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Sep 29, 2004
release the poison! conclusion? At the very least, please give us an ETA for you next update so we stop nagging.


Platinum Member
Dec 27, 2003
LOLROTFL...I don't think SPIDER is appropriate for this thread.

How about WANKER?


Golden Member
Nov 8, 2004
Originally posted by: Preyhunter
Originally posted by: Redline
Pffttt, WUSS!
Part Wimp, part Pussy...:roll:
(take your balls out of your mom's purse & post an update already)

It's people like you that make me not want to update this thread.

Sorry if you feel like we are being d!cks here Preyhunter. Some of us arn't but Redline is probably some stupid illiterate 12 year old. Besides he can't read the stickied mod post about calling people names... In other words vacation?

If it is true:
Don't post the whole story and leave us hanging, it is your choice but I just want to know the ending after reading this thread. Thus far it can't get much worse with the people on ATOT they know the story already. If they were going to make fun of you for the story it's already too late, adding an ending won't change that.

If this is Shens/BS:
Hurry up and put me out of my misery!!!! You win!!!


Golden Member
Nov 9, 1999
As I posted in update #2, I decided to meet with the gf and her mom, so I went to their house on the 16th. Nothing actually happened that day. The mom told us that she wanted to talk to us about something, but she wasn?t going to do it by herself because she didn?t think it was appropriate to go over this subject with us without having one of my parents there. At this point I was thinking, ?Oh sh!t, this is really gonna suck.? She asked me if I would ask one of my parents to attend a lunch at their house on Saturday and I said I?d ask and see what they say. I really didn?t want to do this and was kicking myself for showing up to their house in the first place. My first instinct was to not go and I was now wishing I had followed that instinct. After that I went home.

That evening, I asked my dad what he was doing Saturday afternoon. He said he didn?t quite know yet, so I asked him if he?d do me a favor and go to my gf?s house for lunch with me. I told him that he?d been invited because her parents wanted to meet at least one of my parents since I was seeing their daughter. I wasn?t about to ask my mom because I still thought we?d be talking about what had happened in the bathroom and there was no way I wanted to talk about that in front of my mom. It was bad enough that it was a mom that walked in on me. He looked at me kinda funny and started asking me questions about why and what had I done. I?m not a good liar and he could probably tell that something had been wrong lately, but I just told him that they wanted to meet my parents. I told him that I already knew that mom had plans to work in the yard so I was asking him to go with me and that it would be important to me that he go. He still looked at me like I was crazy, but agreed to go.

I called my gf on Friday and told her that my dad had agreed to go to their house with me and asked her if she knew what the hell was going on. She told me that she had been asking her mom, but her mom wouldn?t say, only that it wasn?t something that she needed to worry about.

Lunchtime Saturday rolls around too soon. My dad and I head over to my gf?s house. Her mom answers the door with a big ass smile on her face and goes through the whole nice to meet you bit with my dad as we walk in. Her dad was there as well. Great, this is getting worse by the second. We do the whole small talk thing and eat lunch. When we finished, all of us went into the den and sat down. Her mom then starts with the reason why everyone is there. My dad looks at me and gives me this ?I knew you screwed something up? look. She said that it was only appropriate for everyone that is there to be there so that no toes are stepped on and everyone is on the same page or some crap. As many of you have guessed, we got the big sex talk. We were also told that they wouldn?t approve of us having sex and that we shouldn?t, but they knew that sometimes kids don?t do as they?re told. Then they really started stressing the practice of safe sex. I wasn?t hearing much of this. I just sat there numb, trying to survive this asswhipping. Then, out of nowhere, her mom asks, ?Have you two already had sex?? That shocked the hell out of me. I looked up at her mom, who had this goofy ass grin on her face, with what must have been a shocked look. She winked at me and I?m thinking, ?WTF, why did her mom just wink at me? Is she about to spill my beans?? My face starts burning and I?m getting hot as hell with sweat starting to form on my forehead. I turn and look at my gf, who is already looking at me, and I just give her a dumbfounded look because I can?t lie worth a sh!t and I don?t want to tell them I?ve been banging their daughter. My gf comes to the rescue and says we haven?t had sex. Whew, what a freaking relief. I?ll have to give her a ?thank you bang? for that. The parents start going through all the ?that?s good? and ?you two have made the right decision? bit while I?m recovering from my near aneurism. The talk starts wrapping up at this point and my family is invited up to their restaurant on Thursday (yesterday) for dinner so that they can meet my mom and crap. My dad says that we?ll try to make it and will get back to them.

Dad and I go back home. He starts in on me about how I?ve been acting strange lately and why would we be invited over to have a discussion like that and asks me what?s going on. I told him nothing?s going on. He said, ?Don?t lie to me, I know something?s happened and I want you to tell me what the hell is going on.? There was no way in hell I was gonna tell him I caught spanking it at their house, so I told him that I?d been having sex with my gf. He was quiet for a while and asked if we?d protected ourselves when we did this and I told him yes. He told me he didn?t approve and that sex is a special thing you share with someone else and it should be treated as something very special and not done on a whim and all that crap, but he looked like he was proud on the inside. I told him I wouldn?t do it anymore, but I don?t think he believed me. I asked him not to tell mom what all went on today and what I just told him. He said he wouldn?t volunteer the info, but he wouldn?t lie to her if asked. I suppose that was the best I could hope for.

Fast forward to yesterday. We ended up going to the restaurant for dinner and the parents did all the nice greeting crap that people do. I was still worried that my spanking it or the sex talk from Saturday was going to come up in conversation, but it didn?t happen to my knowledge. I?d been sweating this dinner all week. Turns out I had nothing to worry about. What sucks is that I?ll probably continue to be nervous any time our parents get together. I have a feeling that will happen fairly often now.


Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: gigapet
i think you'll be fine. Her mom is probably gonna tell you two to be safe if you are having sex.

this was quite an anticlimactic ending for me as I predicted this outcome 8 days ago. 8 days ago.


Jan 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Preyhunter
I went to my gf?s house this morning, which is not an unusual thing since it?s summer and I?m not gonna spend it ALL on AT. We?re past the stage where we feel like we have to impress each other all the time, so I didn?t really do anything special to get ready to go over there. No Halo 2 shirt, no jelled eyebrows, no cinnamon Altoids breath strips, just a Hilfiger golf shirt, Hilfiger khaki shorts, Hilfiger boxer briefs (grey), Doc Marten sandals, and an Oakland A?s cap worn backwards that I bought from a Hot Deals post a while back (it didn?t really go with the shirt or shorts, but it?s cool!). Anyway, I get over there and ring the bell. Her mom answers the door and lets me in, asks how I?m doing, blah blah blah. She likes me cuz I?m a ?good kid?. I don?t know what it is, but all of my friends? moms like me. I guess that?s a good thing. They just don?t know about all the stupid crap we do when they?re not around. She tells me that her daughter is up in her room, so I head up there. I already know that there won?t be any booty call going on with her mom there, but that?s alright.

I get to my gf?s room and she?s on the computer with chick magazines on the bed and listening to an Evanescence cd. I plop down on her bed and we just started chatting about stuff. I couldn?t really tell you what all we talked about cuz it?s just one of those things that you do when you?ve been with someone for as long as we?ve been together. As we chatted, I was thumbing through the magazines on the bed and she was going back and forth between chatting with me and messing around on the computer. Now, I?m not exactly sure if it was the pics of Jessica Simpson in the magazine, the lead singer chick?s voice from Evanescence, being in my gf?s bedroom where ?fun stuff? has happened, or a little bit of all of the above, but I started getting horny. It was weird?I went right past twitch to full on pitching tent. It was great cuz of the feeling it gave me, like a high, but it sucked at the same time cuz I knew nothing would be going on with her mom home. I had this feeling that something needed to be done and the feeling wouldn?t go away. Well, I decided I needed to do what any young red blooded American male would do?

I rolled up the magazine and got up off the bed, holding the magazine down by my leg and told my gf that I had to head off to the bathroom for a minute. Her back was kinda turned to me and she couldn?t see me. She said ok and I headed off to the bathroom. When I got there I prepared as if I was gonna take a crap.

So there I was, ready to take care of the work at hand, armed with a magazine full of chicks, a vivid imagination, and a stiffy. I thumbed through the magazine until I found some good pictures and started doing my business. I?m not ashamed, I?m pretty sure all guys do it (I just wouldn?t do it in front of others). So I?m doing my thing and all of a sudden the door opens. OMFG! It?s her MOM!!!!!!!1!111111!1!!one1!! There I am, drawers around my ankles, our eyes are locked and I have a Cosmo in one hand and my weenie in the other. I don?t know what to do. I?m scared and so embarrassed I?m ready to hop into the toilet and flush myself. I think she realized what was going on cuz she turned really red and turned her head really fast, said sorry and left room. I didn?t know what to do. The moment of truth had come and I froze like a deer in the headlights. Needless to say, I didn?t finish my business. I got myself together and went back to my gf?s room. I told my gf that I?d forgotten to do some of my chores and I had to get back home and get them done and that I would call her later. I got out of her house without running into her mom, so that was a relief.

What the hell do I do now? Her mom probably thinks I?m a freak now. What if she tells my gf, what do I do then? I don?t know what to do. I sure as hell don?t want to face her mom ever again, but I?ll probably never get to see her anymore cuz her mom probably won?t let her come over to ?the freak?s? house. This really sucks. Has anyone else been through this? If so, how did you work it out? I haven?t called my gf yet because I?m scared that her mom?s already told her about it. I wish I could start this whole day over.

1. Went to gf?s house.
2. Got horny.
3. Manually ?taking care of business? at gf?s house.
4. Gf?s mom walks in.
5. I leave immediately.
6. Scared and embarrassed as hell now.
7. ???
8. Profit?

Update 6/15/05

I called my gf and she told me that her mom wanted to talk to us tomorrow. I asked her if she knew what it was about and she said no, just that her mom told her that she saw something today that reminded her of something that she had been wanting to talk to us about. I asked if that was all she said and she said yes. This sucks, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with what happened this morning, but I don't know what she's gonna say. I'm supposed to go over there tomorrow morning. I don't want to go. I'm thinking about breaking up with the gf so I don't have to face her mom. I've got this funny feeling in my stomach that is killing my appetite and I feel like I want to puke. I think that if I show up at her house tomorrow, I'll feel dirty and probably will puke.

Update #2 6/16/05
Well, I've decided to bite the bullet and go meet with the gf and the mom. I still don't know what she's gonna say. I hope it isn't too bad or too embarrassing. I DEFINITELY hope she doesn't mention our little "run-in" yesterday. Any last minute suggestions on what I should wear?

Wish me luck!

Non Update 6/20/05
I don't want to talk about what happened right now. I'm not sure it's even finished yet. Nothing to see here.

Mini Update 6/21/05
I'm not giving any further details until I know this comes to a positive conclusion. If and when that happens, I'll spill it. Until then, just know that my dad now knows I've been hitting it.

Big Update 6/24/05
As I posted in update #2, I decided to meet with the gf and her mom, so I went to their house on the 16th. Nothing actually happened that day. The mom told us that she wanted to talk to us about something, but she wasn?t going to do it by herself because she didn?t think it was appropriate to go over this subject with us without having one of my parents there. At this point I was thinking, ?Oh sh!t, this is really gonna suck.? She asked me if I would ask one of my parents to attend a lunch at their house on Saturday and I said I?d ask and see what they say. I really didn?t want to do this and was kicking myself for showing up to their house in the first place. My first instinct was to not go and I was now wishing I had followed that instinct. After that I went home.

That evening, I asked my dad what he was doing Saturday afternoon. He said he didn?t quite know yet, so I asked him if he?d do me a favor and go to my gf?s house for lunch with me. I told him that he?d been invited because her parents wanted to meet at least one of my parents since I was seeing their daughter. I wasn?t about to ask my mom because I still thought we?d be talking about what had happened in the bathroom and there was no way I wanted to talk about that in front of my mom. It was bad enough that it was a mom that walked in on me. He looked at me kinda funny and started asking me questions about why and what had I done. I?m not a good liar and he could probably tell that something had been wrong lately, but I just told him that they wanted to meet my parents. I told him that I already knew that mom had plans to work in the yard so I was asking him to go with me and that it would be important to me that he go. He still looked at me like I was crazy, but agreed to go.

I called my gf on Friday and told her that my dad had agreed to go to their house with me and asked her if she knew what the hell was going on. She told me that she had been asking her mom, but her mom wouldn?t say, only that it wasn?t something that she needed to worry about.

Lunchtime Saturday rolls around too soon. My dad and I head over to my gf?s house. Her mom answers the door with a big ass smile on her face and goes through the whole nice to meet you bit with my dad as we walk in. Her dad was there as well. Great, this is getting worse by the second. We do the whole small talk thing and eat lunch. When we finished, all of us went into the den and sat down. Her mom then starts with the reason why everyone is there. My dad looks at me and gives me this ?I knew you screwed something up? look. She said that it was only appropriate for everyone that is there to be there so that no toes are stepped on and everyone is on the same page or some crap. As many of you have guessed, we got the big sex talk. We were also told that they wouldn?t approve of us having sex and that we shouldn?t, but they knew that sometimes kids don?t do as they?re told. Then they really started stressing the practice of safe sex. I wasn?t hearing much of this. I just sat there numb, trying to survive this asswhipping. Then, out of nowhere, her mom asks, ?Have you two already had sex?? That shocked the hell out of me. I looked up at her mom, who had this goofy ass grin on her face, with what must have been a shocked look. She winked at me and I?m thinking, ?WTF, why did her mom just wink at me? Is she about to spill my beans?? My face starts burning and I?m getting hot as hell with sweat starting to form on my forehead. I turn and look at my gf, who is already looking at me, and I just give her a dumbfounded look because I can?t lie worth a sh!t and I don?t want to tell them I?ve been banging their daughter. My gf comes to the rescue and says we haven?t had sex. Whew, what a freaking relief. I?ll have to give her a ?thank you bang? for that. The parents start going through all the ?that?s good? and ?you two have made the right decision? bit while I?m recovering from my near aneurism. The talk starts wrapping up at this point and my family is invited up to their restaurant on Thursday (yesterday) for dinner so that they can meet my mom and crap. My dad says that we?ll try to make it and will get back to them.

Dad and I go back home. He starts in on me about how I?ve been acting strange lately and why would we be invited over to have a discussion like that and asks me what?s going on. I told him nothing?s going on. He said, ?Don?t lie to me, I know something?s happened and I want you to tell me what the hell is going on.? There was no way in hell I was gonna tell him I caught spanking it at their house, so I told him that I?d been having sex with my gf. He was quiet for a while and asked if we?d protected ourselves when we did this and I told him yes. He told me he didn?t approve and that sex is a special thing you share with someone else and it should be treated as something very special and not done on a whim and all that crap, but he looked like he was proud on the inside. I told him I wouldn?t do it anymore, but I don?t think he believed me. I asked him not to tell mom what all went on today and what I just told him. He said he wouldn?t volunteer the info, but he wouldn?t lie to her if asked. I suppose that was the best I could hope for.

Fast forward to yesterday. We ended up going to the restaurant for dinner and the parents did all the nice greeting crap that people do. I was still worried that my spanking it or the sex talk from Saturday was going to come up in conversation, but it didn?t happen to my knowledge. I?d been sweating this dinner all week. Turns out I had nothing to worry about. What sucks is that I?ll probably continue to be nervous any time our parents get together. I have a feeling that will happen fairly often now.

I have the personality where I play on uncomfortable situations like that. When asked if you had sex, I would have said point blank- "Only anal, and she blew me a few times," then walked into the kitchen for a Pepsi


Mar 18, 2000
If you end up marrying this chick.. Just let it be known that this story WILL come out during rehearsal dinner or during the best man speech.




Apr 1, 2001
wow, that was a lot of text. How old are you? I'm sure it's been said but there's no way in hell I'm reading all 7 pages


Senior member
Oct 28, 2000
I would've sooner told my dad that her mom caught me wacking off than tell him I'm having sex with my gf.

(Of course, I'm assuming you're underage)


Jan 29, 2005
Originally posted by: Fritzo
Originally posted by: Preyhunter
I went to my gf?s house this morning, which is not an unusual thing since it?s summer and I?m not gonna spend it ALL on AT. We?re past the stage where we feel like we have to impress each other all the time, so I didn?t really do anything special to get ready to go over there. No Halo 2 shirt, no jelled eyebrows, no cinnamon Altoids breath strips, just a Hilfiger golf shirt, Hilfiger khaki shorts, Hilfiger boxer briefs (grey), Doc Marten sandals, and an Oakland A?s cap worn backwards that I bought from a Hot Deals post a while back (it didn?t really go with the shirt or shorts, but it?s cool!). Anyway, I get over there and ring the bell. Her mom answers the door and lets me in, asks how I?m doing, blah blah blah. She likes me cuz I?m a ?good kid?. I don?t know what it is, but all of my friends? moms like me. I guess that?s a good thing. They just don?t know about all the stupid crap we do when they?re not around. She tells me that her daughter is up in her room, so I head up there. I already know that there won?t be any booty call going on with her mom there, but that?s alright.

I get to my gf?s room and she?s on the computer with chick magazines on the bed and listening to an Evanescence cd. I plop down on her bed and we just started chatting about stuff. I couldn?t really tell you what all we talked about cuz it?s just one of those things that you do when you?ve been with someone for as long as we?ve been together. As we chatted, I was thumbing through the magazines on the bed and she was going back and forth between chatting with me and messing around on the computer. Now, I?m not exactly sure if it was the pics of Jessica Simpson in the magazine, the lead singer chick?s voice from Evanescence, being in my gf?s bedroom where ?fun stuff? has happened, or a little bit of all of the above, but I started getting horny. It was weird?I went right past twitch to full on pitching tent. It was great cuz of the feeling it gave me, like a high, but it sucked at the same time cuz I knew nothing would be going on with her mom home. I had this feeling that something needed to be done and the feeling wouldn?t go away. Well, I decided I needed to do what any young red blooded American male would do?

I rolled up the magazine and got up off the bed, holding the magazine down by my leg and told my gf that I had to head off to the bathroom for a minute. Her back was kinda turned to me and she couldn?t see me. She said ok and I headed off to the bathroom. When I got there I prepared as if I was gonna take a crap.

So there I was, ready to take care of the work at hand, armed with a magazine full of chicks, a vivid imagination, and a stiffy. I thumbed through the magazine until I found some good pictures and started doing my business. I?m not ashamed, I?m pretty sure all guys do it (I just wouldn?t do it in front of others). So I?m doing my thing and all of a sudden the door opens. OMFG! It?s her MOM!!!!!!!1!111111!1!!one1!! There I am, drawers around my ankles, our eyes are locked and I have a Cosmo in one hand and my weenie in the other. I don?t know what to do. I?m scared and so embarrassed I?m ready to hop into the toilet and flush myself. I think she realized what was going on cuz she turned really red and turned her head really fast, said sorry and left room. I didn?t know what to do. The moment of truth had come and I froze like a deer in the headlights. Needless to say, I didn?t finish my business. I got myself together and went back to my gf?s room. I told my gf that I?d forgotten to do some of my chores and I had to get back home and get them done and that I would call her later. I got out of her house without running into her mom, so that was a relief.

What the hell do I do now? Her mom probably thinks I?m a freak now. What if she tells my gf, what do I do then? I don?t know what to do. I sure as hell don?t want to face her mom ever again, but I?ll probably never get to see her anymore cuz her mom probably won?t let her come over to ?the freak?s? house. This really sucks. Has anyone else been through this? If so, how did you work it out? I haven?t called my gf yet because I?m scared that her mom?s already told her about it. I wish I could start this whole day over.

1. Went to gf?s house.
2. Got horny.
3. Manually ?taking care of business? at gf?s house.
4. Gf?s mom walks in.
5. I leave immediately.
6. Scared and embarrassed as hell now.
7. ???
8. Profit?

Update 6/15/05

I called my gf and she told me that her mom wanted to talk to us tomorrow. I asked her if she knew what it was about and she said no, just that her mom told her that she saw something today that reminded her of something that she had been wanting to talk to us about. I asked if that was all she said and she said yes. This sucks, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with what happened this morning, but I don't know what she's gonna say. I'm supposed to go over there tomorrow morning. I don't want to go. I'm thinking about breaking up with the gf so I don't have to face her mom. I've got this funny feeling in my stomach that is killing my appetite and I feel like I want to puke. I think that if I show up at her house tomorrow, I'll feel dirty and probably will puke.

Update #2 6/16/05
Well, I've decided to bite the bullet and go meet with the gf and the mom. I still don't know what she's gonna say. I hope it isn't too bad or too embarrassing. I DEFINITELY hope she doesn't mention our little "run-in" yesterday. Any last minute suggestions on what I should wear?

Wish me luck!

Non Update 6/20/05
I don't want to talk about what happened right now. I'm not sure it's even finished yet. Nothing to see here.

Mini Update 6/21/05
I'm not giving any further details until I know this comes to a positive conclusion. If and when that happens, I'll spill it. Until then, just know that my dad now knows I've been hitting it.

Big Update 6/24/05
As I posted in update #2, I decided to meet with the gf and her mom, so I went to their house on the 16th. Nothing actually happened that day. The mom told us that she wanted to talk to us about something, but she wasn?t going to do it by herself because she didn?t think it was appropriate to go over this subject with us without having one of my parents there. At this point I was thinking, ?Oh sh!t, this is really gonna suck.? She asked me if I would ask one of my parents to attend a lunch at their house on Saturday and I said I?d ask and see what they say. I really didn?t want to do this and was kicking myself for showing up to their house in the first place. My first instinct was to not go and I was now wishing I had followed that instinct. After that I went home.

That evening, I asked my dad what he was doing Saturday afternoon. He said he didn?t quite know yet, so I asked him if he?d do me a favor and go to my gf?s house for lunch with me. I told him that he?d been invited because her parents wanted to meet at least one of my parents since I was seeing their daughter. I wasn?t about to ask my mom because I still thought we?d be talking about what had happened in the bathroom and there was no way I wanted to talk about that in front of my mom. It was bad enough that it was a mom that walked in on me. He looked at me kinda funny and started asking me questions about why and what had I done. I?m not a good liar and he could probably tell that something had been wrong lately, but I just told him that they wanted to meet my parents. I told him that I already knew that mom had plans to work in the yard so I was asking him to go with me and that it would be important to me that he go. He still looked at me like I was crazy, but agreed to go.

I called my gf on Friday and told her that my dad had agreed to go to their house with me and asked her if she knew what the hell was going on. She told me that she had been asking her mom, but her mom wouldn?t say, only that it wasn?t something that she needed to worry about.

Lunchtime Saturday rolls around too soon. My dad and I head over to my gf?s house. Her mom answers the door with a big ass smile on her face and goes through the whole nice to meet you bit with my dad as we walk in. Her dad was there as well. Great, this is getting worse by the second. We do the whole small talk thing and eat lunch. When we finished, all of us went into the den and sat down. Her mom then starts with the reason why everyone is there. My dad looks at me and gives me this ?I knew you screwed something up? look. She said that it was only appropriate for everyone that is there to be there so that no toes are stepped on and everyone is on the same page or some crap. As many of you have guessed, we got the big sex talk. We were also told that they wouldn?t approve of us having sex and that we shouldn?t, but they knew that sometimes kids don?t do as they?re told. Then they really started stressing the practice of safe sex. I wasn?t hearing much of this. I just sat there numb, trying to survive this asswhipping. Then, out of nowhere, her mom asks, ?Have you two already had sex?? That shocked the hell out of me. I looked up at her mom, who had this goofy ass grin on her face, with what must have been a shocked look. She winked at me and I?m thinking, ?WTF, why did her mom just wink at me? Is she about to spill my beans?? My face starts burning and I?m getting hot as hell with sweat starting to form on my forehead. I turn and look at my gf, who is already looking at me, and I just give her a dumbfounded look because I can?t lie worth a sh!t and I don?t want to tell them I?ve been banging their daughter. My gf comes to the rescue and says we haven?t had sex. Whew, what a freaking relief. I?ll have to give her a ?thank you bang? for that. The parents start going through all the ?that?s good? and ?you two have made the right decision? bit while I?m recovering from my near aneurism. The talk starts wrapping up at this point and my family is invited up to their restaurant on Thursday (yesterday) for dinner so that they can meet my mom and crap. My dad says that we?ll try to make it and will get back to them.

Dad and I go back home. He starts in on me about how I?ve been acting strange lately and why would we be invited over to have a discussion like that and asks me what?s going on. I told him nothing?s going on. He said, ?Don?t lie to me, I know something?s happened and I want you to tell me what the hell is going on.? There was no way in hell I was gonna tell him I caught spanking it at their house, so I told him that I?d been having sex with my gf. He was quiet for a while and asked if we?d protected ourselves when we did this and I told him yes. He told me he didn?t approve and that sex is a special thing you share with someone else and it should be treated as something very special and not done on a whim and all that crap, but he looked like he was proud on the inside. I told him I wouldn?t do it anymore, but I don?t think he believed me. I asked him not to tell mom what all went on today and what I just told him. He said he wouldn?t volunteer the info, but he wouldn?t lie to her if asked. I suppose that was the best I could hope for.

Fast forward to yesterday. We ended up going to the restaurant for dinner and the parents did all the nice greeting crap that people do. I was still worried that my spanking it or the sex talk from Saturday was going to come up in conversation, but it didn?t happen to my knowledge. I?d been sweating this dinner all week. Turns out I had nothing to worry about. What sucks is that I?ll probably continue to be nervous any time our parents get together. I have a feeling that will happen fairly often now.

I have the personality where I play on uncomfortable situations like that. When asked if you had sex, I would have said point blank- "Only anal, and she blew me a few times," then walked into the kitchen for a Pepsi

Pepsi, ew.. a teaspoon of that would make me go limp.

Originally posted by: hevnsnt
If you end up marrying this chick.. Just let it be known that this story WILL come out during rehearsal dinner or during the best man speech.


very true!!


Jan 3, 2001
Originally posted by: BrokenVisage
Originally posted by: Fritzo
Originally posted by: Preyhunter

I have the personality where I play on uncomfortable situations like that. When asked if you had sex, I would have said point blank- "Only anal, and she blew me a few times," then walked into the kitchen for a Pepsi

Pepsi, ew.. a teaspoon of that would make me go limp.

Then sex wouldn't be an issue anymore, would it


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Aside from you being a retard, make a special note to:

a) masterbate in the privacy of your own home
b) if you can't wait, at least make sure the area is "secure".
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