YAWoWT: Group horror stories


Senior member
Apr 19, 2004
Feel free to share any group horror stories from WoW.

One of the worst groups I was in was in a library run of Scarlet Monestary where I had a "female" druid that insisted on micromanaging all my actions (was a 35 priest). Would spam "HEAL ME" if she ever droped below 80% HP in bear form. God forbid she ever dropped below 60% and would revert to normal form (thus dropping all her tank defenses to try to chain cast heal upon herself and failing misarably) resulting in me blowing most of my mana doing flash heals an her now rapidly lowering HP bar.

The same druid kept telling me to shadow word pain on all mobs incomming while no one in the group had or used any taunts. She never used any of the taunt abilities bear form gave. I said no and she freaked. Told her that the other two would come for me since the combined damage and healing aggro and I would only pain the mob they were currently focused on. Fade tends to not work when you DoT and heal at the same time. Also when any mob did aggro'ed on me and fade did not work....no one in the group came to my rescue. They would complain on why wasn't I healing them when I had 2 mobs smacking on me continually interrupting my flash heals.

Later on when the group wiped, the hunter in the group flamed me that I did not cast a single heal on him even though I went to full mana to empty casting heals and logs stated I casted flash heal on him at least 5 times (he had 3 monks on him at the same time).

We did eventually did complete the library and was going to go on another library run when I finally got sick of them complaining about my heals and left the group. During the whole run, not a single one of them died. The only time when someone died was when the whole group wiped after I went OOM.

Heard the group imploded shortly after I left due to not being able to find another priest. You do not know how good something is until you do not have it anymore.


Oct 9, 1999
should have gained their confidence after that, taken them to a very very hard place and just left them there


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
A long time ago we were doing RFC. We were up on a ledge when a druid friend of mine started shooting the mobs on the lower level. He said something to the effect of "lol, we can take free shots from up here", shortly before half the instance came training into us.

I would have been pissed if it weren't so funny. We still give him sh!t about it whenever he screws up.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
I was in Sunken Temple last night and that place isn't really friendly to tanks item-wise. We go through the whole thing and kill the dragon and get nothing from it (except for me as a priest) and the war out of fustration rolls on both BOP items because "it was a waste of time". Man I love the karma mod to weed out these idiots.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
I was killed in Sunken Temple over the weekend - I am a 54 Druid - I was the only healer - we get through everything just fine - but twice I'm killed, once by a dragon, once by a mob of those little slave things, and on both occasions, I was the only person being attacked - the rest of the group was bickering about who needed what BoP items - the first one I let go, saying something to the effect of "how about not looting until all the enemies are dead?", but after the 2nd one I said "that was freaking ridiculous, good luck the rest of the way without a healer", and bailed - went back with my guildmates later that night, and although it took what seemed like forever, we did the entire instance, and I got a sweet upgrade for my gloves, pants, and boots - it was leather drop day apparently!


Mar 16, 2004
Don't really have any... only one I can think of is a war who rolled on a bop leather bp in my baby hunter's group, but we were all under lv 20, ie. it didn't really matter. I do have a few people on my ignore list for spamming though.


Nov 29, 2004
Originally posted by: torpid
What's RFC?

Ragefire Chasm? I think that is the name of the first instance for the Horde located in Origrimmar. Geez, I'm an Orc, but it has been so long since I've gone there, I forgot the name.

Since my guild is so small, and I have only one real-life friend that plays WoW, I've been forced to go in all instances with pick-up groups. The worst guy was a warlock in Wailing Caverns. He rolls and wins on the blue mace even though the others all passed to let me (shaman) have it. Then he openly complains that people should not loot until all mobs pulled are dead (that is correct), while being the worst offender. In fact when he said that, he had just looted a chest while the rest of us were fighting. When I called him on it, he said he had already sent in his voidwalker and cast a dot on the mob, so he was done. He ended up taking 4 out of the 5 chests we found and would have had the 5th except I saw it first and got there just before him (we weren't fighting anything at the moment). I would have tossed him, but we were so close finishing the instance, I didn't want to have to come back later to do it again.

BTW, do we want to bet how long it takes CVSiN to post "This is why I only group with friends or guildies." Unfortunately some of us aren't as lucky to be able to always do that.



Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
I wish Blizz wouldn't have made mage portals click-to-use.

I loved porting ninja-looters to Thunder Bluff ...


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Kuch
BTW, do we want to bet how long it takes CVSiN to post "This is why I only group with friends or guildies." Unfortunately some of us aren't as lucky to be able to always do that.
Doesn't take luck, takes the incentive to join a guild and/or make mature & likeminded friends in-game.


Nov 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Kuch
BTW, do we want to bet how long it takes CVSiN to post "This is why I only group with friends or guildies." Unfortunately some of us aren't as lucky to be able to always do that.
Doesn't take luck, takes the incentive to join a guild and/or make mature & likeminded friends in-game.

I'm at a level where just about everyone is in a guild. Guess what, there are still idiots out there, so joining a guild doesn't guarentee you anything. What you probably mean is to join a well run guild, but it isn't that easy to find one. I don't have the gumption (best word I could think of) to constantly ask different guilds to join until I find a great one (assuming they would take a new recruit). I do keep an extensive friends list of people I met through grouping who I thought were good, but they aren't always on at the same time, some have either levelled past me or fallen behind, and some just aren't prepared to go to the location you would like at the time you would like. Therefore, I tend to be mostly in pick-up groups. Some have a couple 'friends' in them, but even those will include a few pick-ups.

Maybe I just need to start interviewing guilds to find a good one, but with the good guilds, how often do they take a new recruit. To be a good guild they probably won't take a chance on you, and you're going to need someone in it to vouch for you.



Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
75% of the time my priest is the tank because my warrior friends in the group do not realize that healing them causes aggro and fade does not work all that well. They forget all about their taunt ability.


Mar 16, 2004
Well obviously I'm not suggesting you join <Pwr1337z uv Kal1md0r>, average level 23 But I think you'd definitely be pleasantly surprised with most higher level guilds. Now is a great time to get in without knowing people; the game's new and people are still levelling up. Decide what you want in a guild (ie. raiding, family-type, maturity, etc) and take note of the guilds people who display these traits are in. Chat a bit, ask about joining if it interests you. Alternatively you could take note of guilds which interest you and see if they have a website. Many guilds offer recruitment via the web.


Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
75% of the time my priest is the tank because my warrior friends in the group do not realize that healing them causes aggro and fade does not work all that well. They forget all about their taunt ability.

Let me ask about something related to this, because I haven't really heard both sides. I've seen a lot of priests and mages run around all over the place when they get attacked. I've seen others that just stand there and ask for help. Could someone run down the run around like a buffoon theory for me? Is the idea that it helps draw attention to you or what? I've always found it difficult because I can't easily get the enemy that is attacking the person targetted.

As for the above, I don't know if the same is true of shamans, or even if they can heal in the first place, but for the alliance it really is a crap shoot as to whether or not a paladin will heal you when you are about to die as a priest with no mana.


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: torpid
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
75% of the time my priest is the tank because my warrior friends in the group do not realize that healing them causes aggro and fade does not work all that well. They forget all about their taunt ability.

Let me ask about something related to this, because I haven't really heard both sides. I've seen a lot of priests and mages run around all over the place when they get attacked. I've seen others that just stand there and ask for help. Could someone run down the run around like a buffoon theory for me? Is the idea that it helps draw attention to you or what? I've always found it difficult because I can't easily get the enemy that is attacking the person targetted.

As for the above, I don't know if the same is true of shamans, or even if they can heal in the first place, but for the alliance it really is a crap shoot as to whether or not a paladin will heal you when you are about to die as a priest with no mana.
Shamans can heal decently, though not as well as druids or priests. I think about the upper limit of our heals, if the sole healer and specced for healing, is BRD. At higher levels I haven't come across any who don't realize it's their role in most groups, though I've heard a lot of stories about paladins - I'm guessing that since paladins have the reputation of being the most overpowered class and get a free mount to boot, 90% of "l33t d00dz" choose this class, thus you've seen the bad gameplay you're describing. I'm a 60shm btw.


Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Gurck
Shamans can heal decently, though not as well as druids or priests. I think about the upper limit of our heals, if the sole healer and specced for healing, is BRD. At higher levels I haven't come across any who don't realize it's their role in most groups, though I've heard a lot of stories about paladins - I'm guessing that since paladins have the reputation of being the most overpowered class and get a free mount to boot, 90% of "l33t d00dz" choose this class, thus you've seen the bad gameplay you're describing. I'm a 60shm btw.

Yeah, misplaying paladins are a problem. But lately I've been really shocked at how poorly people play hunter and druid. I don't know what's with hunters who don't understand their class. This weekend I ran into a bunch that would over nuke early, then switch to melee the rest of the fight and beg for heals. It's like they don't even know that disengage and feign death exist. After a while they usually end up just meleeing most of the time in general... even worse.

As for the druid problem... the issue is that many druids claim that they aren't healing druids and constantly use bear form. I don't know when this trend started but it's fairly irritating.


Mar 16, 2004
What level are you? It's been my experience that at higher levels people sort of 'clue in' and this stuff stops.. for the most part, at least. Sucks for people who know the deal but don't have the time to play to get to the higher levels. Luckily I have the time


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Originally posted by: torpid
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
75% of the time my priest is the tank because my warrior friends in the group do not realize that healing them causes aggro and fade does not work all that well. They forget all about their taunt ability.

Let me ask about something related to this, because I haven't really heard both sides. I've seen a lot of priests and mages run around all over the place when they get attacked. I've seen others that just stand there and ask for help. Could someone run down the run around like a buffoon theory for me? Is the idea that it helps draw attention to you or what? I've always found it difficult because I can't easily get the enemy that is attacking the person targetted.

As for the above, I don't know if the same is true of shamans, or even if they can heal in the first place, but for the alliance it really is a crap shoot as to whether or not a paladin will heal you when you are about to die as a priest with no mana.

As a shaman, if the priest is taking heavy damage, my first reaction is not to heal, but to try to take the aggro and/or kill the mob.

Look at it this way. I have 3 options:

1. Flash heal, 1.5 sec cast to heal a pathetic amount of hp.

2. Regular heal, 2.5 second cast with talents (3 seconds without). The priest may or may not be dead by the time I actually get the heal off.

3. Earth shock, instant cast. Does good damage and generates a high amount of threat.

Generally, I can't heal faster than the priest takes damage, so it's best not to waste mana on a lost cause. If the priest does die, then I'll revert to full-time healing for remaining party members. Also, running around wildly actually makes sense if I have an earthbind totem down.


Senior member
Apr 19, 2004
Here is another story:

Back when I was around lvl30 priest I got into a group consisting of the following going on a Gnomergan run:
60 mage
28 mage
32 warrior
31 paladin
30 priest (me)

Before we started it was established that we would roll on chests. As we made our way down, various greens dropped (non of which I could use or were upgrades) and passed on them. We get down the named elemental that drops a pair of blue caster friendly boots.

Now considering that it was PoB and me and the 28 mage passed on items we did not need (the 60 did not roll on anything) would think the warrior and paladin would follow suit. Needless to say, they both rolled and the paladin won the boots. The 60 mage then asked why he rolled and go the response "I was rolling for a female elf friend of mine". It was then he was told it is BoP and said "Oh okay I will disenchant it then". The 60 mage ordered him to wear the boots, which he did not. The 60 mage did not say anymore and we continued down.

Deeper I spotted a chest that the rest of the group missed and informed them of it. We were fighting at the time...the warrior stopped fighting, turned around walked over to the chest and started opening it. Me and both mages told him that were supposed to roll (like we did earlier). He responds "My bad" and then takes everything from the chest. The 60 mage did not say a word.

We get all the way down to Thermaplug and attack him. Right before he dies, the 60 mage boots both the warrior and paladin out of the group so neither go a kill credit for the quest nor were able to roll on the drops....which was a cloth blue helm that chances are they would of rolled on as well.

Right before they were auto-booted out of the instance the 60 mage tells them "This is what you get for not following loot rules".


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Second ever run of gnomer - no real healer aside from a druid (mistake). The tank is a 29 warrior who couldn't hold aggro. We all died, then reset the instance, then someone decided they didn't want to do it anymore and hearthed out.

Did SM Library with a decent group, but I got the shaft loot wise. The other mage in the group (who wouldn't sheep mobs) won the illusionary rod and the cloak that Doan drops. I didn't get anything green from the instance, other than the quest reward for returning the book.

My best group experience ever was last Friday when I decided to re-do gnomer with some lower-level guildmates. Even at 35, it was still a tough instance for me. Only person to die was me when we somehow pulled 5 elite mobs (3 of which were Dark Iron dwarves with the landmines). I drew too much aggro and ran out of mana, the paladins didn't get the heal off in time to save me. It wasn't really anyone's fault, since we were all pretty much in charge of killing one mob. It was an awesome group though, everyone rolled based on need and we went at a perfect pace. I ended up with some nice loot too - including the Hydrocane. It's not any better than my current staff, but it allows underwater breathing and will be very nice to have.


Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Gurck
What level are you? It's been my experience that at higher levels people sort of 'clue in' and this stuff stops.. for the most part, at least. Sucks for people who know the deal but don't have the time to play to get to the higher levels. Luckily I have the time

The above stories were all from 50+ instance runs. We all have stories of lower level problems. Those are not newsworthy like the 50+ instance runs are. I don't party with a lot of other hunters (being one myself) and certainly not druids, as they are the lowest % class on my server. When I do, it seems more and more that the druids are eccentric to say the least, and the hunters are clueless.


Oct 30, 2000
My personal experiences for bad groups are the normal. People getting to close to agro range, over pulling, falling off edges, not paying attention when people in the group go AFK, people going AFK without letting anyone know (really bad when its the healer), not knowing what powers to use in a group situation and what powers not to (ike warriors not using taunt or mages not going spam happy with aoe).

I did have a guild mate last night have a pretty bad situation in a group. He was raiding with his level 60 priest with a "friendly" guild to ours. They needed another healer and asked him to come along. One of the thigns this other guild was after was a certain enchanting receipe drop. They didn't tell my friend that though before inviting.

Anyhow, they had the loot set to master loot. About 15 minutes into the instance, the only guy in their guild with enchanting drops and doesn't come back on. Near the end of the instance, they get lucky and the receipe for a +12 to weapon damage enchant drops. Their guild leader loots it and tells my friend it was suppose to be given to the guy that dropped. He says that's BS and they were rolling NBG on everything else and the guy wasn't even in the group anymore. They should roll and if they win THEN they give it to the guy that drops.

So they all roll, my friend versus all of them and he wins. The guild leader GIVES it to him and they finish the rest of the instance. The next day, he is being sent tells from the guy that dropped and his friends claiming him to be a NINJA LOOTER and worse. They are claiming he's price gouging, since my friend is the ONLY enchanter on the server with that enchant, and they basically want free enchants if they provide the mats. Unfortunately, their guild leader wasn't on at the time, but it was getting pretty pissy from the conversasion. I hope tonight when I log back on it might be al resolved but some of the accusations and stupid greedy, lying, backstabbing, arseholicness of that other guild really ticked our guild off.

Zap Brannigan

Golden Member
Oct 14, 2004
Why don't you all get together on the same server and adventure together?

I'm not being a wise ass either. It's hard to find good parties in MMORPG's. Why not use this forum as a tool to find some?
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