Yet another game developer driven out of her home by internet misogynists

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Oct 30, 2008
As someone who administers a gaming server, I see this virtually every day. As soon as a female comes in, everybody turns into a drooling, posturing macho jackass. "SHOW US YOUR TITS." You do what you can to prevent it; let people know it's unacceptable, ban the people who do it. But it happens virtually every time a (non-admin) woman comes on. And we're known as a woman-friendly server. To deny that misogyny is a legitimate issue in the gaming community just because you personally don't engage in it is willful ignorance. It exists, it's pervasive, and if your reaction to being told it exists is "SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR, KILL THEM," you're part of the problem. I don't agree with Sarkeesian's broader claims about some inherent level of sexism being the basis of gaming culture, but pretending that there isn't some level of misogyny when three women have been driven from their homes through targeted threats? That's a pretty damning indictment.

This whole gamergate thing has become toxic. The movement has been hijacked by insane misogynists whose motivations are less about media involvement with gaming companies and more about "don't try to change our stuff." I can understand the desire to want to end media involvement with the corporations that produce games, especially the mass-market games, where we've seen a trend of releasing unfinished products to rave reviews that reeks of journalistic malfeasance on behalf of the gaming media. That's something worth exploring. But you can't do it on the backs of a movement that was started by a jilted ex-lover lying about his ex-girlfriend's sex life to discredit her, that is populated by people ignoring the crossovers of EA and IGN/Gamespot to focus on female indie game developers as though they're the reason gaming media is corrupt, that has made credible threats exclusively targeting women who have the gall to speak out against the industry (including threatening a school shooting, which is literally what terrorists do), and whose rhetoric is consistently shown that their issue is not with gaming media but with "feminazis" and "social justice warriors" who have the nerve to complain that sometimes games could be perceived as sexist. Gamergate is a PR nightmare for the people with legitimate complaints, because the actions of a few have made it symbolic with the assumed misogyny of gamers, and rather than distancing themselves from that, people are piping in with "well that's what you get." There's no place in that movement to address real issues; it's been co-opted by people who just want to bitch about women.

I just spent like 20 minutes typing up a response to this and I lost it...

I was going to end it with what I call the Kramer situation. Was Michael Richards (Cosmo Kramer on Seinfeld) racist because he called someone a racial slur? Or, is it far more likely he chose the most offensive thing he could say to someone who was heckling him? Are the trolls attacking these women actually haters of women, or are they simply understanding enough of culture to know that explicit threats of rape are pretty offensive to women and use that as ammunition to offend?


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
This really should go to P&N, yes these people suck but I don't see what it has to do with PC gaming. if the GM CEO harasses a woman does that go in the garage?
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Feb 6, 2007
I was going to end it with what I call the Kramer situation. Was Michael Richards (Cosmo Kramer on Seinfeld) racist because he called someone a racial slur? Or, is it far more likely he chose the most offensive thing he could say to someone who was heckling him? Are the trolls attacking these women actually haters of women, or are they simply understanding enough of culture to know that explicit threats of rape are pretty offensive to women and use that as ammunition to offend?

How is that possibly an acceptable defense? A comedian at a comedy club is engaging in a job that frequently involves saying deliberately offensive things to provoke a reaction. You might heckle during the show (which makes you a bit of a jackass, but whatever), but hecklers don't follow the comedian home and threaten his family... And Michael Richards was crucified by the press for that performance. How is that the example you hang your hat on? No one thought that was the right thing to do, and he spent years apologizing for it. If Michael Richards happened to be headlining a movement at the time, do you think the PR people for that movement would say, "Hey, this n-word incident is getting a lot of play, let's keep trotting Michael out there and claim the heckler deserved it"? Of course not. Anyone with any sense can see that when something becomes that toxic, it just distracts from anything else you might be discussing, and you distance yourself from it as rapidly as possible. Gamergate folks have alternated between vague, "whatever, she deserved it" and doubling down on insane rhetoric and misogynistic death threats, and it's turned into a PR disaster.


Oct 30, 2008
How is that possibly an acceptable defense? A comedian at a comedy club is engaging in a job that frequently involves saying deliberately offensive things to provoke a reaction. You might heckle during the show (which makes you a bit of a jackass, but whatever), but hecklers don't follow the comedian home and threaten his family... And Michael Richards was crucified by the press for that performance. How is that the example you hang your hat on? No one thought that was the right thing to do, and he spent years apologizing for it. If Michael Richards happened to be headlining a movement at the time, do you think the PR people for that movement would say, "Hey, this n-word incident is getting a lot of play, let's keep trotting Michael out there and claim the heckler deserved it"? Of course not. Anyone with any sense can see that when something becomes that toxic, it just distracts from anything else you might be discussing, and you distance yourself from it as rapidly as possible. Gamergate folks have alternated between vague, "whatever, she deserved it" and doubling down on insane rhetoric and misogynistic death threats, and it's turned into a PR disaster.

You really missed the entire point of what I posted. Michael Richards isn't a racist for using a racial slur to offend someone being a jackass, just as someone upset by what Zoe Quinn and the rest of this debacle using threats targeted specifically to their demographic are misogynists. They are simply using the most effect way to harass them. But, people refuse to see it that way, despite it being 100% true. If I really wanted to offend a person who is part of a minority group, targeting my insults to that group is a far better way than anything else. If I wanted to insult Shakespeare, insulting him as a writer is a lot better than insulting him as regular guy. If I threatened to break into his house and burn all his unpublished materials, I am not someone who hates writers, I am someone who is threatening something that would offended Sir Bill.

I will admit there are people who are misogynists in the gaming community, just as there are in pretty much every other community. And, I refuse to believe white male gamers (someone specifically mentioned by Wu) should be stereotyped because of a very select few assholes who post on Twitter.
Feb 6, 2007
You really missed the entire point of what I posted. Michael Richards isn't a racist for using a racial slur to offend someone being a jackass, just as someone upset by what Zoe Quinn and the rest of this debacle using threats targeted specifically to their demographic are misogynists. They are simply using the most effect way to harass them. But, people refuse to see it that way, despite it being 100% true. If I really wanted to offend a person who is part of a minority group, targeting my insults to that group is a far better way than anything else. If I wanted to insult Shakespeare, insulting him as a writer is a lot better than insulting him as regular guy. If I threatened to break into his house and burn all his unpublished materials, I am not someone who hates writers, I am someone who is threatening something that would offended Sir Bill.

I will admit there are people who are misogynists in the gaming community, just as there are in pretty much every other community. And, I refuse to believe white male gamers (someone specifically mentioned by Wu) should be stereotyped because of a very select few assholes who post on Twitter.

I don't think white male gamers should be stereotyped either, but you aren't really helping your case when you argue that using bigotry against someone is a legitimate tactic if it sufficiently offends them. "Being a complete ***hole is totally acceptable if it makes your opponent angry!" No it isn't. If you want your complaints to be taken seriously, they can't be wrapped in bigotry; they should be able to stand on their own merits. By not only refusing to distance themselves from misogynistic hate speech, but actually trying to legitimize it as a tactic, gamergate is losing all credibility with mainstream opinion. Actually, scratch that; it lost all credibility. Find a strong leader who understands the cause and can speak to the values that gamergate has been trying to uphold, rally behind a new tag, and shout down the misogynistic nonsense of people who try to co-opt the movement to use it as an avenue to hate women. If your movement has to resort to death threats to silence the opposition, your argument is not worth listening to and your point is invalid.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2013
I just spent like 20 minutes typing up a response to this and I lost it...

I was going to end it with what I call the Kramer situation. Was Michael Richards (Cosmo Kramer on Seinfeld) racist because he called someone a racial slur? Or, is it far more likely he chose the most offensive thing he could say to someone who was heckling him? Are the trolls attacking these women actually haters of women, or are they simply understanding enough of culture to know that explicit threats of rape are pretty offensive to women and use that as ammunition to offend?



Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
Do men really enjoy yelling slurs at each other? I don't see why this is a practice anyone would defend. Regardless of women, I, as a man, don't even like to play fps games where boys are yelling at each other for hours. The only way to play those games is with real life friends.

It's really about growing up. I'm not going to defend or try to smooth over the actions of teen boys. When the splash over of "leet gamer speak" spills over to massacre threats, that's when its time to stamp it out. It is embarrassing to anyone that enjoys games and demeans the entire industry.

I have a real life friend that was swatted by internet people. It is getting a bit out of hand and people do make good on their threats sometimes, as my friend experienced.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
The only "gamers" being attacked are the disgusting people like you. Using every other gamer as a shield for your behavior isn't going to work on adults.

And I'm disgusting why? What did I do? I'm simply saying I have no sympathy for her, if you kick a bee's nest you get stung.

Is that right or moral or just?

But does it happen?
Yes, it demonstrably happens.

So when someone knows something is a threat even though that threat is not warranted, and they go and do it anyway and find themselves under attack...I have no sympathy for that person.

Your rush to defend people being pricks, whilst simultaneously discrediting those who try to change things, is amusing but disturbing.

I never defended anything, learn to read.

Yay! Disagree with someone and the acceptable response is to get death threats in return. You go try that at work today. Report back after.

I never said it was acceptable, I simply said that the response given the current environment online is predictable and that I have no sympathy for people doing things they know will get them into trouble

We have no good system for stopping alligators from violently ripping your arm off if you wave it around in front of their mouth, and we have no good system for stopping people anonymously posting threats over social media. Is it good that you lose an arm to an alligator? No of course not, but 99.9999% of us recognize that irrelevant of the morality of the situation, practical necessity dictates that we don't do something so monumentally stupid.

Yeah when that happens the guy that broke your nose gets arrested, what with him being in the wrong and everything.

Where did I say he wasn't in the wrong? I never said such a thing so stop dishonestly implying that. People using violence or threats is wrong and I fully support people being arrested for it, if they find the person sending threats they should be arrested.

No. A reasonable reaction to someone disagreeing with you or pissing you off is not to send them death threats.

I never said it was reasonable, I said it's to be expected for the singular reason that we have a history of people acting like these people and getting death threats. The same way we have a long history of alligators biting off peoples arms who are stupid enough to get too close. It's just basic cause and effect, if you don't want to be in dangerous situations then don't do things that put you in dangerous situations that's just basic common sense and if take the risk anyway then be prepared to deal with the consequences.

You can bitch all you want about the morality of the situation but it doesn't actually change the facts of reality, to think otherwise is profoundly stupid.

How fucking broken are you that you think that thats ok?

You really, REALLY need to learn some reading comprehension, like the 2 others I've quoted. You're all making assumptions off what I've said which are not actually true, you're acting irrationally and emotionally.

There's a difference between practicality of a situation and the morality of a situation. The world doesn't act entirely morally that's a FACT OF LIFE, get used to it or be prepared to lose your arm.
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Feb 6, 2007
I never said it was acceptable, I simply said that the response given the current environment online is predictable and that I have no sympathy for people doing things they know will get them into trouble

We have no good system for stopping alligators from violently ripping your arm off if you wave it around in front of their mouth, and we have no good system for stopping people anonymously posting threats over social media. Is it good that you lose an arm to an alligator? No of course not, but 99.9999% of us recognize that irrelevant of the morality of the situation, practical necessity dictates that we don't do something so monumentally stupid.

I never said it was reasonable, I said it's to be expected for the singular reason that we have a history of people acting like these people and getting death threats. The same way we have a long history of alligators biting off peoples arms who are stupid enough to get too close.

There's a fundamental problem with this analogy. If someone goes swimming in alligator infested waters, we can caution them and say, "hey, don't do that, there are alligators." If they do it anyway and get attacked, yeah, that's because they did something stupid. But what did these women do that was akin to "swimming with alligators"? They voiced an opinion that people disagreed with. Are you seriously going to argue that voicing an opinion that is unpopular with a certain group is something that people should avoid doing in the same vein as swimming with alligators? That's preposterous. We have freedom of speech in this country. And, yes, that might mean someone says something that upsets you personally. When someone does that, the appropriate response is to offer a counter-argument about why they're wrong, not post their contact information and issue public death threats. We're rational human beings, not alligators, and we're supposed to be held to a slightly higher standard than a reptilian apex predator. The only thing "monumentally stupid" is that you're apparently espousing the belief that if a group is awful enough to resort to these tactics, we shouldn't offer up any opinions they disagree with in the first place for fear of angering them; that would be swimming with alligators.


Oct 30, 2008
I don't think white male gamers should be stereotyped either, but you aren't really helping your case when you argue that using bigotry against someone is a legitimate tactic if it sufficiently offends them.

And that isn't my argument. The people making using those tactics are bad people. However, they aren't racists or misogynists. The threats and statements used are targeted to hurt the person the most, not used out of some latent hate for women; and that is the entire problem with this situation. The people who are going to use these kinds of threats are going to use them, regardless of the person or stance. This isn't something that is a problem with the community; it is the problem with the very small minority of individuals who do them.

Is Michael Richards a bad person? Possibly. He responded to a heckler (which the club should have taken care of immediately) in a way he knew would offend. Is his a racist? Hardly. One incident of shouting a racial slur at a person intentionally being a jerkoff doesn't make one a racist.

Does the community of male gamers hate women because a few (if it is even a few, it could be the same person for all we know) choose to use explicit threats directed at a few individuals you've never heard of before they went on TV because they disagree with the stereotyping? Hardly.

If one wants to talk about the actual issues of how women are portrayed in video games or the issues they face as developers in a male dominated career field, calling every male in the industry a misogynist really doesn't lend to your credibility.


Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2007
What irritates me most about the way this argument has gone is that everyone seems to be personally attacking the other with stereotypes. You guys are doing it in the thread and in the wider movement people are doing it too. Its really frustrating.

What I see has happened is that Gamersgate becomes a thing when a bundle of potential corruption and actual corruption is found in the gaming news review industry. In the process the news doesn't deny it, just ignores it. A feminist complains about games she never played, its intelligently picked apart but in the process she calls all male gamers misogynists. So in response some actual misogynists who are also play gamers threaten her. The gaming press much prefers to associate gamersgate with hate messages so goes with that version of events rather than the whole "yeah we took money from publishers to give them a positive review" side of the story and start pushing that agenda repeatedly. Some people believe that is what its about or think is what its become and some don't. Now each side of the debate is calling all of the others on the other side names and there is no reasonable debate about what actually happened any more and what we found out about the press. Indeed its the presses version of events we now hear from others, it shows just how powerful that press is and how effective the censorship can be in making a message less clear and being able to define another one.

And yet here we are, games reviewers have successfully changed the message, used the general hate of the internet, which we all know is present in everything everywhere, to completely corrupt a message that had the very real chance of ruining the business of those that were openly corrupt. I have to hand it to them that is one hell of a bit of spin marketing. They colluded really heavily to make that happen and turn things around. Sure it lost them some customers for good and those customers are now watching guys like TotalBiscuit who isn't corrupt and taking money from any publisher willing to give it for positive reviews. Having labelled everyone who agreed that something needed to change as part of gamersgate as misogynist they disarmed the entire thing despite the fact that most of the supporters of gamersgate aren't, never were and did in no way support the hate messages. But few will now listen to that argument now because anyone still in gamersgate must be a misogynist because the press and a feminist who insulted about 50% of that movement got some hate mail.

Here is an experiment to try. Go into any random community you don't currently belong to, like some audiophile forum or perhaps a parenting forum and write a nice message completely calling them all something nasty that is directly against the culture of that forum. Saying there is no difference between a coat hanger and a $1000 cable is a good way to start, and make sure you keep pushing this message and arguing. I want you to count how many personal attacks and threats you get. Your first time out you might not hit the nerve perfectly to get a nice long death threat but people will attack you. The internet is just full of this, anger about your argument comes out that way rather than as a reasonable debate, it'll turn into SJW verses misogynist and yet neither agrees they fit either label and its just a stereo type which everyone keeps attacking. I get a lot of threats and attacks on these forums for talking about video cards and bugs, something I enjoy doing and which benefits others but it hurts some individuals to hear that their favourite company might not produce something perfect. I have been receiving death threats on the internet since 1994. They are in everything on the internet, the problem with putting us in touch with everyone is that 1 in 100000 crazies is a lot of crazies we are put in touch with.

So the problem with using a death threat as proof that gamers gate and its message of corrupt dealings is really about misogyny is that anything on the internet is full of these crazies, they don't define the message they are the background noise. Its the slant of the media that makes the background noise the message, and in this case they need it to become that because its all about the bad things they have done.
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Feb 6, 2007
And that isn't my argument. The people making using those tactics are bad people. However, they aren't racists or misogynists. The threats and statements used are targeted to hurt the person the most, not used out of some latent hate for women; and that is the entire problem with this situation. The people who are going to use these kinds of threats are going to use them, regardless of the person or stance. This isn't something that is a problem with the community; it is the problem with the very small minority of individuals who do them.

If one wants to talk about the actual issues of how women are portrayed in video games or the issues they face as developers in a male dominated career field, calling every male in the industry a misogynist really doesn't lend to your credibility.

See, this is an actual dialogue that could lead to a productive conversation. I agree with your latter point that simply leaping to calling all gamers misogynists is counter-productive. However, I'm never going to agree with defending the actions of the verifiable misogynists who have made these threats. That's the dividing line. I think there's a productive conversation to be had and it's being subverted by bigots and lunatics who think terror tactics are an acceptable means of discourse. I'm just flabbergasted that you appear to be defending those tactics rather than saying, "screw each and every one of those misogynistic creeps, they don't represent us, let's discuss the actual issue of whether gaming is inherently misogynistic" (and I personally don't believe it is). That's where gamergate has utterly dropped the ball from a PR perspective in my view. Stop wasting your time trying to legitimize an inherently illegitimate strategy, as it just ends up looking like an endorsement of that illegitimate strategy and it's nothing but a distraction. Distance yourself from the lunatic fringe.


Oct 9, 1999
See, this is an actual dialogue that could lead to a productive conversation. I agree with your latter point that simply leaping to calling all gamers misogynists is counter-productive. However, I'm never going to agree with defending the actions of the verifiable misogynists who have made these threats. That's the dividing line. I think there's a productive conversation to be had and it's being subverted by bigots and lunatics who think terror tactics are an acceptable means of discourse. I'm just flabbergasted that you appear to be defending those tactics rather than saying, "screw each and every one of those misogynistic creeps, they don't represent us, let's discuss the actual issue of whether gaming is inherently misogynistic" (and I personally don't believe it is). That's where gamergate has utterly dropped the ball from a PR perspective in my view. Stop wasting your time trying to legitimize an inherently illegitimate strategy, as it just ends up looking like an endorsement of that illegitimate strategy and it's nothing but a distraction. Distance yourself from the lunatic fringe.

Jesus Fucking Christ man! Nobody is defending terror tactics!

Do you think Gamergate is some organized group with a leader and a manifesto? Anybody can claim to be a part of it and say anything they want. What do you expect the 99% who are not part of the problem to say? Do they need to preface every sentence with a full disclaimer?

Shit, I could claim to be a feminist and then make outlandish statements about wanting to kill all men. Does that make feminists everywhere responsible for distancing themselves from me every time they open their mouths?


Jan 6, 2012
How else am I supposed to read this?

That sounds like someone legitimizing bigotry as a rhetorical tool because it's the most efficient way to offend someone.

He's saying that if you're trying to offend someone, and the insult that will offend them most is racist, then using a racist insult will cause the most offense. The statement is essentially a tautology (since A -> B, then A -> B).

He makes the additional assertion that using a racist insult to offend someone doesn't make you a racist.

The vast majority of pro-GG people are no more sexist or less sexist than average. There are toxic individuals out there, particularly on the Internet, and they will join whatever side they see fit. Here's the important bit: you can't prevent people from claiming they're on your side. You CAN however abstain from supporting assholes just because they claim to be on your side. Furthermore, you can criticize these assholes. So when I see GG supporters condemning death threats and then compare that to the barrage of anti-GG articles defending Zoe Quinn, who is a textbook psychopath*, it's hard for me to give the latter group the moral high ground.

*I should note that I feel bad for psychopaths, as they are human beings that were dealt a bad genetic hand, but that does not mean that we should turn a blind eye to the suffering they cause.


Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2007
I liken this chain of argument as the same thing as making all muslims first say they aren't terrorists and in no way do they support terrorism. That in itself is racist to make them do that.

So when you turn to someone who says they support gamersgate and then say they must distance themselves from crazies that is the exact same thing, its not necessary, its not right and its certainly not what this is about. Its actually bad behaviour.


Jun 24, 2003
And her entire problem lies in this statement: "You have players which are taking in these unconscious messages — women are not welcome here, this is our turf, this is our space — and then as a result of that we have a very hostile culture toward women,"
She isn't talking about idiots who make death threats on twitter; she is talking about all gamers. She is pushing that because 3 women were attacked, all women are attacked and all male gamers are a part of it.

Let's replace everywhere she says or refers to male gamers with African American and replace all references to hating women with committing crimes. She is full of crap and stereotyping an entire classification of people.

Let's also take into account nobody has ever heard of her or her games before this, and that is the same as with everyone else in this scandal.

Very well put. This is a person who has contributed nothing to the gaming world. All she's done is denigrate all male gamers and cause a shitstorm of negative publicity for the gaming community. And she's profited off of it. Despicable. I hope she's unable to proceed with any of her planned speeches in the future. A friend of mine sent me a link showing that she'll be speaking at my alma matter early next year. It makes my blood boil to think that students' funds are going into her pocket to hear her stir shit.


Jun 24, 2003
I can't help but think this could all have been avoided if everyone just shrugged their shoulder's and agreed with her

Nothing would have changed and she would not be getting death threats

That's my IRL reaction to feminists, evangelists and pretty much every breed of outspoken idiots. "I already believe exactly what you believe! What a coincidence!"


Oct 9, 1999

Oh look, another bullshit article that presupposes that one side is wrong and then invents reasons why.

There is also a reason why so much of the rhetoric amounts to a vigorous argument that "Being a gamer doesn't mean you're sexist, racist, and stupid"—a claim no one is making.

Yeah, nobody is claiming that. Except for the people who are.

Both sides were heard. And thus did Leigh Alexander's commentary on the pluralism of gaming today get equal time with a campaign bent on silencing her.

To say nothing of the other side silencing legitimate critique by having their accounts suspended, or having admins remove posts from forums that certain privileged people disagreed with. Do a little reading on what Sarkeesian or Quinn have done to make sure the other side is silenced, even when the other side is intelligent critique. Just label it harassment, even when it obviously is not, and it disappears without a trace.
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