YAJT: Possible to ask for reconsideration after getting rejected?

skim milk

Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2003
I was very interested in joining this particular company and after 3 rounds of interviews, right before the office visit, I got rejected. The reason was that they had trouble contacting me during the phone interview times and they think I wasn't taking it seriously or had much of an interest in joining that company.
This couldn't be any furher from the truth and when she told me that over the phone, I was speechless. All the hard work I put in to prepare for the interviews and how seriously I took each and every phone call that they didn't see. I really don't think they saw who I am and how serious I was to join that company. I didn't tell her this over the phone because the rejection came completely unexpected. Would it be worth a shot to give her a call and tell her my situation? What should I say? It doesn't sit well with me because they have the wrong image of me and how they think I'm "unprofessional". I am a very career-oriented and hard-working type of guy but I think they got the impression that I tried to wing all the phone interviews and didn't care much about them. I was more nervous if anything because I thought this was a real important and good opportunity for me.

This is what happened
First round interview: I was prepped and ready (let me remind you, I'm temporarily in NYC and finding a quiet outdoor place to interview is hard. I can't do phone interviews indoors, I come off better outside). I was waiting for the phone call and there's a problem with my phone in a 1 out of 5 chance that the phone will send the caller to my voicemail when I try to answer it. This is what happened. She called back and we interviewed.

2nd round: I was told to expect a phone call between 2-2:30 pm CST... He called me at 1:30 PM. I was on my way finding a quiet spot to interview. He left a voice message and he called me back later.

3rd round: I admit that this one was my mistake, because I thought the interview was at 5 PM EST. But it was actually 3PM CST, which makes it 4 PM EST. I remembered the time 4 PM but thought it was CST.

I did well on all of these interviews and tried my best to show enthusiasm and interest in the company because I was serious about it.

After the 3rd round, she called me when I was in class... it was 5:30 CST which means, I received that phone call at 6:30 PM. I was expecting an email but she never emails me, always calls and that made this situation even worse. I didn't answer it and she left a voice message saying "....I'd like to discuss how we can progress to the next step...". I'm not 100% sure but it sounded like I had made it to the final round based on the voice message she left me. I sent her an email thanking for the prompt response and that I will call her tomorrow. I called the next day in the afternoon, and that's when she gave me the bad news. I didn't have anything to say because I was shocked... looking back this really angers me. So that's where I stand, I had thoughts of calling her the rest of the day and through the night but I wasn't sure how to approach this situation. I know corporations tend to be hard headed once they make a decision and there's no room for reconsideration but I did well on all the interviews (I'm sure of that).


Apr 30, 2004
Look at it from their point of view...every single time they tried to call you, they couldn't reach you. What conclusions are they going to draw?

You can try giving them a call, but I doubt it would accomplish much.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001
It is unfortunate, but from what you've said you can't really fault the company either. They probably have a few candidates to choose from and every time they try to call you there's some kind of problem.

On the first interview call, they couldn't get ahold of you.

One the second interview call, they couldn't get ahold of you. Granted, they called a little bit early, but still.

On the third interview call, they couldn't get ahold of you because you forgot what time the interview was.

That's 3 strikes you're out.


Golden Member
Apr 19, 2004
I'm sorry for you, but you should look at it from their point of view. They need someone who's going to be dependable and available - not someone who needs to be outside in order to talk on the phone (I'm not trying to be harsh, just saying). Good luck though, I hope you find a job.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I hope this doesn't come across as too harsh, but I am being honest with you. If they say they rejected you because they had trouble getting in touch with you 3 out of 3 times, there's nothing you can do. You have no idea who the selected candidate was or that person's qualifications. You will be wasting your time to call them again. You made an impression on them and it wasn't good. You aren't going to be able to change that. They will only think you are a whiner. And more to the point, you have no justification to ask for reconsideration. Three times they tried to get in touch, three times they couldn't. Game over.

You aren't really justified in being angry with them. You made an impression that you weren't taking it seriously, and they are justified in coming to that conclusion based on what happened. You know that's not true, but you can't be angry with them for feeling like they do.

Now the positive side is that you can learn from this, and make sure it doesn't happen again the next time. You will do better the next time simply for having gone through the process. Everyone gets better the more interviews they do. You'll know that people sometimes call early, you'll take steps to make sure people don't get bounced to voicemail.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Walk away from this one but:

1) Buy a new phone
2) Pad the times they say
3) Use the scheduling features of your new phone

Viper GTS


May 27, 2002
Originally posted by: Viper GTS
Walk away from this one but:

1) Buy a new phone
2) Pad the times they say
3) Use the scheduling features of your new phone

Viper GTS

Learn to do phone interviews indoors. Conducting telephone interviews via cellphone is very unprofessional (especially if you know your phone is unreliable)... you could have made arrangements to use a private office with a real telephone.

You are not responsible enough to deserve that job at this point.


Apr 5, 2005
Originally posted by: sao123
Originally posted by: Viper GTS
Walk away from this one but:

1) Buy a new phone
2) Pad the times they say
3) Use the scheduling features of your new phone

Viper GTS

Learn to do phone interviews indoors. Conducting telephone interviews via cellphone is very unprofessional (especially if you know your phone is unreliable)... you could have made arrangements to use a private office with a real telephone.

You are not responsible enough to deserve that job at this point.

give the guy a break man... that's pretty harsh to say, the OP is probably in college, where the only phone he has is a cell phone. its tough to find a decent place to do a phone interview. I had to do all mine in my car back in the day with my cell phone because my roomates were loud monkeys. but anyways, it wouldn't hurt to try and contact them again. what are you going to lose?



No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: sao123
Originally posted by: Viper GTS
Walk away from this one but:

1) Buy a new phone
2) Pad the times they say
3) Use the scheduling features of your new phone

Viper GTS

Learn to do phone interviews indoors. Conducting telephone interviews via cellphone is very unprofessional (especially if you know your phone is unreliable)... you could have made arrangements to use a private office with a real telephone.

You are not responsible enough to deserve that job at this point.

you do realize that many many many many many people DO NOT HAVE A LANDLINE

i dont, i did my phone interview for the job i currently have on my cell while i was taking a shit in a restroom that was not in my house,

they called me over an hour early and i was out getting food, luckily it was a 1 seater

i say go for it, i mean what do you have to lose?

EDIT: also get a better phone


May 29, 2003
As much as it sucks you screwed up directly and indirectly but forgetting the time and having a crappy phone/service.

Can't fault them.

I'd not continue with you if I were them either.

You can always try and contact them back, at this point I don't see what it could hurt, but don't hold your breath.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
I'm with most of them. In not being "available" you've made yourself look like you weren't interested seriously enough to care and/or unreliable. Whether it's your phone's fault or not.

If you come back to them at this point, you're begging. Not sure how that would come off. Give it a shot, but don't try to explain yourself if you do. They'll probably just take it as you making excuses (whether or not you're being honest).


Oct 11, 1999
I really doubt they would reconsider at all. That is unfortunate but I think with what they've experienced so far, they would interpret it as making excuses.

But I think part of it is your fault too. You knew already that your phone was so unreliable, you should have figured something out well in advance. You probably could have avoided alot of that if you just spoke indoors.

And the final time, where she called at 6:30 PM... I would have just stepped out of class to answer. If not, I'd have called back right after class was over. Even though it seemed late, they might still be there, and a voicemail then at night would be better than the next morning.

So I guess in conclusion, I agree with lokiju... he was just a bit more concise.

Although, I think it is unprofessional of the company to call an entire hour earlier after having already scheduled the time. On all of my phone interviews but one, they called like the second the time changed on my phone to what they said at. They know you are in college and whatnot, so you schedule the interview around times you are not in class, so they should call then.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Having been in their shoes, I know for certain that I wouldn't give you the benefit of the doubt. I scheduled an interview for a Sys Admin position at 10AM, at 10:30 the candidate had not shown up, so I gave him a call to see if he was Ok, he answered the phone, clearly I'd awaken him and I ask him if he got the times mixed up, to which he replied "Oh yeah I think I did, can I call you back later?" When he called back at 2PM I told him that promptness and attention to detail are very important traits, especially in the IT field, and I wished him luck on his search. On the other hand, I've had candidates who really took the initiative, and while they might not have looked as great on paper, someone who is early to an interview and follows up a meeting with an email shows that they really do take things seriously and are looking forward to working hard. Given the option, I'll choose the person who might not look as great on paper, but demonstrates a hard working, professional attitude, over the perfect paper candidate who can't seem to be bothered to get out of bed to do me the favor of interviewing for the position. The way I see it though, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by contacting them, chances are they'll be intrigued that a candidate cares enough about the job to follow up with them. It might not get you the job, but it could get you another interview.


May 27, 2002
Originally posted by: Anubis
Originally posted by: sao123
Originally posted by: Viper GTS
Walk away from this one but:

1) Buy a new phone
2) Pad the times they say
3) Use the scheduling features of your new phone

Viper GTS

Learn to do phone interviews indoors. Conducting telephone interviews via cellphone is very unprofessional (especially if you know your phone is unreliable)... you could have made arrangements to use a private office with a real telephone.

You are not responsible enough to deserve that job at this point.

you do realize that many many many many many people DO NOT HAVE A LANDLINE

i dont, i did my phone interview for the job i currently have on my cell while i was taking a shit in a restroom that was not in my house,

they called me over an hour early and i was out getting food, luckily it was a 1 seater

i say go for it, i mean what do you have to lose?

EDIT: also get a better phone

Originally posted by: evident
Originally posted by: sao123
Originally posted by: Viper GTS
Walk away from this one but:

1) Buy a new phone
2) Pad the times they say
3) Use the scheduling features of your new phone

Viper GTS

Learn to do phone interviews indoors. Conducting telephone interviews via cellphone is very unprofessional (especially if you know your phone is unreliable)... you could have made arrangements to use a private office with a real telephone.

You are not responsible enough to deserve that job at this point.

give the guy a break man... that's pretty harsh to say, the OP is probably in college, where the only phone he has is a cell phone. its tough to find a decent place to do a phone interview. I had to do all mine in my car back in the day with my cell phone because my roomates were loud monkeys. but anyways, it wouldn't hurt to try and contact them again. what are you going to lose?

U guys are joking right? Whether he has his own landline is a non-issue.
He could use a friends/relatives/neighbors phone, a phone in a office at his current place of employment and or a phone in colleges career services, heck even a pay phone at pizza hut. Its a free call since the emplyoer is calling you.

However I doubt that is the problem... as lets reread what he wrote...
I'm temporarily in NYC and finding a quiet outdoor place to interview is hard. I can't do phone interviews indoors, I come off better outside

I stand by my comments.


Feb 8, 2001
You know those articles everyone has been reading lately about helicopter parenting and Generation whatever you call the damn 20 somethings today? This thread pretty much defines the generation.

OP has to be outside because he is "better" outside
OP uses a crappy cell phone and is never available
OP runs into real life
OP doesn't understand how he could possible not get what he wants
OP seeks to do an end run to see if he can still get the job

Here is how the real world works - especially in a competitive job market:

Many people send in resumes
Some people get to interview
One person gets the job

At each step a number of judgements are made to reduce the candidate pool. Some systematic, some arbitrary, some even discriminatory. The closer you get to the final decision, the more judgement comes into the equation.

In the judgement of the hiring manager, you were not available. The reason does not really matter any more as he las likely hired someone else.

Final point: If the OP is truly and seriously in love with this job, I would recommend writing a polite, eloquent and passionate letter to the hiring manager detailing his passion and committment for the job. Point out the unfortunate communication snafus without sounding like a whiny bitch and cross your fingers.

That's it.

chalk it up to a life lesson, bud...


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2004
Originally posted by: fritolays
This is what happened
First round interview: I was prepped and ready (let me remind you, I'm temporarily in NYC and finding a quiet outdoor place to interview is hard. I can't do phone interviews indoors, I come off better outside). I was waiting for the phone call and there's a problem with my phone in a 1 out of 5 chance that the phone will send the caller to my voicemail when I try to answer it. This is what happened. She called back and we interviewed.

Did you try eating an apple instead of going outside?


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
heck even a pay phone at pizza hut. Its a free call since the emplyoer is calling you.

wow, most retarded thing I've seen in this thread.

OP - sucks but you blew your chance. Get a better phone.


Feb 5, 2006
I wouldn't want to work for a b!tch who doesn't use email and calls me all the time.and then gives me a hard time if I don't pick up


May 27, 2002
Originally posted by: Ns1
heck even a pay phone at pizza hut. Its a free call since the emplyoer is calling you.

wow, most retarded thing I've seen in this thread.

OP - sucks but you blew your chance. Get a better phone.

Hey... when a job is on the line... u do what it takes... no matter what... no matter how stupid.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
Originally posted by: sao123
Originally posted by: Ns1
heck even a pay phone at pizza hut. Its a free call since the emplyoer is calling you.

wow, most retarded thing I've seen in this thread.

OP - sucks but you blew your chance. Get a better phone.

Hey... when a job is on the line... u do what it takes... no matter what... no matter how stupid.


"Hi, may I speak to fritolays?"
"Oh HIES, I've been waiting for your call"
"Oh, what's that in the background? It's a little noisy"
- If you'd like to finish your call, please insert 25 cents
"Please hold, I need to put some quarters into this thing"


Sep 14, 2003
If you knew your cell phone has that problem you should have made other arrangements. It looks unprofessional right from the get go to be sent to voicemail. Three times in a row? Forget it. I understand your position, but even if you can get them to understand your position, to them you will still look really green and unprofessional. It's going to be impossible to overcome their perception of you at this point. I think you're going to have to chalk this one up to a learning experience, unfortunately.
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