YAGT: I just cut my Girlfriend off


Oct 3, 2006
Background: My girlfriend and I had been going out for a year and a half when she decided to take a break. She decides to take a break and cuts all communication for three days straight. She says she is willing to talk to me when we initially go on this "break," saying she 'needs time away b/c we are fighting too much,' but talking to me consists of ten minutes conversations in the morning through AIM and then saying "ok, ttyl" and ttyl apparently means "ill talk to you tomorrow" . . . b/c that?s what happens. During the last year and a half each night she has called/texted/AIM'ed me concerning where I have been, how i have been doing, what time I am going to talk to her tomorrow....then, all of a sudden, she doesn't care. It's as if I was cut overnight, from my perspective.

Now in talking to my friends I realize this change did NOT, most likely, happen overnight. There was this other guy that she knew from two years ago that I think had interest in her but im not sure of. Anyway, two weeks before she took her break with me, I took a break from her b/c I needed to think about what I wanted to do in my life. What direction I wanted to follow in life and more personal questions that needed to be answered rather than relationship questions. So it was at that time, that she starts working out with this guy at the gym. It was b/c I took a break from her that she decided to "change her lifestyle." One of the things she wanted to change was her fitness level. . .so she went decided to work out every weekday with this guy when I was on a break with her. After the break we end up back together and she seems changed. I learned that she and this guy were supposed to work out together and I was naturally concerned that she would do this...her response was "we are just friends. I think of him like an older brother. You have NOTHING to worry about." I bring it up again later, her response "You have NOTHING to worry about. Even if, for SOME reason we ended up not together I wouldn't see myself with him." Two weeks pass and she takes a break from me...three days pass and then she breaks up with me.

We talk very little for the next 1.5 weeks and then I ask her if she wants to watch a some LOST. She says alright. So I bring over some beer and we watch LOST and such. During LOST she is texting like 4-5 times back and fourth so I ask her "who is that." She says "its my friend." I say "what's up with her?" she says "oh, she is having problems with her boyfriend. he doesnt like the new place she is living. he says she doesn?t give him as much time as she used to and that the bed she has to sleep on is too small." I say "alright" but think to myself "bull sh*t, its probably that other guy." We continue to watch LOST, she gets more texts...so I say "gezzzz, tell her to stop texting to you...." she responds with "she is having problems, ill tell her goodnight." I say "is it really your friend" she says "yea" i say "you are lying to me" she gets defensive and says "its her! you think im lying!!?" I just leave it at that. We watch some more. The beer eventually gets to her and she falls asleep.

As she is sleeping, i know this is kinda assy of me, but i go over and check who she is texting. It is to that other guy. He says stuff like "hey, hope you sleep well tonight." "can we wake up tomorrow early and get married?" "you are the only girl i ever want to kiss again" "I love you baby" (news to me they kissed. fu*kin kissed less than two weeks after she broke up with me. WTH. On top of that they say they LOVE each other. We were broken up less than two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it just me, or is that F'ed up???) And she responds with stuff like "i love you too baby" "hey text me when you get off work tomorrow" "can you come and pick me up from work tomorrow???" "I'm here watching this show and this guy lost his loved one...all i can think about is holding you and kissing you" (WTF. . .we were together for a year and a half and within less than two weeks she is on to the next guy!?)

I knew it. My thoughts were right. Her words of "he is like an older brother" "even if we were to break up for some reason, I would never see myself with him" ... they were all false.

So I put her phone down, picked up my stuff, and left.

She is Cut


I left her a note before I left the night of, basically saying:

-Hope you guys have a fruitful and wonderful relationship together
-I dont appreciate being lied to, I never treated you dishonestly
-Have a good life

She Texts me back today saying:
"I will have you know. I left you for no one except myself. The new guy is a new development. Believe what you want"

You know what I think: So what...if you guys decided to be together TODAY that would be too soon. Give yourself some F'ing time, like at least couple weeks, to recuperate. my god!

Update2 (12/12/06):
It's been a week since I posted all that stuff above. Still not talking to her and am not planning on it either. She texted me a couple of days ago when I was at the LA Auto show with a bunch of friends. It said: "hope your finals went well." I didn't respond, didn't even think twice about responding. . .but rather laughed inside a little bit thinking "you don't really care" and then put my phone back in my pocket and went back to enjoying cars and cuties alike. So that's where I'm at, I don't know what's going on in her life. Thanks for all the advice guys, much appreciated.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: Mentat
Background: My girlfriend and I had been going out for a year and a half when she decided to take a break. She decides to take a break and cuts all communication for three days straight. She says she is willing to talk to me when we initially go on this "break," saying she 'needs time away b/c we are fighting too much,' but talking to me consists of ten minutes conversations in the morning through AIM and then saying "ok, ttyl" and ttyl apparently means "ill talk to you tomorrow" . . . b/c that?s what happens. During the last year and a half each night she has called/texted/AIM'ed me concerning where I have been, how i have been doing, what time I am going to talk to her tomorrow....then, all of a sudden, she doesn't care. It's as if I was cut overnight, from my perspective.

Now in talking to my friends I realize this change did NOT, most likely, happen overnight. There was this other guy that she knew from two years ago that I think had interest in her but im not sure of. Anyway, two weeks before she took her break with me, I took a break from her b/c I needed to think about what I wanted to do in my life. What direction I wanted to follow in life and more personal questions that needed to be answered rather than relationship questions. So it was at that time, that she starts working out with this guy at the gym. It was b/c I took a break from her that she decided to "change her lifestyle." One of the things she wanted to change was her fitness level. . .so she went decided to work out every weekday with this guy when I was on a break with her. After the break we end up back together and she seems changed. I learned that she and this guy were supposed to work out together and I was naturally concerned that she would do this...her response was "we are just friends. I think of him like an older brother. You have NOTHING to worry about." I bring it up again later, her response "You have NOTHING to worry about. Even if, for SOME reason we ended up not together I wouldn't see myself with him." Two weeks pass and she takes a break from me...three days pass and then she breaks up with me.

We talk very little for the next 1.5 weeks and then I ask her if she wants to watch a some LOST. She says alright. So I bring over some beer and we watch LOST and such. During LOST she is texting like 4-5 times back and fourth so I ask her "who is that." She says "its my friend." I say "what's up with her?" she says "oh, she is having problems with her boyfriend. he doesnt like the new place she is living. he says she doesn?t give him as much time as she used to and that the bed she has to sleep on is too small." I say "alright" but think to myself "bull sh*t, its probably that other guy." We continue to watch LOST, she gets more texts...so I say "gezzzz, tell her to stop texting to you...." she responds with "she is having problems, ill tell her goodnight." I say "is it really your friend" she says "yea" i say "you are lying to me" she gets defensive and says "its her! you think im lying!!?" I just leave it at that. We watch some more. The beer eventually gets to her and she falls asleep.

As she is sleeping, i know this is kinda assy of me, but i go over and check who she is texting. It is to that other guy. He says stuff like "hey, hope you sleep well tonight." "can we wake up tomorrow early and get married?" "you are the only girl i ever want to kiss again" "I love you baby" (news to me they kissed. fu*kin kissed less than two weeks after she broke up with me. WTH. On top of that they say they LOVE each other. We were broken up less than two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it just me, or is that F'ed up???) And she responds with stuff like "i love you too baby" "hey text me when you get off work tomorrow" "can you come and pick me up from work tomorrow???" "I'm here watching this show and this guy lost his loved one...all i can think about is holding you and kissing you" (WTF. . .we were together for a year and a half and within less than two weeks she is on to the next guy!?)

I knew it. My thoughts were right. Her words of "he is like an older brother" "even if we were to break up for some reason, I would never see myself with him" ... they were all false.

So I put her phone down, picked up my stuff, and left.

She is Cut

there will come a time in your life when you will look back on your actions right now and how you are feeling and just laugh at yourself.


Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Sudheer Anne

there will come a time in your life when you will look back on your actions right now and how you are feeling and just laugh at yourself.

qft. NEVER look back at this one!


Elite Member
Feb 26, 2000
Crap dude, we have rules around here you've gotta tag these things YAGT: or something...I blindly clicked right in to this thing...it was like...hitting a brick wall...ouch...thanks now I have a headache...

what am I suppose to say now? good for ditching the bitch?
or you weren't what she wanted so she moved on...You'll get over it...


Oct 3, 2006
Sudheer Anne: you are probably right, but right now........I feel she backstabbed me. She bassicly went behind my back.
Uncle Wai: Hey, you don't like?? There is always Dr. Seuss.
Dec 5, 2005
I'd get revenge lol... but I'm a very spiteful person, I've been in a very similar situation and I wanted to kill the B*****.


Jul 10, 2005
You fail... the signs were there right from the start. She wanted time away from you because she was/is fvcking someone else.


Nov 30, 2004
Sucks to hear that man. Just cut ALL contact. Trust me it will make for so many less YAGT its not even funny. Good luck.

Fullmetal Chocobo

Moderator<br>Distributed Computing
May 13, 2003
I have to ask... How old are you?

EDIT: This post's subject matter, and "beer" involved... I call shens.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2005
Originally posted by: UncleWai
You know what I think?

I think it's too long.

I concur. However I actually read through it all. You'll look back on this and laugh in a year or two, until then it'll hurt. That's the way of the beast. It just wasn't meant to happen, and when you start hearing stuff like that it's time to move on because they are lies.

Do NOT initiate contact again. Don't mention that you looked through the phone. Don't be nice to her. Just stay the heck away.


Oct 3, 2006
jbenedict: Don't say that, she's not like that. . .but kissing. yes, she has done that within a week and a half. totally has. . .she lied straight up to my face tonight. i've lost all trust in her, but at the same time, I can't help but think about her. ya know?


Oct 3, 2006
Originally posted by: BobDaMenkey
Originally posted by: UncleWai
You know what I think?

I think it's too long.

I concur. However I actually read through it all. You'll look back on this and laugh in a year or two, until then it'll hurt. That's the way of the beast. It just wasn't meant to happen, and when you start hearing stuff like that it's time to move on because they are lies.

Do NOT initiate contact again. Don't mention that you looked through the phone. Don't be nice to her. Just stay the heck away.

Hence the reason why I say "she is CUT!"


Oct 3, 2006
Originally posted by: lokiju
Hold strong and keep her cut off.

You did the right thing IMO.

thanks. the hard part now comes to keep my mind of of her (esspecially the thoughts of her with someone else, b/c I know she is kissing, hugging, being with another guy)...any suggestions????

Fullmetal Chocobo

Moderator<br>Distributed Computing
May 13, 2003
Originally posted by: Mentat
Originally posted by: lokiju
Hold strong and keep her cut off.

You did the right thing IMO.

thanks. the hard part now comes to keep my mind of of her (esspecially the thoughts of her with someone else, b/c I know she is kissing, hugging, being with another guy)...any suggestions????

Music. Loud music. And I wouldn't advise drinking, as that sure as hell won't help...


Apr 5, 2002
If you get back with her, your relationship will never last.

The trust is already gone.

Every single time you see her talking to another guy, you will wonder why.
Every single time you are not around her, you will think she is with another guy.

End it now and start dating again.


May 29, 2003
Originally posted by: Mentat
Originally posted by: lokiju
Hold strong and keep her cut off.

You did the right thing IMO.

thanks. the hard part now comes to keep my mind of of her (esspecially the thoughts of her with someone else, b/c I know she is kissing, hugging, being with another guy)...any suggestions????

Find something to keep your mind busy, whatever you're into then do it that much more, try and keep the down time to as little as possible since that'll be the times when you'll start thinking about her/it.

Call up your friends and go drinking or see some movies or bowling, whatever really just keep busy and it'll help reduce time spent dwelling on it all.
Dec 5, 2005
think about it this way, why would you sit there all hung up on a girl if she is obviously not into you, it hurts because you feel betrayed I'm sure. Use the anger towards something productive! Get your own gym membership and go get all ripped, then score some hotties at a local club/bar. Just keep busy and you won't even think about her.


May 27, 2002
as always, the relationship was over when you first decided " I need a break from her "


Golden Member
May 14, 2001
As someone else mentioned before, the moment she wanted time away from you, that was the sign she was seeing someone else. Of course hindsight is 20/20. Don't be put on her leash, unless you like being treated like a second rate person in her life.


Apr 17, 2004
You should've had sex one last time, and left her a note saying something like "Thanks for the wham-bam-thank-you-m'aam, enjoy your "brother" "
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