yawowt - Which instance did you visit last?


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Went to Upper Blackrock Spire last night, 18 of us. 4 priests, 4 hunters, 3 paladins, 1 warrior, 2 mages, 1 druid, 5 rogues. Rolled through the place, slaughtered Rend, The Beast and finally the General! I won a Frostweaver Cloak and, wait for it, the Devout Robe!!


Great fun, roughly 3hrs.
Nov 7, 2000
did RFD twice recently. i got the robes (im a warlock) the first time through, then went through it again so another warlock guildmate could get them. but they didnt drop. instead a warrior who didnt want to even go bc he didnt think he would get anything got the excali'boar a huge monstrous sword and the nice blue helmet drop

we still couldnt do the quest on the left tho where that dude starts to teleport all the bad guys in

first time through was 3 warlock and 2 warrior, next time was 2 warlock, 1 warrior, 1 mage, and 1 shaman


Nov 29, 2004
Last one was Scalet Monestary. Did it with 2 Shaman, 2 Rogues, and a Hunter. Not an idea group (on my server, Horde priests and mages are rare), but with everyone 40 to 42 it went relatively easily. I got the Scarlet Aegis of the Commander shield from Mograine. I'm now a level 43 orc shaman.

Next instance is probably Uldaman, but I've heard from several places that it sucks. What are your thoughts on this instance.



Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
I'm a level 43 Tauren Druid....a group actually took me with them to Mauradon last night....a 51 druid, a 60 mage, and 2 warlocks, 48 and 53..we took some kind of shortcut and after taking out a bunch of dimetrodons and giants, we took out the lvl 51 elite princess...I got a real nice Mace, but it isn't usable until lvl 48, but I'll keep it around for that level...we were clobbered after that by a lvl50 elite crocodile at the bottom of the waterfall - not everyone understood that we were fighting, a few people stayed at the top of the waterfall too long, and then some kind of hyrdas joined in and pounded on us as well.....I was just a healer in here, too low level to do much damage without attracting too much agro...very cool instance though

I need to go to Uldaman and the instance outisde of Gadgetzan next....Zul'something...



Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: HardcoreRobot
did RFD twice recently. i got the robes (im a warlock) the first time through, then went through it again so another warlock guildmate could get them. but they didnt drop. instead a warrior who didnt want to even go bc he didnt think he would get anything got the excali'boar a huge monstrous sword and the nice blue helmet drop

we still couldnt do the quest on the left tho where that dude starts to teleport all the bad guys in

first time through was 3 warlock and 2 warrior, next time was 2 warlock, 1 warrior, 1 mage, and 1 shaman
lich robes?
I haven't done that quest you couldn't do...been there but once though.

Last one was Scalet Monestary. Did it with 2 Shaman, 2 Rogues, and a Hunter. Not an idea group (on my server, Horde priests and mages are rare), but with everyone 40 to 42 it went relatively easily. I got the Scarlet Aegis of the Commander shield from Mograine. I'm now a level 43 orc shaman.

Next instance is probably Uldaman, but I've heard from several places that it sucks. What are your thoughts on this instance.

Nice on SM! Uldaman is a pain aye, but there are some good drops iirc. Grimlock can drop a very nice polearm or robe. Archaedus the end guy takes, imo, a group of 50s to do. Trick is to focus entirely on him, ignore the adds. It's a difficult place if you're late 30s-early 40s.


Sep 14, 2003
Did scarlett monestary most recently I guess. It was ok... I only had one quest and the person who shared it with us was a bit inconsiderate. It was the quest to retrieve a book. 4 of the 5 of us had the quest. The guy who shared it got the book, but never told anyone else where it was or that he had obtained it. So we spent hours in the instances doing the other quest to help a guildie, and throughout the whole thing I kept asking, "OK where is the dang book?" and only at the very end when we were about to quit did the guy mention that he got it a long time back already.

So the instance was ok, but the experience was not so fun. Needless to say that I am not really fond of that guildie.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: NeoV
I'm a level 43 Tauren Druid....a group actually took me with them to Mauradon last night....a 51 druid, a 60 mage, and 2 warlocks, 48 and 53..we took some kind of shortcut and after taking out a bunch of dimetrodons and giants, we took out the lvl 51 elite princess...I got a real nice Mace, but it isn't usable until lvl 48, but I'll keep it around for that level...we were clobbered after that by a lvl50 elite crocodile at the bottom of the waterfall - not everyone understood that we were fighting, a few people stayed at the top of the waterfall too long, and then some kind of hyrdas joined in and pounded on us as well.....I was just a healer in here, too low level to do much damage without attracting too much agro...very cool instance though

I need to go to Uldaman and the instance outisde of Gadgetzan next....Zul'something...

Ya Mar is cool Uldaman is lower lvl than that by far, see my comments above. Zul'Farrak, yep. That's a neat place too. Good luck getting the divinomatic rod


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: torpid
Did scarlett monestary most recently I guess. It was ok... I only had one quest and the person who shared it with us was a bit inconsiderate. It was the quest to retrieve a book. 4 of the 5 of us had the quest. The guy who shared it got the book, but never told anyone else where it was or that he had obtained it. So we spent hours in the instances doing the other quest to help a guildie, and throughout the whole thing I kept asking, "OK where is the dang book?" and only at the very end when we were about to quit did the guy mention that he got it a long time back already.

So the instance was ok, but the experience was not so fun. Needless to say that I am not really fond of that guildie.
that instance is a good one as instances go. Unfortunate experience...the book is in the library on the way to Doan. As you go into a marbled room it's on the left, on the floor standing up.
Nov 7, 2000
Originally posted by: Malladine
Originally posted by: HardcoreRobot
did RFD twice recently. i got the robes (im a warlock) the first time through, then went through it again so another warlock guildmate could get them. but they didnt drop. instead a warrior who didnt want to even go bc he didnt think he would get anything got the excali'boar a huge monstrous sword and the nice blue helmet drop

we still couldnt do the quest on the left tho where that dude starts to teleport all the bad guys in

first time through was 3 warlock and 2 warrior, next time was 2 warlock, 1 warrior, 1 mage, and 1 shaman
lich robes?
I haven't done that quest you couldn't do...been there but once though.
yep those are the robes, i love it. i was lucky to get it on my first time through, especially with have 3 cloth-only warlocks in the group.

i was actually mistaken, the second time through it was a 46 priest, not mage (40 warlock (me), 43 warlock, 43 warrior, and 39 shaman). we blew through the lich quest, but only made it a minute into that other quest. i really needed mana potions. with a healthy stock of those i think it might be possible.

i dont do many instances though bc i am limited to about an hour or less per day for most of the week.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Last instance I did was Gnomeregan with my alt. We were doing well until 2 of our members quit 3/4s of the way through F'ing dungeon. I ended up logging on as my higher lvl rogue just so I could help the remaiing 2 group members kill the boss at the end.

The only thing I hate more than Gnomeregan is stupid pickup groups.


Platinum Member
Aug 31, 2000
Last instance was Stratholme a couple of days ago, had to leave though, so didn't get to finish the undead side. I need to kill the Baron to get my Argent Crusader.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Gotta visit Strat soon! Same for scholo, but i still need the key for that place. Does Strat require the same kinda quest for entry?


Nov 29, 1999
Man, I've only done Deadmines and Stockades with my main. I just dinged lvl 30 last night, so I guess it's about time to head over to Gnomeregan, huh?

I need to find a good group, however. My last 2 tries in helping some lvl ~20 guys throught Deadmines was a joke. Warrior (lowest level guy) just kept rushing in, drawing aggro from 5-6 guys at once, then running through the middle of the rest of us, trying to escape. I even asked everybody to hang back a second to discuss some strategy, but that stupid warrior wouldn't have any of it. Then 2 guys (including him) left about 1/2 through, stranding me and some lvl 22 mage. We fought pretty well together, but didn't really have a chance. I *hate* piss-poor groups.


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2001
I've only done Deadmines and Stockades with my main alliance and Ragefire Chasm with my main horde charactors. Deadmines was fun the second time through and I enjoy the Stockades and Ragefire everytime I've done them.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Got power leveled by a 52 guildmate through the deadmines the first time - wasn't that fun since they were going so fast. Next time was awesome - we took our time and I ended up with the corsair's overshirt and the emberstone staff. Stockades sucked, but I did it twice, hit 30 last week and did gnomer a few times. First time, we got all the way to the area right before thermoplugg and someone didn't stay on the left wall, causing a party-wiping 15 mobs. It was late so we gave up on finishing it that night. Second time, we made it to the Hall of Gears before our level 27 warrior aggroed 7 elite mobs on us, causing a wipe. I had all but given up on killing Thermoplugg, but two nights ago a level 58 guildmate offered to power us through it.

Finally killed him and he didn't drop his hat.

I've got a lot of leveling to do before I can attempt SM - once I'm high enough I'm going to get a permagroup going with my guild so we can farm the heck out of it so I can get enough gold for my mount and pick up an Illusionary Rod.


Diamond Member
Mar 29, 2001
ZF....we had a lvl 52 mage(me), 2 pallies (lvls 49 & 51), a rogue (lvl 53), and a priest (lvl 50). We just cleaned house. We had quite a good system down. The enemies were usually in groups of 3, so the rogue would sap one, I'd sheep another, and we'd focus on the last guy. It was good times.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Man, I've only done Deadmines and Stockades with my main. I just dinged lvl 30 last night, so I guess it's about time to head over to Gnomeregan, huh?
I *hate* piss-poor groups.
Yes and AGREED! Watch for players who act like they have something to prove...

We'll be hitting Deadmines soon as our alts (me rogue her paladin) will be reaching 20 tonight.

Bond: aye, SM is a great place for most classes to pick up some decent blues - Doan, Herod, Whitemane, Mograine. Good stuff. Very easy too, comparatively speaking.

I've been into Gnomeregan once with my main, didn't go back. Seemed like a huge pita. We'll most likely give it another shot with our alts now we're more experienced at dealing with instances.

Reliant: ya that's about the best group possible for the "waves" gj man


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
I've been into Gnomeregan once with my main, didn't go back. Seemed like a huge pita. We'll most likely give it another shot with our alts now we're more experienced at dealing with instances.
It sucks with a bad group. You NEED a priest or at the very least, two paladins. The second time we ran it was with a druid and no real tank other than the 27 warrior. The poor druid was trying to tank in bear form and heal at the same time, it didnt work.

The architecture in gnomer is sometimes your biggest enemy. Anytime there's a long, narrow hallway that's open on one side, stay to the other side as much as you can. This applies double after you enter the workshop area. You'll go down a big elevator, then up a twisting hall/ramp. When you get to the top, it opens up and you have to go to the left on a downward sloping walkway. There's enemies below it and on a ramp on the other side. If you get too close to the right side, you'll aggro the enemies at the bottom, which will run up to the top aggroing every enemy on the way. This is how we wiped the first time.

The plus side is if you make sure to get the workshop key off the boss right before the workshop, you don't have to run through the entire instance again.
Nov 7, 2000
Originally posted by: MrBond
I've been into Gnomeregan once with my main, didn't go back. Seemed like a huge pita. We'll most likely give it another shot with our alts now we're more experienced at dealing with instances.
It sucks with a bad group. You NEED a priest or at the very least, two paladins. The second time we ran it was with a druid and no real tank other than the 27 warrior. The poor druid was trying to tank in bear form and heal at the same time, it didnt work.

The architecture in gnomer is sometimes your biggest enemy. Anytime there's a long, narrow hallway that's open on one side, stay to the other side as much as you can. This applies double after you enter the workshop area. You'll go down a big elevator, then up a twisting hall/ramp. When you get to the top, it opens up and you have to go to the left on a downward sloping walkway. There's enemies below it and on a ramp on the other side. If you get too close to the right side, you'll aggro the enemies at the bottom, which will run up to the top aggroing every enemy on the way. This is how we wiped the first time.

The plus side is if you make sure to get the workshop key off the boss right before the workshop, you don't have to run through the entire instance again.
when i went through there, at some point we all got bugged to where it thought we were in combat when we really weren't. very frustrating because no one regenerated anything. once we portaled to a different part it was fixed fortunately. regarding this instance, is there any use to the 4 color key cards? I collected them all but never did anything with them.



Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2000
Originally posted by: Malladine
Gotta visit Strat soon! Same for scholo, but i still need the key for that place. Does Strat require the same kinda quest for entry?

get a good rogue to open scholomance door.
we went to strat yesterday..


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2000
regarding this instance, is there any use to the 4 color key cards? I collected them all but never did anything with them.
There is a quest to obtain the highest card.
Nov 7, 2000
Originally posted by: zzzz
regarding this instance, is there any use to the 4 color key cards? I collected them all but never did anything with them.
There is a quest to obtain the highest card.
i think i really got shafted in that instance... i didnt have any quests going in, had to be teleported by a warlock into the instance, and didnt get any good booty

plus i was totally lost the whole time and had no idea what was going on



Jan 23, 2001
Molten Core. Except it only let half our raid in. The other half of our raid got portalled into last weeks instance which was 7+ days old. GM admitted this is a bug. So we left without doing anything. Not fun :| 7 day lockout = retarded, bugged 7 day lockout = more retarded.


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2002
Originally posted by: skace
Molten Core. Except it only let half our raid in. The other half of our raid got portalled into last weeks instance which was 7+ days old. GM admitted this is a bug. So we left without doing anything. Not fun :| 7 day lockout = retarded, bugged 7 day lockout = more retarded.

Yea our guild is out cold until they fix this BS.

There's always loot I need in other places too, almost got my Onyxia key but I need to get blood from General Drakkisath.
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