I could wear a nice shirt and slacks to work if I want.

However, my choice of underwear was for another reason too. ANY slight movement against myself down there flared off an excruciating burning pain sensation. Looking at it when I used the restroom during work made it look horrible the next day. Looked exactly as if I tried to roast myself on a campfire and felt that way too. I guess several hours of overzealous dry humping can do that to you. I?ve had bad experiences in the past with dry humping but never to this extreme. Why don?t they teach this stuff on Sesame Street! Learn my ABC?s, 123?s, and ?Don?t Dry Hump? for the phrase of the day. Life?s little lessons one doesn?t learn until it?s too late and only the hard way it seems. I also must mentioned I have quite a few bruises everywhere and wasn?t at all sure how I got them because I don?t remember any specific parts where I might have bumped or hit myself to get a bruise. The one light bite mark I had I know where that came from at least.

Well, I manage to make it through the day without doing anything to get my clothes wrinkled, dirty, or sweaty at all. She called me once during the day to mention how well the sale is going and how much she is looking forward until tonight since I was taking to a restaurant she picked out, Caparellies. A place I?ve never been before.

Well, I manage to get off early, and head home early to take a nap for a couple hours after carefully ayying out the clothes I?ve worn all day and was going to wear again for dinner. I wake up around 5PM and start getting ready with a shower, quick shave, and a little bit of some nice Bvlgari aftershave. She seemed to like the stuff before and I certainly do. I put back the clothes on as well. I give her a call and mention I was going to start making my way over to her place and she said she?d be ready in a half an hour or so. I told her to take her time. I was hoping that perhaps she might try to dress up a little despite her claiming she wasn?t going to dress up at all. This would give me a golden opportunity in my mind to take a picture of her if she dressed up.

On the drive over there, I stopped at an Exxon to use the machine washer to clean my car. Figured it would give her plenty of time to finish getting ready before I picked her up. After my car was done, I make my way over to her place. When she answers the door, she held true to her word. Tight jeans, black Pink Floyd t-shirt (the one with the prism breaking the light into a rainbow), and sandals were what she greeted me with. Not saying it didn?t look good? it just didn?t look picture worthy enough. However, she takes one look at me and exclaims, ?That is what you meant by unfair?!?!? ?Yah, I remember you mentioned your favorite colors were red and black so I am wearing a red shirt and black slacks.? ?You said you weren?t going to dress up when we talked on the phone today!? ?I didn?t dress up though, I wore this into work? hence why I said I wasn?t going to play fair.? ?Damnit, now I need to go change because you look ridiculously hot in that and I don?t look anywhere close.?

I just smile and say, ?What are you talking about? You look great and besides I?m hungry.? ?Oh that?s so unfair.? ?Damn right it is.?

We hop in the car and I start heading down to the place. Never been there before she tells me it?s off Main Street by SACC (San Antonio Community College). So I turn on my DVD nav system and plug it in and we are off. On the ride over she mentions how good I look with what I?m wearing again, and I say it?s not all that nice since if we got into a wreck no one would be able to find my body. She looks at me funny when I say that and asks what I meant. ?Easy, look at the interior of my car, it?s all black and red leather and I?m wearing black and red, I blend right in.? She laughs at this and it seems to set her at ease.

We get to the restaurant and it seems fairly full, which I take as a good sign but there are a couple of tables available. I personally hate being in this area by SACC because around the corner from this restaurant is like 4 or 5 gay clubs and a porno store. It?s weird, because on one side of the school it?s some really nice restaurants, like La Fondas (which I?ve been to before and love for Mexican food), and the other side is complete trash. That?s San Antonio for you. Tits, food, and trash.

Well, we sit at our table next to a hand painted wall with a mural of a bunch of actors from gangster movies. Everything from Goodfellas to Godfather, to a few I didn?t even recognize. It was kinda cool and she says it?s one of the reasons she loves coming here. Another reason was the live music they had going on in the far corner. We get our menu?s and I look it over. Damn stuff was expensive as even the salads were like $10. We talk while looking over the menus. Just small banter and I?m retelling some jokes I read off ATOT during the week that I remember. Some of the real geeky and nerdy ones she seems to like. I decided to order the Veal Marsala and she orders the Tortellina Primavera. My meal, $22 hers was $15. The waiter asks what we want to drink and I grab water and she grabs a coke. She tells me to grab something stronger if I want and I ask what the house wine was tonight. I was told it was Straccali Chianti. I look at the wine menu and notice it?s $5.20 a glass and although I?ve never had it, I decided it couldn?t be too bad. While waiting for food, we talk some more until the salads and bread comes out. It was then and there I started to have some serious doubts about the place. The salad looked like it came from a bag as the olives were chopped CANNED black olives. The lettuce looked a little wilted and the bread looked like it was something from HEB. Not one to complain about food and not wanting to make her seem I?m already disliking the place she picked, I eat my salad. Then the food and my wine comes. The reason people pick veal is because it?s suppose to be a real tender bit of beef from a calf and pounded out to be more tender. This lump of fat and gristle on my plate was anything but tender or tasty. It looked like something they fished out the dog food bowl. The spaghetti seemed like it came from a can of Chef Boyardi. Her fare didn?t look that great either but she dug in with enthusiasm. So I manage to eat what was given to me. It was probably the worst dinner at a restaurant, in terms of food quality, I?ve ever experiences in my life. McDonalds would have been better and better priced at least. The wine tasted like pure swill and I couldn?t take more then a few sips before sticking with the tap water I got instead.

With the meal done, and we both opted not to get desert, we finally get out of that place. UGH! I finally learned later that Straccali wine is only $6 a bottle at my local grocery store. It?s that retched and I paid $5.20 for it. DOUBLE UGH! Well, we head over to a Starbucks back up on highway 281 and Bitters road back closer to my place. At least the overpriced coffee from there I can deal with because it actually tastes good. We talk some more, mostly about inane things like her family, past experiences, her week she had of, how she made a ton of cash at the garage sale since most of the stuff were hand me down or really cheap items she picked up and sold at the sale for more then what she paid. She tells me of this weird group of Mexican guys that were trying to buy her truck despite it not being in the sale. She went on to talk more about some of the weirdoes that showed up.

Finally, around 9ish we head back to my place. This time she picks out Snatch for us to watch while I make us a couple of screwdrivers. We sit on the couch and do a similar routine to the previous night. First a little light touching, then light kissing, then it became a little but less light. Drinks down, movie forgotten, and couch feeling too small, she turns to me and asks, ?What are you thinking??

I respond, ?Oh you don?t want to know.?

Her: ?Tell me.?

Me: ?Oh no, you don?t want to know.?

Her: ?Well, if you aren?t going to tell me then you might as well get off me and drive me home.?

That shook me somewhat but I maintained my composure. ?Well if you really want to know I?m just thinking how much I?ve enjoyed tonight so far and some possible nughty thoughts about what come about if we continue where we left off last night.?

She smirks as she asks, ?Naughty thoughts like how??

Me: ?Oh nothing much, except this time I rip some clothes off.?

Her: ?Well what?s stopping you.??

Me: ?I?m not really sure you want??

Her: ?I?m certainly not stopping you from taking my clothes off.?

WHOA!! That made my eyes pop out and stopped me in mid sentence. So I start taking her top off slowly. ?I thought you were going to rip them off?? Well, if she is going to put it that way? RIPPP!!!!!!! Bye bye pink floyd shirt! Bye bye hooks on bra!! And well that?s where she starts pulling off my shirt after ripping off the buttons. That last one she did with her teeth to by my stomach afterward. At this point. I bend down and pick her up completely off the couch and into my arms and deposit her on my bed. I couldn?t rightly rip through the jeans, I ain?t the incredible hulk. Just a dork with a hard on. I pull them off her and undo my pants while standing at the edge of my bed. She then says, ?Leave the underwear on for now.? I comply and we start having some more fun in the bed.

After a few minutes, I became painfully aware I couldn?t do this even with black silk boxers on. I stop and she looks at me and asks what was wrong. I said I couldn?t keep this since last night left me a little hurt and with a few less skin cells. I think my dorky reference confused her and she gave me a questioning look. I said the dry humping chaffed me pretty bad and I couldn?t do this even with the underwear. She reaches down and drags them off and pulls off her own right after taking mine and starts kissing me again. I stop her and said, I really should grab a condom just incase and she says I better hurry then.

I streak out of there to find my stash of condoms so fast I scared the crap out of my cat. I rush back in and after putting it on and well?. Mind of matter and flayed skin grasshopper.

I?m going to keep this part clean, despite my sheets being not so when it was all done. You guys have an imagination so use it because I?m not going into more detail here. The only comment I?ll make is that I knew some girls make a bigger mess then others when they are satisfied but she made it look my bed turned into a swimming pool.

Well, that was Friday night and I returned her home the next morning wearing one of my spare t-shirts so she could get ready for work the next day.

Next update later on. I got work to do right now.

CLIFFS for original story
1) dorky guy gets off work late and looks for place to eat.
2) dorky guy walks into Super Salad after noticing his Quizno's is closed down
3) Dorky guy notices hot chick working there
4) Hot chick proceeds to hit on dorky guy who's too clueless to realize it
5) Girl turns out to also be a hot stripper dancer.
6) Girl puts number in dorky guys phone for him and tells him to call her.
7) ....
8) profit?

Score Keeping
1) Hit on by hot chick
2) Asked out by hot chick
3) Hot chick returns calls and calls freely
4) Hot chick digs car and cat
5) Major make out session with hot chick
6) Dry humping leads to problems

8)... no profit? she never returned my message.


Golden Member
Jul 17, 2005
You forgot to add dorky guy to chicken to ever call

dammit you beat me to the punch

Haha, nice. But her history as a dancer at a strip club makes me a little wary.

Oh, and :camera:s.


Oct 5, 2004
Even the cliff notes are too long.
The longer I hang around here the shorter my attention span gets.


Jul 26, 2001
dude, if you are as witty in real life as you make yourself out to be in that post, and as open with complete strangers as it seems like you are --

then you why have you only been on 5 dates in the poast couple years... seems like you'd be doing a lot better off then your historicy claims.

I call Shens.


Golden Member
Jun 8, 2005
Go pop some pills. It only took a tad over 5 minutes to read that.

HumblePie, I trust you know what to do.


Platinum Member
Feb 1, 2004
Originally posted by: EmperorIQ

why dont' you skip poker and call her right away?

yeah, no sh*t. that girl seems into you. i say go for it.

btw, i read the whole thing


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2002
Originally posted by: Rallispec
dude, if you are as witty in real life as you make yourself out to be in that post, and as open with complete strangers as it seems like you are --

then you why have you only been on 5 dates in the poast couple years... seems like you'd be doing a lot better off then your historicy claims.

I call Shens.

Plenty of people could be witty in front of a computer but many lose their noodles when they see a female.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
*is driving over to san antonio this weekend to check out tiffany's*
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