Ye Shiwen(girl) sets 400m medley record. "Disturbing" says U.S. coach.

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Diamond Member
Aug 21, 2011
Its off topic but what happened to Lance Armstrong? (I didn't follow the news). Did tests prove conclusively that he was cheating or was the evidence based on his former teammates testimonies?
Feb 19, 2001
Maybe I'm outraged by this thread because I'm Chinese, but honestly, it's the cultural shock that's more amazing. Maybe more of you ATOTers should live in California or specifically LA/San Francisco and interact with us Asians.

Anyway, I realize there's some inconsistencies, and I'd certainly investigate, but honestly, all this hate coming from a country that's full of dopers? Come on guys. I admire Phelps and Lochte quite a bit, but to come screaming about China? Wow. Seriously. Calm the fvck down.

Is it me or does ATOT think that China is some poorass country with a bunch of farmers that still rides bikes and has a military that can't compete with the US? I'm not even Chinese. I'm Taiwanese, but given my interest in military technology, and reading forums and the like, it's not prop planes versus F-22s you retards. And if you've ever seen Shanghai or Beijing, the whole bicycle stereotype is from the early 90s. People drive cars there. If anything, traffic's as bad as LA.


Feb 3, 2007
Maybe I'm outraged by this thread because I'm Chinese, but honestly, it's the cultural shock that's more amazing. Maybe more of you ATOTers should live in California or specifically LA/San Francisco and interact with us Asians.

Anyway, I realize there's some inconsistencies, and I'd certainly investigate, but honestly, all this hate coming from a country that's full of dopers? Come on guys. I admire Phelps and Lochte quite a bit, but to come screaming about China? Wow. Seriously. Calm the fvck down.

Not to totally derail this thread or anything, but do you hold Chinese citizenship or American citizenship?


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
in all honesty, this performance from anyone, US included, would be questioned pretty much the same way


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2002
in all honesty, this performance from anyone, US included, would be questioned pretty much the same way

QFT, when Floyd Landis, just came out of nowhere and kicked a ton of ass in the middle of TDF, some of the press here was starting to raise questions. This Chinese girl did the the same thing.


Golden Member
Jul 3, 2005
Maybe I'm outraged by this thread because I'm Chinese, but honestly, it's the cultural shock that's more amazing. Maybe more of you ATOTers should live in California or specifically LA/San Francisco and interact with us Asians.

Anyway, I realize there's some inconsistencies, and I'd certainly investigate, but honestly, all this hate coming from a country that's full of dopers? Come on guys. I admire Phelps and Lochte quite a bit, but to come screaming about China? Wow. Seriously. Calm the fvck down.

Is it me or does ATOT think that China is some poorass country with a bunch of farmers that still rides bikes and has a military that can't compete with the US? I'm not even Chinese. I'm Taiwanese, but given my interest in military technology, and reading forums and the like, it's not prop planes versus F-22s you retards. And if you've ever seen Shanghai or Beijing, the whole bicycle stereotype is from the early 90s. People drive cars there. If anything, traffic's as bad as LA.

As an Asian, I don't understand your outrage at all- the hate? China is still a secretive, repressive state that can wield a heavy hand on its citizens who don't have a hand in changing the leadership. And their state sponsored steroid and doping program from the 90's is well established. THAT's where all this arguing came from, not just because anyone hates China- don't be paranoid.
And no doubt, China is working on their own air superiority fighter, but I doubt it would still be any match for the F-22.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Maybe I'm outraged by this thread because I'm Chinese, but honestly, it's the cultural shock that's more amazing. Maybe more of you ATOTers should live in California or specifically LA/San Francisco and interact with us Asians.

Anyway, I realize there's some inconsistencies, and I'd certainly investigate, but honestly, all this hate coming from a country that's full of dopers? Come on guys. I admire Phelps and Lochte quite a bit, but to come screaming about China? Wow. Seriously. Calm the fvck down.

Is it me or does ATOT think that China is some poorass country with a bunch of farmers that still rides bikes and has a military that can't compete with the US? I'm not even Chinese. I'm Taiwanese, but given my interest in military technology, and reading forums and the like, it's not prop planes versus F-22s you retards. And if you've ever seen Shanghai or Beijing, the whole bicycle stereotype is from the early 90s. People drive cars there. If anything, traffic's as bad as LA.

as an asian i dunno wtf ur talking about, china is just known for what it does, they earned their reputation. their system is slightly worse than russias which is now a mafia state, china goes one step further by having legitimacy as a one party mafia state. and the stuff that goes down in such a system where corruption rules the day and morals are even worse than those in the us is just a given, it has nothing to do with race or ignorance, its just how it is. chinas got a long history of doping, and in their type of systems higher ups can be implicated, so they are more likely to hide such things, they have no freedom of the press either, or safety for whistle blowers. in the us marion jones went to jail, even though the baseball roids dudes didn't go to jail they had to look like retards lying in public hearings, in china, due to their system and small man chip on shoulder/pride they would just bury it, national pride means too much, and there is too much corruption to really deal with such issues. these are just facts of the system they have built. its a place where you aren't even sure if the food you are eating isn't adulterated. its a one party state where the government has spent decades removing personal responsibility from people, and with capitalism, people want to get ahead at any cost now. you can always say this exists in the west as well, but not to the same extent, and not in a system where there are no checks and balances at all. no judiciary checks the chinese communist party, they have unlimited control, and the corruption that comes with that is just a given.


Nov 29, 2006
Maybe I'm outraged by this thread because I'm Chinese, but honestly, it's the cultural shock that's more amazing. Maybe more of you ATOTers should live in California or specifically LA/San Francisco and interact with us Asians.

Anyway, I realize there's some inconsistencies, and I'd certainly investigate, but honestly, all this hate coming from a country that's full of dopers? Come on guys. I admire Phelps and Lochte quite a bit, but to come screaming about China? Wow. Seriously. Calm the fvck down.

Is it me or does ATOT think that China is some poorass country with a bunch of farmers that still rides bikes and has a military that can't compete with the US? I'm not even Chinese. I'm Taiwanese, but given my interest in military technology, and reading forums and the like, it's not prop planes versus F-22s you retards. And if you've ever seen Shanghai or Beijing, the whole bicycle stereotype is from the early 90s. People drive cars there. If anything, traffic's as bad as LA.
No, it's you that need to calm the fuck down.

Many in this thread are Asian Americans, some of us even have Chinese ancestry. The main question raised is not about their medals, but particularly THIS medal, the one that seems improbable. No one is hating on the Chinese for their other medals. Get that out of your heads, the rest of you.

You understand that? Improbability, though not necessarily equates impossibility, will raise doubts.

And yes, it's still full of bikes over there, and this is as recent as... recently. The cars they're driving? The safety of their passengers will be seriously compromised if they were to collide with bikes.


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2000
in all honesty, this performance from anyone, US included, would be questioned pretty much the same way

This. She didn't just win, she destroyed the competition. Keep in mind the record she beat by a second was from 2008 when swimmers were allowed to use the now-banned LAZR swimsuits which were responsible for new world records being set in virtually every event in 2008. Prior to that, the record was three seconds slower than the time Ye posted.


May 21, 2003
Lol now I am fanatical? Seems like its hte other way around :sneaky:

What exactly am I fanatical about. Swimming? China? Absurd.
Please quote me where I'm even close to the bounds of reality. Here, I'll start with you:
even if they killed the girl and did a full autopsy, people would still be 100% convinced she cheated because she's chinese


May 21, 2003
all this hate coming from a country that's full of dopers? Come on guys.
Please demonstrate "all this hate" from this thread. General consensus seems to be suspicion. I see more overreaction defending this person than severe accusations against them. I bet I can show you 2-1 quotes deflecting blame vs. those demonstrating hate.

Are we reading the same thread?


Junior Member
Jul 31, 2012
how much is the commie government paying you to defend the corrupt system in china??

First of all, China is not a communist country, never ever get into that stage, educate yourself first.

Those who doubt Ye because china has doping history.
I would like to tell you guys that, US swim team has doping history too.
US team has had it's share of doping cases as well like that of Jessica Hardy, she is part of the bronze winning USA 4x100m freestyle in London olympics, but was kicked off the US team for 2008 Beijing game for testing positive for a banned performance enhancer during the US trails and subsequently was banned for a year. But of course, people in this thread would like to ignore all this.

Sour grapes are everywhere


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
First of all, China is not a communist country, never ever get into that stage, educate yourself first.

Those who doubt Ye because china has doping history.
I would like to tell you guys that, US swim team has doping history too.
US team has had it's share of doping cases as well like that of Jessica Hardy, she is part of the bronze winning USA 4x100m freestyle in London olympics, but was kicked off the US team for 2008 Beijing game for testing positive for a banned performance enhancer during the US trails and subsequently was banned for a year. But of course, people in this thread would like to ignore all this.

Sour grapes are everywhere

Ok, so the Chinese Communist Party is a misnomer?

Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng

Or is it Socialism with Chinese Characteristics?
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Junior Member
Jul 31, 2012
Yes, we call that slavery. And yes, our leaders show a history of taking advantage of your government sponsored slavery. Most of us strongly disagree with it.

Too bad that anyone know USA has biggest debt in the world and the creditor is China. You can use your big words but I worry about your kid as everyone know how USA economy is and it doesnt look like it will rebound in the next few decades. so, use as much big words as you can now... I just feel sad for you.


May 21, 2003
Those who doubt Ye because china has doping history.
I would like to tell you guys that, US swim team has doping history too.
So... What you are asking us to accept, from a logical perspective is that because the US has doped in the past, China will not dope in the present.


Golden Member
May 15, 2005
You guys need to watch bigger, stronger, faster. Basically everyone at an elite level is enhancing their performance with chemicals in one way or another. Training "technology" and fancy Adidas would not account for the huge improvement in human athletic performance between times before steroids were available and after.

Why people even care that elite athletes want to try and push their potential to the maximum with steroids is another thing. There are no Russians training in a secret lab and no rocky trudging through the snow with a log on his back. There are just people trying to reach their best and are mostly willing to take a very minor risk in taking PEDs to make it.


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2003
Why people even care that elite athletes want to try and push their potential to the maximum with steroids is another thing. There are no Russians training in a secret lab and no rocky trudging through the snow with a log on his back. There are just people trying to reach their best and are mostly willing to take a very minor risk in taking PEDs to make it.
I never quite understood all the fuss about using PEDs. Just allow their use (at the athletes' own risk), and reap the benefits, while at the same time, levelling the playing field.

You could argue that some athletes have better access to these types of resources, through networking or funding, but ultimately, none of the competition is really "fair" to begin with. It all starts with your genes/race, continues on in your upbringing, what country you were born/raised in, etc. Using PEDs would just be another factor among many.

You could also argue that taking PEDs is not in the true "spirit" of sportsmanship, but seriously, let's not kid ourselves: people will always take them in some form or another. Besides, I see nothing wrong with trying to achieve our ultimate athletic potential, relative to the times (we have the technology now, so we should use it if we want to).


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2005
Too bad that anyone know USA has biggest debt in the world and the creditor is China. You can use your big words but I worry about your kid as everyone know how USA economy is and it doesnt look like it will rebound in the next few decades. so, use as much big words as you can now... I just feel sad for you.


We're not starving but thanks for your concern for my children you fucking pervert.

Let me try to speak right down to earth, in a language you can easily understand:
USA have biggest debt because we spoonfeed your stupid ass country, along with two-thirds of the other countries on this planet. That is why when our economy crashes the entire global economy crashes.

You want to know the truth? Americans have more respect for the radical Muslims in the Middle East than China or Russia. All your countries have done is been is drain on our productivity and success for a hundred years or more. And probably the most pathetic point of all is despite having a billion people you still don't rise up against your leaders, ever.

I find it funny that you have such love for your country but you claim to be in Canada. I likewise find it funny that where you will lay down and take it up the ass from your leaders, my kids that you seem so concerned about and I are willing to die with a gun in our hands for our Constitution and Bill or Rights. The truth is it is not hard to live comfortably in our country and we are not forced to work or go to school or anything else if we do not want to.

That is how life should be, and while times might be tough right now I would not trade this country for anything in this world, not 72 virgins, not your country's long and storied history, not Russia's resolve. I will absolutely die free and always fight for the rights of other people in this country, and this world, to have that same freedom.

On that note, you're welcome.


Golden Member
Feb 9, 2011
Too bad that anyone know USA has biggest debt in the world and the creditor is China. You can use your big words but I worry about your kid as everyone know how USA economy is and it doesnt look like it will rebound in the next few decades. so, use as much big words as you can now... I just feel sad for you.

China's economic growth is tied down to US consumers. In a couple of years South East Asian nations will leech of those cheap labors and put that growing economy to a grinding halt.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2009
Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat (the burden of proof lies with who declares, not who denies), is the principle that one is considered innocent until proven guilty.

I do not like cheaters or China as a nation, but one must not spout hates with out evidence at the game that promotes peace and friendship.
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Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Its off topic but what happened to Lance Armstrong? (I didn't follow the news). Did tests prove conclusively that he was cheating or was the evidence based on his former teammates testimonies?
The same guy that went after Barry Bonds went after Lance, but the investigation was abruptly and inexplicably dropped over the holidays last year. Recently the USADA announced he and a few others were banned pending arbitration based on testimony (they won't say who, but it has been assumed that it's from former teammates who witnessed the doping). At present, we're awaiting arbitration and the outcome of a lawsuit Lance filed to block the USADA's actions. If they lower the hammer on him, he could be stripped of all Tour titles and banned for life.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
So wait, now China was never a communist country? Tell me more!

This guy is like the Baghdad Bob of China.
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