YAGT: (seriously) Megan is not pregnant. Our engagement is over.

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Aug 4, 2000
1. 3yr engagement = you're a dumbass
2. why would someone cheat if they are happy? obviously she wasn't happy with you so you got cheated on by Pedro
3. if you are just as much of an idiot in real life like on these boards then I consider her lucky to get out of the relationship.


Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: fisher
wow, if you can't trust your mom not to cheat on you, who CAN you trust?

LOL. Oh man, there have been countless mom jokes in this thread and I haven't cracked a smile at any of them because they are so tired, but that one was good. 10/10.

Ok, Geekbabe made a very good point regarding the uncle.

Some people doubt his good intentions and say he's family and shouldn't have been meddling. I say fvck family. I *may* have bitten my tongue for my sister doing that, but probably not even her. (Although I absolutely could never see my sister doing something like, but thats not relevant here.)

A lot of my freakish uncles and cousins on my Dad's side are crazy fvcks who I would trust only as far as I could throw them. I'm not going to just look the other way on everything they do just because "they're family".

The Uncle probably had a bit of sympathy for Red here, knowing full well he was going to enter into a doomed marriage and inherit nothing but Megans credit card debt and scorn for all women after only a few short years. He, like I probably would have, felt it was his duty to act. I'm all for staying out of other people's affairs, but what happens if they have kids? Now innocent kids are introduced into this fvcked up equation.

I think the uncle just wanted to head this mess off at the pass. He had a choice to make. Not make waves and bite his tongue, or to do the stronger thing that he felt was right but very well may destroy his relationship with his neice, brother/sister and even Red. (Some people shoot the messenger in situations like this.)


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Alkaline5
Originally posted by: alkemyst

Bottom line though is either way the girl is not wrong for what she did. They weren't married and it sounded rocky to begin with. A lot of times one person is doing something the other person wants and they don't want to hurt any feelings. A lot of times this is due to guilt trips, but it doesn't have to be.

WTF, man? Bottom line is you're just speculating about what she did, too. Her family members and ex-fiance believe that she slept with this other guy and lied about it. In a serious, monogamous relationship that's wrong. If she wasn't happy in the relationship then she should have been honest about it.


First and foremost, I was not speculating anything. Saying we don't know what she really did is not speculation.

Now she is an ADULT, perhaps you are not one. As an ADULT our sexual sides are private. If her uncle had a problem with that then he should have talked to her privately about it, but he should not be expecting her to change because of his opinion. He sure as hell should not be telling others she is having sex here and there when he doesn't know what's going on.

If an ADULT wants to go out nightly and nail half the bar, it's their purogative. Perhaps it's embarrassing to the 'family' but they need to deal with that end of it.

If another family member has an ADULT staying with them they should know that sex goes along with that. I can see not having strangers over, but apparently she knew this guy no matter what his nationality was.


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2000
If another family member has an ADULT staying with them they should know that sex goes along with that. I can see not having strangers over, but apparently she knew this guy no matter what his nationality was.

Maybe in your house but there's no way this is appropriate in mine or a lot of other peoples I would guess. It's disrespectful.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: csaddict
If another family member has an ADULT staying with them they should know that sex goes along with that. I can see not having strangers over, but apparently she knew this guy no matter what his nationality was.

Maybe in your house but there's no way this is appropriate in mine or a lot of other peoples I would guess. It's disrespectful.

First off, how old are you and how many guests have you even had over your house?

If a dating couple is coming down on vacation, you best not offer them your spare room then and stick to CounterStrike if that is what the csaddict is. Adults like sex, they like it more on vacation since they can relax and 'do it' more often (pun intended). These adults should be respectful as far as not waking the neighbors, getting naked in the public areas of the house, etc...but in their room anything should go.

The disrespectful thing would be to offer couple a room and then lay down no-sex rules.

If you are a bible thumper or virgin I suspect all the sex just would make one jealous.

oh well.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2000
Originally posted by: alkemyst
Originally posted by: csaddict
If another family member has an ADULT staying with them they should know that sex goes along with that. I can see not having strangers over, but apparently she knew this guy no matter what his nationality was.

Maybe in your house but there's no way this is appropriate in mine or a lot of other peoples I would guess. It's disrespectful.

First off, how old are you and how many guests have you even had over your house?

If a dating couple is coming down on vacation, you best not offer them your spare room then and stick to CounterStrike if that is what the csaddict is. Adults like sex, they like it more on vacation since they can relax and 'do it' more often (pun intended). These adults should be respectful as far as not waking the neighbors, getting naked in the public areas of the house, etc...but in their room anything should go.

The disrespectful thing would be to offer couple a room and then lay down no-sex rules.

If you are a bible thumper or virgin I suspect all the sex just would make one jealous.

oh well.

There is a difference between a dating/married couple visiting and a girl bringing home someone, stranger or not. I personally wouldn't mind the first option, but would have issue with the second.


Platinum Member
May 4, 2002
I've been reading through some of the utter sh!t you've been spewing alkemyst, and I have to ask if you believe in loyality to one's family? Not the whole childish "I'll cover your butt while you do something stupid" kind, but the more mature kind that keeps you from pulling sh!t like that on your own family members. Engaged (let alone for three years) pretty much makes one family IMO, and you do not backstab or facilitate the backstabbing of other family members! Doing that kind of stuff to other people is one thing, but you should never, ever do it to your own!


Jul 26, 2003
Whoa, good luck Red. (now editing cuz i just read the other thread)

The first thing I think of is: WHY on earth are you thinking of getting married at 21? If she's pregnant, why does that matter? I do know of a college guy who got his HS gf preg, didn't get married, probably the best decision they ever made.

To me, it sounds like the missed period was a stress case. Uh, this is pretty common. And if it were true, she would have high-tailed it to the doctor to make sure. Her fling with the chest guy sounds like it was a last ditch attempt to assert her singledom (a la sex and the city) and at the same time, an extra check to make sure you're the one. The neg there is that she didn't bother to tell you about this even though she probably knew that someone else might tell you. Uh, don't worry at all about the 'you're not romantic' crap...trust me, that ain't it at all.

I sure hope you've already gotten the ring back. If I were your ex, I would have been very tempted to hawk the ring myself and pay off some of my own debt. If you don't mind leaving her an expensive gift, then don't bother if she's putting up a fight, she may be using it as an excuse to try to melt you with her teary puppy dog eyes.

You're probably best off getting away from this for a while - take a mini vacation (at least a weekend) and go hang out with your buds. It'll make getting over her much easier.


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2000
29yo married man with 2 kids. I have had a few adult couples stay at my place over the years. If they want to do it on vacation they can rent a hotel. There's no way it would be done in my house. As such I wouldn't even think of doing it if I were staying at their house. There are places to "do it" and my spare bedroom is not one of them. I'm all for having sex but just not in other peoples beds.

csaddict is for counter strike but I haven't played that in years. I would rather have the username Crucial but I thouight it was taken. I see now that it's not in use so I guess a PM to the mods is in order.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Wuffsunie
I've been reading through some of the utter sh!t you've been spewing alkemyst, and I have to ask if you believe in loyality to one's family? Not the whole childish "I'll cover your butt while you do something stupid" kind, but the more mature kind that keeps you from pulling sh!t like that on your own family members. Engaged (let alone for three years) pretty much makes one family IMO, and you do not backstab or facilitate the backstabbing of other family members! Doing that kind of stuff to other people is one thing, but you should never, ever do it to your own!

I don't think they were engaged three years, but regardless the discussion should have been between Megan and the uncle. Engaged doesn't = family.

You are basically saying it's ok to backstab a direct family member in order to save a possible one.....

please think.


Senior member
Jun 21, 2001
Originally posted by: alkemyst
As an ADULT our sexual sides are private. If her uncle had a problem with that then he should have talked to her privately about it, but he should not be expecting her to change because of his opinion. He sure as hell should not be telling others she is having sex here and there when he doesn't know what's going on.

If an ADULT wants to go out nightly and nail half the bar, it's their purogative. Perhaps it's embarrassing to the 'family' but they need to deal with that end of it.

Personal prerogative is not the issue. This is a free country and she can have all the random sex she likes (if, indeed she did). What makes it wrong is when you bring Red into the picture. If you don't believe in marriage or commitment then fine, but realize that most people do.

Now she is an ADULT, perhaps you are not one.
:roll: Oh, the irony.


Mar 18, 2003
Originally posted by: alkemyst
Originally posted by: Wuffsunie
I've been reading through some of the utter sh!t you've been spewing alkemyst, and I have to ask if you believe in loyality to one's family? Not the whole childish "I'll cover your butt while you do something stupid" kind, but the more mature kind that keeps you from pulling sh!t like that on your own family members. Engaged (let alone for three years) pretty much makes one family IMO, and you do not backstab or facilitate the backstabbing of other family members! Doing that kind of stuff to other people is one thing, but you should never, ever do it to your own!

I don't think they were engaged three years, but regardless the discussion should have been between Megan and the uncle. Engaged doesn't = family.

You are basically saying it's ok to backstab a direct family member in order to save a possible one.....

please think.

come on akemyst...think for a second

just because someone is your family member doesn't mean you have to support them when they do stupid crap.

for instance, if you had a brother who was a murderer, you wouldn't do anything about if you knew about it, just because he was a family member?

being family has nothing to do with right and wrong. doing the right thing is most important in this case.


Platinum Member
Feb 11, 2003
Demote her to booty call. Use plenty of protection. That way you won't get so jealous when she cheats on you in the future. She will again.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Rufio

come on akemyst...think for a second

just because someone is your family member doesn't mean you have to support them when they do stupid crap.

for instance, if you had a brother who was a murderer, you wouldn't do anything about if you knew about it, just because he was a family member?

being family has nothing to do with right and wrong. doing the right thing is most important in this case.

1) the family member has absolutely no idea what ACTUALLY happened, yet he is stating she was having sex and all this other crap.

2) someone having sex is a lot different than murdering someone. Still I would give my family member a chance to turn themselves in. I most definitely would not nail them for a murder rap unless I had total proof they did it.

3) No one said you had to support a family member, I just said it's a crappy deal to go blabbing to a boyfriend.

4) She is an unmarried adult, this should not be a big deal. If the other person can't handle it THEY need to walk.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: hysperion
Demote her to booty call. Use plenty of protection. That way you won't get so jealous when she cheats on you in the future. She will again.

I never understand what someone means when they say 'plenty of protection'

'double wrapping' leads to more problems than it solves....and if you are that worried about it, why would you hit it?

When someone starts talking about everyone of their partners has been 'tested' you can pretty much be sure they have been with about 1 person, probably 1 time ....

Testing is what you do once you are ready for a serious commited relationship (not necessarily monogamous, but all those within the group are staying within that tested group) once the condoms are discarded.

I have had a lot of partners fortunately no problems from them, I have known many with less but that caught STDs due to being stupid too many times. Sure some nights you're going to be unprepared and drunk / stoned enough to do whatever bareback....that's a good time for a 'test' that next regretful day .

When I go out (went out since I am married now) I would at the very least hit up the restroom vending machine in a pinch as most clubs have condoms....many valets (restroom, not the guy that parks your civic) have them on request as well and will slide you one if you have been tipping ...

Plus *a lot* of chicks that are into sex have them either in their purse or at home.

All you need is one wrapper to let willy run free.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: wkabel23
Originally posted by: SP33Demon

his mom turned out pregnant after all, he is not only the dad but the brother as well.

They will have the full story on VH1 True Lives "Muddin', Mexico, and Mommy - my downward spiral"

Seriously I think the OP has nothing to say as he is merely getting crucified here. Any comments would only added insult to his injury. I think once the initial BS emotions wore off him, he now is clear on what he needs to do...posting back in here is probably definitely not on that list.


Jun 13, 2000
Late, but i'll give my 2 cents... it's obvious she doesn't love you, not if she spent the entire time with her family and telling them all she didn't like about you. Sounds like she only wants to be with you because she has no other choice, and if you stay with her, you can bet she's going cheat on you again in the future.

Take the ring back, change your cell number, and just leave her alone. She has family, and she'll pick herself up eventually. It's not like being hit by a drunk in an accident... all her problems were the results of her own actions. Her own creditcard bills, her car payments, her unemployment, and now her relationship with you.
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