YAGT: (seriously) Megan is not pregnant. Our engagement is over.

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Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: Hardcore
Late, but i'll give my 2 cents... it's obvious she doesn't love you, not if she spent the entire time with her family and telling them all she didn't like about you. Sounds like she only wants to be with you because she has no other choice, and if you stay with her, you can bet she's going cheat on you again in the future.

Take the ring back, change your cell number, and just leave her alone. She has family, and she'll pick herself up eventually. It's not like being hit by a drunk in an accident... all her problems were the results of her own actions. Her own creditcard bills, her car payments, her unemployment, and now her relationship with you.

Yep, and I think the aunt & uncle that outed her deserve an award. They obviously have some morals, sounds like they feel she's a bad egg & they don't want to be guilty of an act of omission.

OMISSION, the nonperformance of some action; it is of concern to the moralist only when a person could and should do what he leaves undone. ...When there is an obligation to act, the failure to perform the required act can be due either to simple non-choice or to deliberate choice. ...It is due to deliberate choice when a person reaches an explicit decision to omit what he should do (St. Thomas Aquinas, ST 1a2ae, 71.5).


Senior member
Sep 1, 2001
Hi Alkemyst,

I placed "truth" in quotes because none of us were there. Just as you mention that there is the distinct possibility that nothing happened, there is also the possibility that something happened. Red's fiancee's uncle's hearsay anecdotal evidence(more suspicions) suggests to me that something did happen.
Of course she is innocent until proven guilty and what we know probably wouldnt cut it as evidence in a court of law, but this is ATOT and I would never look to the OT community for an impartial decision bound by constitutional law.
You on the other hand, are giving the other side her fair share which is something we should also do and keep in mind before we come out and flame her.

I too dont think she did anything wrong that merits eternal damnation, but I do think she could have at least ditched his ass and severed their romantic relationship before she purportedly explored life's other infinite possibilities[no offense, red ]. I mean, look what happened to the poor guy.

Heh, childish you say? That is true enough. Maybe in a year or two they'll both be more mature and able to talk again about the whole mess and laugh. Or maybe he'll still be a little bit scarred and not really want to have that sunday brunch with her to reminisce about the good old days. I would rather err on the cautious side and advise to him:
Later better than sooner.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Red
Originally posted by: minendo
Originally posted by: armatron
Sucks dude... good to hear that you're over it pretty quickly.. also good to hear that something like this didn't happen later on (after marriage)
They will be back together and engaged within the next 12 hours.

Not this time. She can tell me she is unsatisfied with me all day long and I think it could have been something we could work out, but she lied to my face and messed around. She cheated in her past relationships, 3 years ago, and know it makes me wonder if anything happened within the last 3 years with us. What's funny is she was ALWAYS like "Jason, if you ever even kiss a girl you're done. I hate liars."


Man, a friend of mine here married a girl awhile back who had cheated on a previous husband. My friend deploys to Saudi Arabia for the war for six months, and his wife fvcks around with some guy deployed here to Japan (who was also married, incidentally). Go to war, and your wife cheats on you -- classy!

Anyway, if she has a history, do NOT feel bad at all getting rid of her. Better now than when you're married because it can be so much uglier then. (They divorced in case you were wondering.)


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Sust
Hi Alkemyst,

I placed "truth" in quotes because none of us were there. Just as you mention that there is the distinct possibility that nothing happened, there is also the possibility that something happened. Red's fiancee's uncle's hearsay anecdotal evidence(more suspicions) suggests to me that something did happen.
Of course she is innocent until proven guilty and what we know probably wouldnt cut it as evidence in a court of law, but this is ATOT and I would never look to the OT community for an impartial decision bound by constitutional law.
You on the other hand, are giving the other side her fair share which is something we should also do and keep in mind before we come out and flame her.

I too dont think she did anything wrong that merits eternal damnation, but I do think she could have at least ditched his ass and severed their romantic relationship before she purportedly explored life's other infinite possibilities[no offense, red ]. I mean, look what happened to the poor guy.

Heh, childish you say? That is true enough. Maybe in a year or two they'll both be more mature and able to talk again about the whole mess and laugh. Or maybe he'll still be a little bit scarred and not really want to have that sunday brunch with her to reminisce about the good old days. I would rather err on the cautious side and advise to him:
Later better than sooner.

Your points are good. Many are looking at the vindictive revenge side of things.

well as far as anyone knows Megan was merely around guys in private. No one witnessed any sex...so to me it's BS to assume, and even if she did I do not see the problem. She wasn't married...it's between her and her fiance. She is an adult should she have decided to become a call girl, that's her business, not her uncle's, not her father's, just her's. Hell if she was married...it's her right to still change her mind. We'd all hope she discusses it first and waits for a divorce or whatever...but that's the breaks.

The basic point is, and all that matters, is the two of them have incompatible lives. No need to hate each other over it. Whatever she did she did to be happy, not hurt. That is what many overlook (yes sometimes it is directed at hurting, but still that person was made unhappy and that is the important part).


Golden Member
Feb 19, 2003
My guess is Red was putting up a front here saying how it didnt hurt him, how he is over her. In all actuality he is probably so torn up inside, I wouldnt be suprised if he put a bullet in his head.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: SethK28
My guess is Red was putting up a front here saying how it didnt hurt him, how he is over her. In all actuality he is probably so torn up inside, I wouldnt be suprised if he put a bullet in his head.

Good lord I hope not!

Do you have any understanding of how limited a text based mode of communication is and how harsh and unfeeling your post reads?

Of course he's hurting and of course he's trying to put a brave face on it,if he did otherwise he wouldn't be human.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2004
screw her. tell her to think before, not after. you look like a nice guy, young and oviously have some money (ie. 6000 dollar ring) you will find someone else!


Jul 18, 2000
I don't care who she is....no piece of pussy is worht killing yourself over....maybe I'm jus t drun,k....I am...but it's just a piece of tail...who the flip cares? He's young and can probabl.yl get himself some more ass whenever he wants....he's too freakin youtnf g to get all serious up in some girls shi anyway.....let her go and find another piece of ass....damn son likeve it up wihile 7you can...one day uou would bill be an older person and cvan thingk about sittling down...utnile thern just have fun....fcijuck people who try to settling e down sou young just dont know what it meant s to be in love anyway....wait a while and then find someone to settle down with....lifeis too shoort thsoto worry about this grabage right now.


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2000
Originally posted by: SethK28
My guess is Red was putting up a front here saying how it didnt hurt him, how he is over her. In all actuality he is probably so torn up inside, I wouldnt be suprised if he put a bullet in his head.

dude you're like the harbinger of optimism. rock on.


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2000
Originally posted by: shinerburke
I don't care who she is....no piece of pussy is worht killing yourself over....maybe I'm jus t drun,k....I am...but it's just a piece of tail...who the flip cares? He's young and can probabl.yl get himself some more ass whenever he wants....he's too freakin youtnf g to get all serious up in some girls shi anyway.....let her go and find another piece of ass....damn son likeve it up wihile 7you can...one day uou would bill be an older person and cvan thingk about sittling down...utnile thern just have fun....fcijuck people who try to settling e down sou young just dont know what it meant s to be in love anyway....wait a while and then find someone to settle down with....lifeis too shoort thsoto worry about this grabage right now.

you should post more when you're drunk. 10/10.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: fisher
Originally posted by: shinerburke
I don't care who she is....no piece of pussy is worht killing yourself over....maybe I'm jus t drun,k....I am...but it's just a piece of tail...who the flip cares? He's young and can probabl.yl get himself some more ass whenever he wants....he's too freakin youtnf g to get all serious up in some girls shi anyway.....let her go and find another piece of ass....damn son likeve it up wihile 7you can...one day uou would bill be an older person and cvan thingk about sittling down...utnile thern just have fun....fcijuck people who try to settling e down sou young just dont know what it meant s to be in love anyway....wait a while and then find someone to settle down with....lifeis too shoort thsoto worry about this grabage right now.

you should post more when you're drunk. 10/10.

drunk enough to avoid the profanity filters as while....hollywood is hiring don't wait, run to the nearest audition


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 1999
Funny I was talking to this woman about two months ago who was writing some sort of book on relationships and told me that it used to be that the majority of the cheaters were men, but that now it's mainly women that are, and men are the ones that want to be faithful and settle with one woman.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: spamsk8r
She looks like a bitch in those pictures. You did good kicking her to the curb, you don't need no gold-digging whores.

Is the double negative some kind of secret hint that he actually does need a gold-digging whore?


Dec 21, 2000
Realtionships should be built on solid foundation of trust. In a category far greater than a 'best buddy"...always got your back thing. Someone you would give your Life for. That kind of partnership. You looked her straight in the eyes (multiple times) to request the truth, and she showed you the worth of the 3 years together and everything you've been though....by lying. You deserve a better partner. This girl sounds immuture and not even ready for a serious relationship, let alone marriage. Maybe some day, maybe never. Whether you may want to check in with her in 5 or 10 years, is up to you.

You are a good looking guy (no am not gay heh) and seem like a level headed good hearted person.....you will most definitely have many caring, compassionate, beautiful, loyal women to choose from in the future. A few of which will know the meaning and value of trust. And one of those JUST may be your Soul mate.

How do I know? I've been in a similar situation as you, years ago. And happy to report...Soul mate found. Now happier than I have ever been before. Did I miss the silly girl I almost married. yes. a little. sometimes. But not worth the heartache of waiting for her to grow up.

And most certaintly not worth missing out on the joy and happiness I have now. (together 15 years)


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Shelly21
Originally posted by: toant103
your still young. My gf left me after 4.5 years. Just before college graduation.

Your name isn't Scotty is it?


Scotty doesn't know that Fiona and me
Do it in my van every Sunday.
She tells him she's in church but she doesn't go
Still she's on her knees and Scotty doesn't know!

Oh Scotty doesn't know!
So Don't Tell Scotty!
Scotty doesn't know!
Scotty doesn't know!
So Don't Tell Scotty!

Fiona says she's out shopping,
But she's under me and I'm not stopping...

Because Scotty doesn't know!
Scotty doesn't know! (X3)
So don't tell Scotty!
Scotty doesn't know!

Don't tell Scotty!

I can't believe he's so trusting,
While I'm right behind you thrusting.
Fiona's got him on the phone,
And she's trying not to moan.
It's a three-way call and he knows nothing!

Scotty doesn't know!(X3)
So don't tell Scotty!
Scotty doesn't know!(X3)

We'll put on a show!
Everyone will go!
Scotty doesn't know!(x3)

The parkin lot
Why not? It's so cool when you're on top!
His front lawn in the snow
Life is so hard because Scotty doesn't know!

We did it on his birthday...

Scotty doesn't know!(X4)

Scotty doesn't know!
Scotty won't know!
Scotty doesn't know!
Scotty's gotta know!
Gotta tell Scotty!
Gotta tell him myself!
Scotty doesn't know! (X10)

[Chant] Scotty doesn't know! (x7)
[Chant] Scotty's gotta go!


Senior member
Dec 11, 2000
I agree w/ BlueFalcon... Red, you can't base a marriage on a relationship that already seems shaky. Just yesterday, my sister was telling me about some girlfriend of hers who was going to marriage counseling w/ her fiance BEFORE they were even married. WTF!

Trust me, when you DO find the right girl, there won't be any real 'effort' involved in maintaining the relationship. It will just work. While your situation is sad, consider yourself lucky that it happened before you tied the knot and/or had a child.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: SeTeS
who was going to marriage counseling w/ her fiance BEFORE they were even married. WTF!

Trust me, when you DO find the right girl, there won't be any real 'effort' involved in maintaining the relationship. It will just work. While your situation is sad, consider yourself lucky that it happened before you tied the knot and/or had a child.

By not understanding the value of marriage counseling pre-marriage, the rest of your post coud be discarded. It is perhaps one of the smartest things a couple can do.

However, I did read on and would have been correct in discarding it. No relationships *just work*. You will have fights and disagreements unless you are a sniveling, spineless person that caves in on everything. This usually only works short term before the other person gets bored or feels tyranical.


Senior member
Dec 11, 2000

well, perhaps my marriage is the exception rather than the rule then... my wife and I don't fight. Neither are we "sniveling, spineless person"s ... Fighting is just not part of the vocabulary of our relationship.

Re the counseling issue... the way I see it, if a couple is having enough problems to warrant counseling BEFORE getting married and especially before adding children into the mix, perhaps they should re-assess their compatability.
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