YAWoWT: Group horror stories

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Diamond Member
May 26, 2004
Originally posted by: Gurck
Doesn't take luck, takes the incentive to join a guild and/or make mature & likeminded friends in-game.

AND people who play at the same time as you.

I can't find a guild that consistently has people on at 10pm - 3am or so pacific time on weeknights AND is interested in group-centric play. If you have any suggestions I'm open to them.


Mar 16, 2004
Ugh, I had to open my mouth.. on a 22 rog alt, I'm in the group from hell... the druid's whining constantly for enduring breath, to the point of not moving or healing... the tank is a walking AOL chatroom (2 y wut b plz1!1!11)
Originally posted by: Concillian
Originally posted by: Gurck
Doesn't take luck, takes the incentive to join a guild and/or make mature & likeminded friends in-game.

AND people who play at the same time as you.

I can't find a guild that consistently has people on at 10pm - 3am or so pacific time on weeknights AND is interested in group-centric play. If you have any suggestions I'm open to them.
What level are you?


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: HumblePie
My personal experiences for bad groups are the normal. People getting to close to agro range, over pulling, falling off edges, not paying attention when people in the group go AFK, people going AFK without letting anyone know (really bad when its the healer), not knowing what powers to use in a group situation and what powers not to (ike warriors not using taunt or mages not going spam happy with aoe).

I did have a guild mate last night have a pretty bad situation in a group. He was raiding with his level 60 priest with a "friendly" guild to ours. They needed another healer and asked him to come along. One of the thigns this other guild was after was a certain enchanting receipe drop. They didn't tell my friend that though before inviting.

Anyhow, they had the loot set to master loot. About 15 minutes into the instance, the only guy in their guild with enchanting drops and doesn't come back on. Near the end of the instance, they get lucky and the receipe for a +12 to weapon damage enchant drops. Their guild leader loots it and tells my friend it was suppose to be given to the guy that dropped. He says that's BS and they were rolling NBG on everything else and the guy wasn't even in the group anymore. They should roll and if they win THEN they give it to the guy that drops.

So they all roll, my friend versus all of them and he wins. The guild leader GIVES it to him and they finish the rest of the instance. The next day, he is being sent tells from the guy that dropped and his friends claiming him to be a NINJA LOOTER and worse. They are claiming he's price gouging, since my friend is the ONLY enchanter on the server with that enchant, and they basically want free enchants if they provide the mats. Unfortunately, their guild leader wasn't on at the time, but it was getting pretty pissy from the conversasion. I hope tonight when I log back on it might be al resolved but some of the accusations and stupid greedy, lying, backstabbing, arseholicness of that other guild really ticked our guild off.

Easy solution:



Junior Member
Dec 20, 2004
I dont see what the hassle is, i had some guy in a group telling me to follow him the WHOLE time. So he could do all his quests, totally selfish. I just laughed after that got clear and left his group.

Im easy in that: I play to have fun, someone taking abuse of my help i point at and laugh and continue to do my own buisness. No need to get angry over stuff.


Dec 14, 2001
Sorry about your experience...

We are lucky that we have a medium size guild and no problem with playing with strangers.


Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Concillian
Originally posted by: Gurck

What level are you?

I have 8 characters all but 2 are between 25 and 30. I have no main.
This is the problem.

If he's like me, he would pick one as the main if it actually would lead to more groups. In fact I tired that for a while, and focused solely on hunter. Didn't help that much. My guild, which I assume is like most other, just has too little healers, mages, and warlocks, and too many hunters, rogues, and to some degree paladins (who end up being the healers most of the time). I firmly believe that being a mage or priest is the only way to really maximize what you can get out of a guild.


Diamond Member
May 26, 2004
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Concillian
Originally posted by: Gurck

What level are you?

I have 8 characters all but 2 are between 25 and 30. I have no main.
This is the problem.

Why is that a problem? I have been in guilds with chracters of appropriate level. The problem is there are generally fewer people on when I play. Not only that, but of the people who do, few are interested in playing through an instance, and more are into completing an instance. Too many would rather be cheesed through by a level 50-60 character.

I'm the kind of player that likes to go through instances at lower than the 'widely accepted' level. My warrior tanked Deadmines at 18, for example, with nobody in the party over 20. If you try to get pickup groups, they'll try to tell you you should be at least 20, if not 22-24.

I am in no rush to 60, and have met people like me on my servers, but they all play earlier.


Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Concillian
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Concillian
Originally posted by: Gurck

What level are you?

I have 8 characters all but 2 are between 25 and 30. I have no main.
This is the problem.

Why is that a problem? I have been in guilds with chracters of appropriate level. The problem is there are generally fewer people on when I play. Not only that, but of the people who do, few are interested in playing through an instance, and more are into completing an instance. Too many would rather be cheesed through by a level 50-60 character.

I'm the kind of player that likes to go through instances at lower than the 'widely accepted' level. My warrior tanked Deadmines at 18, for example, with nobody in the party over 20. If you try to get pickup groups, they'll try to tell you you should be at least 20, if not 22-24.

I am in no rush to 60, and have met people like me on my servers, but they all play earlier.

OK apparently you are not like me. You'd have to be constantly switching guilds, because most people play one character. Therefore unless you play 10 times more than everyone in your guild, you are going to fall behind over time. Which will make your guild seem less viable as a source of partying.


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Concillian
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Concillian
Originally posted by: Gurck

What level are you?

I have 8 characters all but 2 are between 25 and 30. I have no main.
This is the problem.

Why is that a problem? I have been in guilds with chracters of appropriate level. The problem is there are generally fewer people on when I play. Not only that, but of the people who do, few are interested in playing through an instance, and more are into completing an instance. Too many would rather be cheesed through by a level 50-60 character.

I'm the kind of player that likes to go through instances at lower than the 'widely accepted' level. My warrior tanked Deadmines at 18, for example, with nobody in the party over 20. If you try to get pickup groups, they'll try to tell you you should be at least 20, if not 22-24.

I am in no rush to 60, and have met people like me on my servers, but they all play earlier.
You'll find that higher level players are generally more mature & knowledgeable. I know there are plenty of people who don't want to or can't get 60 for various reasons, so don't take it the wrong way, I'm just taking note of a general trend. If we assume this is because higher level players are older, than lower level players, being younger, are more likely to play in the after-school to dinnertime timeframe, and do homework & go to bed around the time you want to play. Hence you'd have a much easier time finding likeminded players & guilds at 50-60.


Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Gurck
You'll find that higher level players are generally more mature & knowledgeable. I know there are plenty of people who don't want to or can't get 60 for various reasons, so don't take it the wrong way, I'm just taking note of a general trend. If we assume this is because higher level players are older, than lower level players, being younger, are more likely to play in the after-school to dinnertime timeframe, and do homework & go to bed around the time you want to play. Hence you'd have a much easier time finding likeminded players & guilds at 50-60.

Hm... I've sort of found the opposite. But lately it's been better. Earlier on, the high level players were generally more immature. I think this is probably due to younger people having more time to play. Lately it has been tending more towards mature people. In a guild, it will usually seem like higher level people are more mature because most guilds start off fairly selective, and then as people level their alts, they become a bit too permissive. That is my experience with guilds, anyway.


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: torpid
Originally posted by: Gurck
You'll find that higher level players are generally more mature & knowledgeable. I know there are plenty of people who don't want to or can't get 60 for various reasons, so don't take it the wrong way, I'm just taking note of a general trend. If we assume this is because higher level players are older, than lower level players, being younger, are more likely to play in the after-school to dinnertime timeframe, and do homework & go to bed around the time you want to play. Hence you'd have a much easier time finding likeminded players & guilds at 50-60.

Hm... I've sort of found the opposite. But lately it's been better. Earlier on, the high level players were generally more immature. I think this is probably due to younger people having more time to play. Lately it has been tending more towards mature people. In a guild, it will usually seem like higher level people are more mature because most guilds start off fairly selective, and then as people level their alts, they become a bit too permissive. That is my experience with guilds, anyway.

All I know is anytime I see something like... "2 wut iz b ne1 lolololo" and do a who, they're generally <30. Also see a lot of "ne1 plz 2 grup 4 <low level instance>", but not for strath/scholo/brd/brs.


Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Gurck
All I know is anytime I see something like... "2 wut iz b ne1 lolololo" and do a who, they're generally <30. Also see a lot of "ne1 plz 2 grup 4 <low level instance>", but not for strath/scholo/brd/brs.

That's because at some point someone stupidly invites them into a guild and then they do all that in guild chat.


Mar 16, 2004
Well, I dunno what else to say, it's what I've observed in EQ and in WoW as well. As levels rise, the rate of upgrades and new experiences drops. The impatient (ie. the young) get bored and start a new character. Again, I'm speaking about general trends, since we're talking about numbers here - nothing personal toward anyone. I joined a guild whose members all seemed mature to me, and I wasn't disappointed with guildchat. Still, when the subject of age came up in /g, I was surprised that not a single member was younger than 22 (I'm an old & crusty 27, fwiw). Unfortunately, though I really like my guild, it's a smaller family-type one, and I'm considering leaving for my server's 'uberguild'... a few friends joined and report that it has no 'l33t d00dz'. OTOH when I log on my buddy's 37 rog to pop a lockbox, his guildchat is basically an AOL chatroom


Sep 14, 2003
I think having to buy a mount at 40 is what separates the men from the boys. Too bad that paladins never get separated. For some reason there don't seem to be a lot of leet d00d warlocks.

Edit: And that of course only refers to the begging boys. The min/maxer exploit abusing kids will always find ways around things.


Oct 30, 2000
Hrmm.. guess I got lucky, in a guild with around 100 "members" and about 40 active ones everyday. At least 20 are 60 right now and many 50+. Almost everyone uses ventrillo and so there is no need to use the guild chat as an AOL chat room. I think the youngest person in the guild is 16 and before I found out I thought he was much older. Everyone else, like me is 25+ with kids, significant others, jobs, and lives. Just have to look around, there are good guilds out there, and then there are trash. I've been in plenty of trashy guilds in my day.


Feb 8, 2001
Torpid - the reason you don't see too many 1337 w4r10x is because 1. there aren't many of us and 2. The fact that playing a warlock is failry complex relative to other classes


Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Mwilding
Torpid - the reason you don't see too many 1337 w4r10x is because 1. there aren't many of us and 2. The fact that playing a warlock is failry complex relative to other classes

Yeah but you'd think the allure of an almost naked minion would draw more people. Maybe the leet d00ds don't recognize that it's an almost naked woman because they've never seen one? Kind of like how a caveman might not recognize a tivo.


Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: torpid
Originally posted by: Mwilding
Torpid - the reason you don't see too many 1337 w4r10x is because 1. there aren't many of us and 2. The fact that playing a warlock is failry complex relative to other classes

Yeah but you'd think the allure of an almost naked minion would draw more people. Maybe the leet d00ds don't recognize that it's an almost naked woman because they've never seen one? Kind of like how a caveman might not recognize a tivo.
Good point.

On a related note, nothing is funnier is dueling someone who hasn't seen a succubus before. They start off staring at her and the next thing they know, they hear harps...


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Kuch

BTW, do we want to bet how long it takes CVSiN to post "This is why I only group with friends or guildies." Unfortunately some of us aren't as lucky to be able to always do that.


I'll say it. This is why I only group with friends or guildies when *I* need to get something done. If someone asks me for help with something that I don't need and I'm not busy with anything else I will group with people I don't know, but then I don't really care what happens to loot so it works out.
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