Yet another game developer driven out of her home by internet misogynists

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Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
I don't think it has anything to do with women or misogyny, it's just the nature of the internet. People get silly threats like this all the time on Twitter, they just don't typically call the cops over it.

The idea that these people are misogynists (people who HATE women as a group) is basically completely and utterly untrue. Most popular internet celebs receive hate mail, death threats and general derision on a daily basis, both men and women receive it and both men and women dish it out. And it's never because these people hate women (or men) as an entire group, it's just anonymity plus some motivation to be a dick results in some people taking it too far.

The only difference is that Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) have an agenda to push so they use this as "evidence" for their cause while at the same time painting ALL gamergate supporters this way and using this method as a way to silence legitimate criticism.

It's been happening for like a decade to many more people and they take it in stride because with fame comes attention both negative and positive, only these people "milk it", they claim they're victims in one breath but then they continue to deliberately engage in activity which causes them to be targets and they do so knowing the result of that decision. It's completely manufactured.

If you're still falling for this nonsense you need a sharp wake up call to reality.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
Instead, yet another mainstream media outlet falls into the "these are just a bunch of misogynists" camp and your argument gets a little bit harder to defend in the court of public opinion.

I've started to have the opinion of **REMOVED** the public opinion. They are the reason to start with that idiots like Sarkeesian have a voice to start with.

It's not unlike spam. Spam annoys 100% of people because 2-3% of people repeatedly fall for the scams and create a market for spam, you can't blame the people who send it, they're just opportunists who see a market for something and step in, they will AWLAYS exist, but the people who fall for it, who create the market for it, they're the problem, if they didn't exist then spam wouldn't exist.

It's the same with these social justice warriors, their ridiculous appeals to emotion, their hard left politics and their complete lack of science, skepticism, logic and critical only appeals to idiots who lap this stuff up, which is a small percentage of people, but these people are LOUD and obnoxious.

Sadly 50% of the planet has below 100 IQ and that causes a problem for the rest of us, what is "public opinion" shouldn't really matter, but apparently it does. Anyone who is a rational and critical thinker, who relies on evidence of reality to base their belief systems on, ought to ignore public opinion and look at the facts and the science.

It's the reliance on public opinion that gives these people any kind of power at all, it's disgusting. It's some degenerate race to the bottom where everyone's opinion is equally as valid and somehow it's become about numbers rather than rationality.

This whole thing makes me sick, it's just disgusting, people and their extreme irrationality are the problem. If everyone was skeptical in the slightest then none of this crap would get off the ground.

bleh [/rant]

No cursing in PCG.

Anandtech Administrator
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Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
At this point we really need to get rid of the current PC&G moderator(s) and get a new moderator. It is utterly ridiculous that a thread like this has existed in this forum for this long.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2013
At this point we really need to get rid of the current PC&G moderator(s) and get a new moderator. It is utterly ridiculous that a thread like this has existed in this forum for this long.

It has to do with gaming. It has everything to do with gaming.

Oh, and here this is for you.

Is AT really full of people who have so little self control that they HAVE to continue to click on a thread that they already know they don't want to read or participate in? Stop reading the threads you aren't interested in. I don't understand why any of you are posting here if you don't like the topic.
Feb 6, 2007
It has to do with gaming. It has everything to do with gaming.

Oh, and here this is for you.

I think it's an interesting topic and it certainly has to do with gaming, but I can see the need for moderation. First, some people aren't holding to the "no swearing" rule that this section falls under, so that's just something to be mindful of. Second, we don't really need multiple threads on it anymore. Apart from that, I agree; if it doesn't interest you, don't read it.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
It has to do with gaming. It has everything to do with gaming.

Oh, and here this is for you.

It is politics & news it is not about computer games. It is truly not a difficult concept to grasp.

Why have forum categories at all if you are going to ignore them on a whim?


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2009
It is politics & news it is not about computer games. It is truly not a difficult concept to grasp.

Why have forum categories at all if you are going to ignore them on a whim?

It's not only about "don't read it". It's about properly categorizing "developer driven out of her home by internet misogynists". That's a online communication topic or a misogyny issue, not a PC gaming forum issue.

If any AT member makes a thread about a particularly difficult bowel movement they recently experienced, I may have questions or comments but I won't address it in PC gaming or a video cards & graphics forum. The reason why some of us posted was not to annoy the participants but to alert mods to have the thread moved to a more appropriate forum.
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Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2013
Are you guys done whining? All you've done is whine about this and whine about that and now you've found something else to whine about. Can we get back to the topic at hand? Thanks.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
Are you guys done whining? All you've done is whine about this and whine about that and now you've found something else to whine about. Can we get back to the topic at hand? Thanks.

You're absolutely right. Let's talk more about Anita's professional whining.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Everyone in this thread please note the following:

1. If you find a particular post offensive, out of line, or off topic, then please report it. That is the best way to ensure something is looked at.

2. If you have a problem with the way a thread is being moderated, then create a thread in Moderator Discussions and it will be addressed.

3. Most importantly, this is a gaming-related topic. It relates to the gaming industry as a whole. PC Gaming does not exist exclusively to discuss actual games released, it is for all industry-related topics. Nobody is forcing you to read and post in this thread, just like nobody is forcing you to post in the Hello Kitty MMO thread. You do not have to like the topic of every thread created in this forum, but that does not give you the right to impede everyone else from discussing it. Everyone is welcome to engage in the discussion of the topic at hand and everyone is also welcome to report posts they feel are out of line, but derailing and thread-crapping will not be tolerated.

Thank you.

Anandtech Administrator


Oct 9, 1999
Did any of those facts come out on Colbert? Did any of that get brought up in any other mainstream publications which have all taken a decidedly negative tone of gamergate? No, it didn't. So even if it's true, that's not what the public is going to associate with gamergate. This has turned into a PR disaster for GG. But if someone points that out, they're just trying to "rile people up"? I'm sorry, I thought this was a discussion forum, not an echo chamber.

Honest question: How do you think someone feels about gamergate if their ONLY exposure to the controversy is what they saw on Colbert Report? Sure, if you follow 8chan and the KIA subreddit, you'll have a lot more background information to inform your opinion. But if ALL you know about it is what was presented on Colbert... gamergate really didn't come off looking good. If I had a vested interest in the movement, that might concern me.

No one involved with gamergate was never concerned about looking good, only with being heard. It doesn't matter. I think it's hilarious that people keep declaring gamergate is finished, when literally every time someone makes that declaration they only succeed in keeping it going. It'll go away only when the media who claim to be so against it finally stop talking about it.

The losers here are the individual game journo outlets that have succeeded in alienating a fraction of their audience. They've gained no new fans, they've only lost old ones. They stood up for what they believed was right and they're going to pay for it once the smoke clears and people stop clicking gamergate stories. The only winner here is sarkeesian, because now everyone knows her name.

For everyone else, it will be long forgotten soon enough. The gamergate people will continue to get the games they want, because for every dev that thinks "Hmm, there's a lot of people sympathetic to feminism, let's make a game that speaks to that, there will be a dev that thinks "Hmm, lots of gamers seem to really like this questionable portrayal of women, let's take it up a notch!"
Feb 6, 2007
For everyone else, it will be long forgotten soon enough. The gamergate people will continue to get the games they want, because for every dev that thinks "Hmm, there's a lot of people sympathetic to feminism, let's make a game that speaks to that, there will be a dev that thinks "Hmm, lots of gamers seem to really like this questionable portrayal of women, let's take it up a notch!"

The one thing that's not going to come from this, regardless of how popular Sarkeesian or other feminist game critics get, is developers stopping making "sexist" games. You think developers are going to turn away from franchises like Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto, or even the "damsel in distress" trope of Mario? Those games are basically a license to print money. That's why I don't find myself caring when radical feminists decry the state of gaming; I'm fine with them making games for themselves and critiquing things they don't like, because I'm confident that the games I like aren't going away. That's what I don't understand about the ire gamergate has thrown towards some of these women. So they don't like the same things as you... so what? Do you honestly think someone with a mildly popular Youtube channel is going to make developers think twice about releasing another sequel that will sell 30 million copies? Oh look, someone made a game that you don't like, and 12 people have ever heard of it... better give her some free publicity to tell her how much she sucks! What's the point of that? People in this very thread are responding to complaints about this thread existing with a reasonable "you don't have to read it," and then unironically complaining about every little thing feminist game critics do when they could just follow their own advice and not read it to begin with. It's never going to amount to substantive change. The games you like aren't going away. Live and let live, you know?


Oct 9, 1999
Political correctness spreads like a cancer. Early detection and an aggressive response is critical.

There have been non-violent, non-sexist games developed since video games began. But suddenly the SJWs decide it's not enough to have options, they actively start working to put an end a specific segment of the industry. If there was no opposition, they'd eventually get their way.
Feb 6, 2007
There have been non-violent, non-sexist games developed since video games began. But suddenly the SJWs decide it's not enough to have options, they actively start working to put an end a specific segment of the industry. If there was no opposition, they'd eventually get their way.

How exactly would they get their way? That's where I get lost. You're telling me that developers are going to watch a couple Youtube videos, think "Jesus God, I AM a monster," and scrap the next GTA to release an interactive Vagina Monologues rhythm game? "Boy, I sure am sick of these billions of dollars young men keep giving me, I better mix it up and alienate a completely different market segment for no particular reason." If you ignore these feminist critics and keep spending billions on games that they don't like, there's no market pressure for developers to change regardless of what some woman on Youtube says. You know how I know? Because radical feminists have been complaining about TV and movies for decades and we still have plenty of male-oriented programming to choose from; actually, it's the bulk of what gets made. Somehow they've managed to completely screw the pooch in changing other media, but they're going to get their way in a medium where they control far less of the market? That's delusional.


Golden Member
Jun 17, 2002
How exactly would they get their way? That's where I get lost. You're telling me that developers are going to watch a couple Youtube videos, think "Jesus God, I AM a monster," and scrap the next GTA to release an interactive Vagina Monologues rhythm game? "Boy, I sure am sick of these billions of dollars young men keep giving me, I better mix it up and alienate a completely different market segment for no particular reason." If you ignore these feminist critics and keep spending billions on games that they don't like, there's no market pressure for developers to change regardless of what some woman on Youtube says. You know how I know? Because radical feminists have been complaining about TV and movies for decades and we still have plenty of male-oriented programming to choose from; actually, it's the bulk of what gets made. Somehow they've managed to completely screw the pooch in changing other media, but they're going to get their way in a medium where they control far less of the market? That's delusional.

This is true, the games made are gonna be the games that sell. Money talks and a few SJWs demanding we stop "triggering" or whatever aren't gonna stop an open wallet.


Jun 24, 2003

It's not only about "don't read it". It's about properly categorizing "developer driven out of her home by internet misogynists". That's a online communication topic or a misogyny issue, not a PC gaming forum issue.

If any AT member makes a thread about a particularly difficult bowel movement they recently experienced, I may have questions or comments but I won't address it in PC gaming or a video cards & graphics forum. The reason why some of us posted was not to annoy the participants but to alert mods to have the thread moved to a more appropriate forum.

I made a thread about it in Personal Forum Issues.

I've gone from not noticing the moderation in this forum (a sign of a good forum) to thinking they need a new mod.

This thread is about feminism and social justice, with very little to do with PC gaming.

If you have a problem with the thread, stay out of it. There was a bolded warning posted just above your post yet you still decided to threadcrap with the same nonsense.

Either stay on topic or leave the thread.

Thank you.

Anandtech Administrator
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Oct 9, 1999
The one thing that's not going to come from this, regardless of how popular Sarkeesian or other feminist game critics get, is developers stopping making "sexist" games. You think developers are going to turn away from franchises like Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto, or even the "damsel in distress" trope of Mario? Those games are basically a license to print money. That's why I don't find myself caring when radical feminists decry the state of gaming; I'm fine with them making games for themselves and critiquing things they don't like, because I'm confident that the games I like aren't going away. That's what I don't understand about the ire gamergate has thrown towards some of these women. So they don't like the same things as you... so what? Do you honestly think someone with a mildly popular Youtube channel is going to make developers think twice about releasing another sequel that will sell 30 million copies? Oh look, someone made a game that you don't like, and 12 people have ever heard of it... better give her some free publicity to tell her how much she sucks! What's the point of that? People in this very thread are responding to complaints about this thread existing with a reasonable "you don't have to read it," and then unironically complaining about every little thing feminist game critics do when they could just follow their own advice and not read it to begin with. It's never going to amount to substantive change. The games you like aren't going away. Live and let live, you know?

Oh, it's super easy to understand the rage. It's Twitter, it takes 128 characters and about ten seconds to express it. I can fire off a few dozen while I take a dump. It's not like they're organizing a march in Washington. That's why there's no big names associated with gamergate, because the people behind it actually don't care beyond that. They've only been elevated to share the platform with the feminists because the media made it a story. The average gamergater probably spent more time and mental energy watching a random cat video on YouTube than all their tweets combined.

I don't think anyone who's involvement doesn't go beyond that actually expects anything to change. They just had a simple and quick way to express their opinion, and they used it.


Jun 24, 2003
I ran across this interesting post explaining how seemingly innocuous greetings are actually offensive and threatening. It made me think of the Borderlands series of games, where most interactions with female characters are tinged with exactly this kind of suggestive harassment. From Moxxi, to Athena, heck even Ellie's dialogue when interacting with a male character is hyper-sexualized.

So what can we do about this? You miss out on a lot of quests in the game if you simply refuse to interact with the female characters, but I know from my SJW readings that ignoring them is the right thing to do.


Jan 8, 2011
I am way behind on this gamergate thing. Is there a nice video I can watch to catch me up? The whole thing just blew right past me.
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