YAGT: Social Proof

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Jan 31, 2002
Originally posted by: werk
All I have to say is
...('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
.....\...\.......... ....·´


skywanker69, back the $%@! off the ladies, dumbass.

- M4H


Nov 5, 2001
So you're telling me you have no faith...

faith? I have faith, the question is: faith in what?

God never guaranteed that everyone would either get a girlfriend or a wife at some time in their life time. :roll:
A lot of people live life single. God doesnt promise blessings in everyone's life. That's why they are called 'blessings' when you get them.

So if he isnt going to promise them to me, I see no reason why its wrong for me to go out and try to make it happen.


Golden Member
Feb 13, 2003
Originally posted by: HotChic
Okay, advice from a Christian female here:

STOP PURSUING GIRLS! Seriously. Because you are so focused on "girls" as an objective, and not one girl because you're attracted to her, you're pretty much worthless as a bf. You seem like a loser because you don't have any other apparent object in life.

Get a life, some hobbies, some interests, some ministries, learn to HONESTLY focus on those things as your top priority, focus on God as your top priority, and you're going to be much more interesting to Christian girls. Make yourself somebody that people of all types like the hang out with and make friends with some females without wondering about dating them (I can tell that you're the type girls avoid because they know showing any friendship at all will lead to an uncomfortable period of you being interested in them regardless of their romantic interest level.)

Take a mental break from females, thinking about sex, thinking about relationships, and learn that there's a little more to life than that.

And this will rule over his hormones? HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA


Nov 5, 2001
I never said you were worthless to a girl because you're looking for a girlfriend. However, because you're focused on girls in general rather than your attraction to a specific girl, a specific girl is less likely to be attracted to you. You see, girls like feeling like they're special, that there's something unique about them that draws a worthwhile guy. As long as you're spamming the female population, as it were, with your overall interest in female company and attention, the girls you're interested in just feel like they're one of many that would be "good enough." And trust me, they can tell.

you see I dont think that I do have a general focus right now, or even if I do, that could be changed and I could be looking for the specific 'right' girl, while still spending all my time looking for girls. I'm willing to specify and not settle for any woman, but I still want to look harder and find her faster.

Absolutely. But a girl isn't going to see YOU as dateable unless you have other interests in life. You want to get to know a girl to see if she's dateable - what do you look for? Is she fun, does she do cool things, does she have a sense of humor, share your religious views, is she smart, educated, take care of her body? A girl is going to be looking for those qualities in you too, and you're only going to have those qualities to offer if you spend some serious time developing them. As it is, all your attention seems to be going into... girls. That's not going to impress a date very much

well fine then. Then I will just get enough interests so that I can attract girls towards me and my personality, but I could still look for girls while doing this. You can have interests AND look for girls at the same time you know. I have other interests right now, I just dont spend as much time on them. I dont think spending more time on my interests is a requirement for being able to attract a girl. If it was then I would just do the bare minimal, in order to be able to lure them.

think your desperation is showing here. You have this perception about what WILL happen, when in reality everything differs. You may need to date a lot, you may need to date once. What difference does it make? Just know what you're looking for in a mate

I think you understood me wrong. Yea, i know that it doesnt matter how many women you date before you find your wife. Heck, all I'm trying to say is that I'm not sure if I would even get 1 date with a girl if I tried YOUR strategy! It just seems so unlikely and near impossible to get into a relationship with someone 'by accident'. As in you hung out with her beforehand, with dating being the furthest thing from your mind. I just cant see that happening.

You've taken it a bit further than average, or even further than above average.

As for thinking less of a woman who thinks like you, don't think less but be wary. Any woman who thinks about men like you think about women is going to be a handful and VERY hard to keep a relationship with.

Maybe so, maybe I have taken it a bit 'too far' by cultural standards. Maybe I will have to look for a woman who is similar to me in this regard. be wary? I'm willing to take my chances with one of these women. Better than going to the grave without having touched a female in your lifetime.

Sorry, all women are like that, except for chronic flirts. Girls don't like being in the uncomfortable position of having a guy like them when they don't like him back. It necessitates turning the guy down at some point, or being mean to him until he stops liking them (from a normal girl's point of view). A chronic flirt won't care.

girls need to get some balls, grow up, and learn to turn men down once in awhile.

You'll have trouble (are having trouble?) attracting a female without having more to offer and interest her than just "I want to get a relationship and get laid." Sorry.

wow, girls hold incredibally high standards then. I guess I'll at least have to make it 'look' like I'm interested in other things then.

*shrugs* Suit yourself, but most guys will probably tell you they didn't get their mates by looking for one

i know my own personality very well, and believe me, If I release the reigns of control in my life, and leave it up to fate to determine my destiny, I doubt I will find a woman. I am an introvert at heart. I also just dont think that I am a type of guy that girls are attracted to. I wouldnt be suprised if only 1 girl was attracted to me during my entire lifetime. And how could I be certain, that that 1 girl was supposed to be the girl that I marry?

People who are able to attract more women, have a much better selection, and if they play their cards right, they will be able to have a much more fufilling marriage, than someone who only manages to half attract one woman.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
I don't get why you can't have non-christian friends? I mean I wouldn't advocate trying to hang out with people that burn puppies or something, but I really think you are limiting yourself by only wanting christian friends. Also, girls are girls are girls, some are crazy some are not, find you one that isn't one of the former and you'll be fine, but some girl that wont' go out with you because of the religious beliefs of your friends is NOT worth your time. You dont want someone that isn't tolerant of others. BTW I somewhat agree with Hotchic, don't chase girls just to be chasing girls, you'll meet a lot more if you're more chill about it, I'm not suggesting doing what a lot on these boards do though and stay away from a girl unless she comes up to you and professes her undying love for you (NOT gonna happen fellas, gotta grow a set its the only way) but just be yourself.

/edit don't listen to Hotchic, thought she was on the right path earlier, but this crap about waiting for the one is BS. You should date, and often, how else do you propose he MEET the one for him? Its just gonna show up on his doorstep one day and be like hey...yeah I'm the one for you. OP, Hotchic did have one thing right, girls like to feel like they are special, now this does NOT mean smother them with gifts and attention, what girls like more than feeling special (although it is tied to this to a degree) is feeling like they've accomplished something with you. 90% of the time when I first meet a girl I'm a jerk, I know what I'm doing is being a jerk, I don't like doing it, but it is necessary. Why? they can't get enough of it. You don't treat her any differently than anyone else and SHE is going to be showing interest in you, when that happens show her who you are. Now I'm not saying do this all of the time, I've met some really great girls that I just had to be a gentleman to all of the time. Its just a matter of feeling.


Golden Member
Sep 13, 2003

Stop worrying so much. Just hang out with people and you will meet plenty of girls.

In the meantime, if part of what you are after is the affection and companionship of a living creature, get a cat or some sort of pet. People need to feel loved and needed and a cat is excellent for that. Now if only my apartment building allowed pets

And chicks really like cute animals.

If I release the reigns of control in my life, and leave it up to fate to determine my destiny, I doubt I will find a woman. I am an introvert at heart. I also just dont think that I am a type of guy that girls are attracted to


Diamond Member
Apr 14, 2001
Great posts.

Why do you post looking for advise and then shoot down very good, very solid advice that many different people agree with? People are trying to help you but you argrue w/them because it's not what you want to hear. Either take people's advice or stop asking for it.



Nov 5, 2001
Props to you, HC, for taking the time to try and explain it to Skywalker...patience is a virtue. I don't understand why he isn't heeding advice of females. This is his #1223355679211 post on how to get a girl and he still won't hear what we have to say...personally I don't think it has anything to do with religion or waiting for the tide to roll in (whatever), and lots of inexperienced people also giving their 0.02. I think you hit the nail on the head when you suggested he develop other parts of his life (or lack, thereof).

So maybe I do ask a lot of questions that are different every time, but lead to the same main question, "how can i get a girl?"
and you guys and girls have basically given one answer: "get a life instead"

and I refuse to accept that answer, because I see people around me who ALWAYS are dating somebody. people who just are blessed in the relationships realm, and enjoying a part of life that I'm not experiencing.
I guess what this comes down to is that I want a different answer. I want to be told how to become one of those people, instead of being told: 'leave it up to the hands of fate'


Nov 5, 2001
Originally posted by: BD2003
The only people that go out and get women like that are players, of which you are not.

I'll decide what I want to be, thank you very much. And second off, you are wrong: for the guys that met their girlfriends not by accident, not all of them are players, and infact I can bet you that about at least half of them are not.

When people talk about meeting a girl by accident, they arent talking about storybook we bumped into each other on the street and lived happily ever after. Its more like there was this cute girl in my class and we got to talking....or one of my friends introduced me to this girl and....etc etc

No one is telling you to just wait until a girl falls into your lap, because she's not going to. They are telling you to bide your time and wait for the proper opporunity to pursue.

how are you supposed to know when the proper opportunity is to pursue? I could just be talking to some cute girl in my class, and you guys would probably be yelling at me saying that I'm desperate and trying too hard and obsessing about girls. How the hell do you draw a line?

You have to initiate at some point. At what point is initiating considered acceptable, and at what point is it considered desperate? Like name some social scenarios.


Jan 3, 2003
once again, Skywalker66 does a repost of a thread he's already made 1349236523 times before. It's not the fact that you have trouble meeting girls, or just plain old don't get it. It's the fact that you continually fail to take people's advice and then bash people who call you on your bullshit. THAT is what makes you a beautiful being

Here is proof that skywalker66 is a completely inept moron


Nov 5, 2001
I love the "I've received similar advice from a lot of Christian girls, and it seems like they are all brainwashed into giving me this message" part. Hmm, they couldn't possibly be saying it (nearly ALL of them, mind you) because they think it's true and it's what their experience tells them?

Christians arent supposed to 'worry' about their lifes needs, and 'silly' things like that. There's this propaganda going around that "God will find the one for you" and all that bullcrap going around. Don't act like that kind of message isnt going around, because it definately is. If you want to believe its true, then whatever I cant stop you, but just keep in mind that not every Christian 'common' view you hear is going to be true. (The Church can make mistakes too, and then people just pass that message on because they heard it from the Church or a trusted friend, and because it works for them.) Of course I could survive without a woman, I would just be quite unhappy. Maybe that would 'work' for me, but I want to try to do better than that, because I believe that I can.


Jul 31, 2001
Jeez man, join a youth group, that's all there is to it. And don't act moody all the time like the world owes you something, girls hate that. And are you overweight?


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2002
Originally posted by: skywalker66
I love the "I've received similar advice from a lot of Christian girls, and it seems like they are all brainwashed into giving me this message" part. Hmm, they couldn't possibly be saying it (nearly ALL of them, mind you) because they think it's true and it's what their experience tells them?

Christians arent supposed to 'worry' about their lifes needs, and 'silly' things like that. There's this propaganda going around that "God will find the one for you" and all that bullcrap going around. Don't act like that kind of message isnt going around, because it definately is. If you want to believe its true, then whatever I cant stop you, but just keep in mind that not every Christian 'common' view you hear is going to be true. (The Church can make mistakes too, and then people just pass that message on because they heard it from the Church or a trusted friend, and because it works for them.) Of course I could survive without a woman, I would just be quite unhappy. Maybe that would 'work' for me, but I want to try to do better than that, because I believe that I can.

I give up on you. I hope your failures with women continue, and you'll be removed from the gene pool.


Nov 5, 2001
Originally posted by: vshah
skywalker, seriously, listen to hotchic.

lemme tell you a little story about myself a year ago. i was 17, a virgin, had never had a girlfriend. i did have a strong, close group of buddies, but i think thats totally irrelevant.

i was pres. of a club in high school that fed homeless people in wash. DC over the weekend. through this, i met a female friend of a friend and started talking to her, purely as a friend. within a week of meeting her, i realized i had feelings greater than friendship for her, and from there, it basically took off. we're not dating anymore, the relationship lasted 3 months.

what i'm trying to say is that even if you don't actively try to find a girl, if you engross yourself in other things, it'll just make it that much easier to find someone you're compatible with. in my mind, compatibility and attraction are the two keys to a relationship.
you see, but at some point you eventually had to take initiative and ask her out, right? See, at what point is it considered okay to do that?

i don't know how old you are, but you're in college, so know that you have a while to go, and you will by no means die a virgin.

anyway, that concludes my rambling....


unfortunately a lot of people die virgins, and among those are a lot of people that seriously did not want to die virgins. How can you go on and guarantee that if I just sit back and take it easy, that I'm not going to be one of them? It seems like I should do everything I can in my power to prevent a tragedy like that from happening.


Jul 31, 2001
Originally posted by: RyanSengara
Originally posted by: skywalker66
I love the "I've received similar advice from a lot of Christian girls, and it seems like they are all brainwashed into giving me this message" part. Hmm, they couldn't possibly be saying it (nearly ALL of them, mind you) because they think it's true and it's what their experience tells them?

Christians arent supposed to 'worry' about their lifes needs, and 'silly' things like that. There's this propaganda going around that "God will find the one for you" and all that bullcrap going around. Don't act like that kind of message isnt going around, because it definately is. If you want to believe its true, then whatever I cant stop you, but just keep in mind that not every Christian 'common' view you hear is going to be true. (The Church can make mistakes too, and then people just pass that message on because they heard it from the Church or a trusted friend, and because it works for them.) Of course I could survive without a woman, I would just be quite unhappy. Maybe that would 'work' for me, but I want to try to do better than that, because I believe that I can.

I give up on you. I hope your failures with women continue, and you'll be removed from the gene pool.

Lol yeah, maybe this is a message from God that you weren't meant to reproduce.


Nov 5, 2001
Yep. Best way to meet girls you like is to do things you like, and run into girls who are there doing the same stuff you like doing!

Unfortunately I doubt I can find a girl who is into playing computer games. I know they exist but the ratio of them is far less than men, so getting a girl like that would be very hard to do.

I suppose I could always just change my hobbies, to ones that allow me to meet more people (girls in particular)

So much for the notion of being yourself, and just finding a girl on the side. (It looks like I will have to change my hobbies, thus who I am, just so I can meet a girl. wonderful.)


Jul 31, 2001
Originally posted by: skywalker66
Yep. Best way to meet girls you like is to do things you like, and run into girls who are there doing the same stuff you like doing!

Unfortunately I doubt I can find a girl who is into playing computer games. I know they exist but the ratio of them is far less than men, so getting a girl like that would be very hard to do.

I suppose I could always just change my hobbies, to ones that allow me to meet more people (girls in particular)

Jeez man , i like to play computer games too, but that hasn't stopped me from getting a girlfriend. If you go to a Christian college then there should be tons of little christian groups that get together and do stuff. Join one of those

By the way, no one said you have to change who you are, but you will definitely increase your chances of meeting girls. Sometimes girls just dont like certian aspects of you, if you're ok with that and move on, fine. BUt if you want to get them then you gotta improve on yourself, like not play video games all day long


Nov 5, 2001
Originally posted by: her209
Girls are like money. You have to already have some in order to get more.

lmao, this is so true and very sad yet at the same time. And this same rule applies to attracting any girls. Even the Christian ones. They fall prey to a guy they see, that other women already like.


Oct 9, 1999
I'll decide what I want to be, thank you very much. And second off, you are wrong: for the guys that met their girlfriends not by accident, not all of them are players, and infact I can bet you that about at least half of them are not.

Then youre a poser. Youre trying to be something youre not. You cant *decide* to be more confident or *decide* to be less desperate. You just have to be. And in my entire life, which is certainly longer than yours, no one I have ever met just picks up girls off the street, unless they are players.

how are you supposed to know when the proper opportunity is to pursue? I could just be talking to some cute girl in my class, and you guys would probably be yelling at me saying that I'm desperate and trying too hard and obsessing about girls. How the hell do you draw a line?

You have to initiate at some point. At what point is initiating considered acceptable, and at what point is it considered desperate? Like name some social scenarios.

When that time comes, you will know.

You know what your problem really is? Youre looking it the entirely wrong way.

Good baseball players are those who play a lot of baseball. Not physicists who can calculate the proper force and angle required to hit the ball at this exact trajectory. That is what you are trying to do by deciding to be "less desperate" or "more confident" or trying to pursue.

Stop thinking about it. Just be yourself. This is not science. There is no right way. You dont have to chase girls around, just dont be shy. As it stands now, there is not a single girl in the entire planet that would go out with you acting the way you do. Youre a vacuum of a human being.

And to top it all off, even though you dont want to hear it, girls WILL NOT solve all of your problems. They will create just as many as they solve.


Nov 5, 2001
1 thing: Youth Groups

My girlfriend constantly meets guys there, and it kinda bugs me.

1 thing: I'm 20 years old and out of highschool. There arent that many youth groups that have a place for fellers like me.


Jul 31, 2001
Originally posted by: skywalker66
1 thing: Youth Groups

My girlfriend constantly meets guys there, and it kinda bugs me.

1 thing: I'm 20 years old and out of highschool. There arent that many youth groups that have a place for fellers like me.

Aren't there college groups? The college I go to has tons of those


Senior member
Apr 5, 2004
Originally posted by: skywalker66
Props to you, HC, for taking the time to try and explain it to Skywalker...patience is a virtue. I don't understand why he isn't heeding advice of females. This is his #1223355679211 post on how to get a girl and he still won't hear what we have to say...personally I don't think it has anything to do with religion or waiting for the tide to roll in (whatever), and lots of inexperienced people also giving their 0.02. I think you hit the nail on the head when you suggested he develop other parts of his life (or lack, thereof).

So maybe I do ask a lot of questions that are different every time, but lead to the same main question, "how can i get a girl?"
and you guys and girls have basically given one answer: "get a life instead"

and I refuse to accept that answer, because I see people around me who ALWAYS are dating somebody. people who just are blessed in the relationships realm, and enjoying a part of life that I'm not experiencing.
I guess what this comes down to is that I want a different answer. I want to be told how to become one of those people, instead of being told: 'leave it up to the hands of fate'

ahhh..so you are the infamous skywalker...

Have you thought that these people are ALWAYS dating people because they get out there and they involve themselves in things they like doing, thus involving themselves with people who also have similar interests?

Maybe before totally rebuffing these ideas, heed the advice of all these people who seem to ALL believe the same thing--that you need to stop worrying about girls and start worrying about yourself (do things that make you happy and be with people that like doing the things you do). Then come back and post another YAGT thread if the advice doesn't work, if you must.

It just seems like the answer you want is some kind of a recipe to make you "attractive" or "appealing" to girls. "Two parts abs, one part dazzling smile, one part sparkly eyes, and a pinch of personality." It's just not that simple. Unless you want no brainer advice, such as decent eye contact, smiling, or being able to strike up a conversation or at least saying "hi." *shrugs*

btw, having a lot of dates or girlfriends doesn't always mean those relationships are fulfilling.

Alrite...i think i've just about rambled as much as i can stand for one day. Have a nice day.

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