Yet another x58 thread


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2017
First of all, hello dudes.

So, I want to upgrade my PC. I have this:

GA-x58a-UD7 (rev 2.0)
I7 950 @ 3,07
GeForce gtx 260
Corsair Dominator GT 2000 3x2gb cl8 (CMT6GX3M3A2000c8) -> Right now 4gb because one stick is broken.
Tacens Radix III Smart 1200w
BenQ XL2410T 120hz

Quite an ancient piece of equipment I have right here (specially the GPU right? xDDD). My father bought it for me a fuckton years ago, and so far so good. But the thing is that I need new RAM because mine broke (and 6gb is pretty borderline these days anyways IMO), I also NEED a new GPU (970 is what I'm aiming for) and a SSD.

Ofc, one starts looking for info; will my i7 950 bottleneck the gtx 970? i7 950 overclock, SSD for x58a-ud7? Ram for x58a-ud7? x58a-ud7 specs.... Best 1336 socket processor?

18h of non-stop reading later I find that my x58a-ud7 is a little hidden treasure, because it apparently can handle the x5675 (even tho I think I need to upgrade the BIOS to at least the FC version) with pretty good overclocks.

Now, the upgrade to the x5675 would be a no-brainer, but I also need to buy new RAM, and that RAM will be of no use in the future, because newer technology only support DDR4. Also, my "little hidden treasure" seems to have Marvelous SATA3 speed, if you know what I mean, and that strikes me as a set back because I plan mainly on gaming (and record myself, also render videos sometimes). Also I have my sight on a second-hand 5820k.

SOoOoooOOoooOOOOooOOoo here are my options:


GA-x58a-UD7 (rev 2.0)
x5675 (~100€)
GTX 970 (g1 probably. ~180€)
WD Green SSD 240GB SATA3 (85€. I picked this one because is cheaper than the 850EVO, and my mobo can't handle those speeds, so I guess is more or less the same, with 10gb less)
16gb RAM (~140€) -> Suggestions are welcome
Cooling for OC (~??€) > Suggestions are welcome

Total -> ~500€ + Cooling for CPU (maybe a little lower?)


Asus x99 Deluxe
i7 5820K
Noctua NH D14

GTX 970 (~180€)
Gskill Ripjaws Red ddr4 3000 PC4-24000 4x4gb cl15 (110€)
Samsung 850 EVO 250gb (98€)

Total -> ~990€ (Probably 890-900€. Let's say 950€)

And sell my x58a-ud7 and the i7 950. No idea for how much tho. I've seen them on aliexpress for 430€, but I don't think anyone is going to pay that. Maybe 250€? So the total if I can sell it would be ~700€.

Well, that is all. What do you think? The goal is to play FPS games at 120fps.

I really want your input, because my head is a mess right now.

PD: Fuck, what a wall of text...


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2013
You can get a Xeon X5670 hex-core for around $50, and with that board, you'll hit 4Ghz pretty easy.

Edit, oops you're not in the US.
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Reactions: MongGrel


Golden Member
Nov 27, 2016
x58's are legendary champions, but there say is coming to an end. Kabylake probably has 50% higher single threaded performance.
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Junior Member
Feb 13, 2017

From there. 82€ but almost 1 month of wait.

The thing is that I have no clue of what to do. I have a sentimental attachement for my pc, but I do want the best deal I can get. The thing is: 550€ for the x5675 setup or 950€ for the i7 5820k setup?

The Ryzen... idk. I didn't saw too much info about it. And I actually love intel (i7950 working perfect since 2009. They earned my trust). Months will have to pass until I decide for a Ryzen, and meanwhile I'm stucked with a 4gb ram PC.

Quite difficult.


Golden Member
Nov 27, 2016
CPU's have a life expectancy of like 20 years.

Brand loyalty is illogical.

Why would you need to wait months? Benchmarks will be released within 2 weeks.
Reactions: formulav8


Dec 3, 2013

From there. 82€ but almost 1 month of wait.

The thing is that I have no clue of what to do. I have a sentimental attachement for my pc, but I do want the best deal I can get. The thing is: 550€ for the x5675 setup or 950€ for the i7 5820k setup?

The Ryzen... idk. I didn't saw too much info about it. And I actually love intel (i7950 working perfect since 2009. They earned my trust). Months will have to pass until I decide for a Ryzen, and meanwhile I'm stucked with a 4gb ram PC.

Quite difficult.

You seem to be doing something wrong, even a basic I7-920 would be able to use much more than 4 gigs of ram.

You have stated from the start one of your ram sticks is borked, maybe a good place to start is fixing that problem.


Golden Member
May 28, 2016

Keep your current system as is.

Build a new ryzen system next month, and sell your old stuff on ebay.

Yeah I'll be building a Ryzen system to replace my venerable i7 920, though it's more for fun. At 4.0ghz & now with DX12 games it's still plenty for just about anything that isn't garbage coded. Also encoding a big batch takes a few minutes longer overnight I guess.


Golden Member
Nov 27, 2016
You seem to be doing something wrong, even a basic I7-920 would be able to use much more than 4 gigs of ram.

You have stated from the start one of your ram sticks is borked, maybe a good place to start is fixing that problem.
That old ddr3 is pretty expensive, and the remaining 2gb sticks are crap. You would need to buy 8-12gb of ddr3 to make it worthwhile.


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2017
I had 6gb. 1 stick broke and now I have 4gb. Now I have to decide if I upgrade my i7 950 to a x5675 and buy 16gb DDR3 RAM or upgrade to a newer system with DDR4 RAM.

I basically wanna play CSGO, Overwatch, Paladins, Dota, LoL, WoW and some other random games at 120fps (OW is capped to 60fps I think). I want to record myself and render those videos (I could buy an external recorder if I see it's too much). Maybe i'll use photoshop from time to time. I don't think I need THAT much power for those tasks, so I'm considering the much cheaper x58 upgrade. I was also considering the i7 5820k because it's relatively cheap (it's a second-hand system) and comes with an Asus x99 Deluxe, which seems to be a pretty good mobo. It also had the plus of selling my ud7 and i7 950, even tho that might be not so easy.


GA-x58a-UD7 + x5675 + Cooler + DDR3 RAM = ~310€ For hard OC (Aiming to 4.2-4.6ghz) with lower SSD speed. (I could also lower the RAM for a cheaper price. But 16gb feels about right)
Asus x99 Deluxe + i7 5820K + Noctua NH D14 + DDR4 RAM = ~700€ with normal SSD speed. Also some OC capabilities (I didn't read much about this setup, I focused more on the x5675)
Mobo¿? + Ryzen¿? + Cooler + DDR4 RAM = ~800€ or so?

I can see how a Ryzen could be an improvement over the i7 5820k (or not, IDK) for a little bit more money. But it's still a lot more expensive than the x5675 setup. What fucks me over here is the RAM. If I didn't have to buy a new RAM, the Xenon + cooler would be under 200€.
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Junior Member
Feb 13, 2017
The problem with shipping from the US are the taxes. I recently ordered some sports gear, it was 300€; when the guy from UPS came to my door, he told me I had to pay 100€ more. So no more buying things from the US I guess.


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2008

Keep your current system as is.

Build a new ryzen system next month, and sell your old stuff on ebay.
I was going to say the same thing.

I am very much looking forward to Ryzen but such a definitive response seems premature to me. I think to be proper one must wait to make an assessment as such...when ryzen is actually here.

an upgrade to the op current rig seems awfully easy and cheap to pull off. Regardless of ryzen.


Golden Member
Nov 27, 2016
I am very much looking forward to Ryzen but such a definitive response seems premature to me. I think to be proper one must wait to make an assessment as such...when ryzen is actually here.

an upgrade to the op current rig seems awfully easy and cheap to pull off. Regardless of ryzen.

I had a 930. The upgrade to a x5650 was good, especially for $20, but I did it over a year ago, and I had already bought 12gb of memory. The x58 is a legendary platform, but it's getting long in the tooth.

He also needs new DDR3. Idk, if it's worth $100 to fix his old system. I guess you could recoup much of it later though. Meh... I would go with that or Zen, depending on financials.
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Dec 3, 2013
That old ddr3 is pretty expensive, and the remaining 2gb sticks are crap. You would need to buy 8-12gb of ddr3 to make it worthwhile.

You can still buy 3X4 gig G-Skill low latency Ripjaw 1333 ddr3 kit at a pretty low cost.

I haven't looked them up in the last week or so I guess.
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Golden Member
Dec 26, 2008
I had 6gb. 1 stick broke and now I have 4gb. Now I have to decide if I upgrade my i7 950 to a x5675 and buy 16gb DDR3 RAM or upgrade to a newer system with DDR4 RAM.

I basically wanna play CSGO, Overwatch, Paladins, Dota, LoL, WoW and some other random games at 120fps (OW is capped to 60fps I think). I want to record myself and render those videos (I could buy an external recorder if I see it's too much). Maybe i'll use photoshop from time to time. I don't think I need THAT much power for those tasks, so I'm considering the much cheaper x58 upgrade. I was also considering the i7 5820k because it's relatively cheap (it's a second-hand system) and comes with an Asus x99 Deluxe, which seems to be a pretty good mobo. It also had the plus of selling my ud7 and i7 950, even tho that might be not so easy.


GA-x58a-UD7 + x5675 + Cooler + DDR3 RAM = ~310€ For hard OC (Aiming to 4.2-4.6ghz) with lower SSD speed. (I could also lower the RAM for a cheaper price. But 16gb feels about right)
Asus x99 Deluxe + i7 5820K + Noctua NH D14 + DDR4 RAM = ~700€ with normal SSD speed. Also some OC capabilities (I didn't read much about this setup, I focused more on the x5675)
Mobo¿? + Ryzen¿? + Cooler + DDR4 RAM = ~800€ or so?

I can see how a Ryzen could be an improvement over the i7 5820k (or not, IDK) for a little bit more money. But it's still a lot more expensive than the x5675 setup. What fucks me over here is the RAM. If I didn't have to buy a new RAM, the Xenon + cooler would be under 200€.

what are you working with? i you current cooler usable? the 5675 is 32nm, perhaps you can use your cooler if it is any good.

I would not put a lot of cash in your old system. pick you up a 6core and ram. you dont need crazy expensive ram, it wont make any difference in your games. Also, like you said.. its older ram and the world is moving on.
for your system, how are you planning on doing 16gb? the x58 is a triple channel platform. They seem to clock better with one dim per slot. I would go with 4gb x 3. you could/should be able to pick some up cheap. used even. i have swapped and picked up used ram many times and i dont see the benefit in paying a lot for ram in this case.

Any ram you get used, run memory test soon as you get it. over night memtest or whatever you like. I test all ram sticks i get and have had to RMA ram more than anything else. From my experience, fancy low latency ram needs to be tested right off the bat. Brand new, especially. If it passes, its all good. Never have a problem and use it for years and years. Havent had issues with going out, but i think testing ram is a good practice. new or used, test it.

so, i would recommend updating your pc as cheaply as possible. expensive ram is negligible, just a mediocre SSD would do wonders.. i just wouldnt spend much on a system that old. all the extra spent will bring insignificant performance. Keep the upgrade low in price or otherwise just retire the platform. The thing about updating your old system is it can be pieced together. cpu, and immediate quick performance. there is no need to try to inch on buying 16gb of expensive ram or expensive anything... the platform is too old.


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2017
So, something like this?

So far: x5675 + G.Skill DIMM 12 GB DDR3-1600/1333 Tri-Kit + Cooler = 83+106+¿? = ~280€? Pretty good or should I go lower?

The CPU cooler is stock, so no use there.

Also, let's say I do want to upgrade to a higher platform; what do you think about the i7 5820k deal? Asus x99 Deluxe + i7 5820K + Noctua NH D14 + DDR4 RAM = ~700€

Is it worth or is there better options? Is waiting for Ryzen an alternative to upgrade to 2011-3?


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2017
Sry for the bump, but I can now have the Asus x99 Deluxe + i7 5820K + Noctua NH D14 + DDR4 RAM for 640€ (maybe I can push it to 610-620€)

Time to read again and see how good the Asus mobo is, for future upgrades (or if you just know, you could also tell me and save all the night xD). It's a shame there is not much info about the Ryzens yet.

Edit: Ok fuck It. I'm upgrading my current system. It will be enough for what I want to do, and I can wait a year or so until the Ryzens and their mobos are all ok.

So, I'll try and summon @Burpo because he is the one I readed the most while I was looking for all that x58 info.

x5675 - 82€
x5670 - 62€
x5560 - 52€

The x5670 seems to have the better value, but I'm leaning more towards the x5675 (not a single upgrade in 7years, so 20€ for a little bit more juice doesn't look that much xD), but if they will perform the same at same speeds and they can achieve the same speeds... then it's nosense to spend 20 more.

As I said, my goal is 4.2ghx to 4.6ghz. Expecting 4.4ghz 24/7. Which processor have better chances of achieve my expectations? And cooler, which one should I pick?

Edit2: This is what I've come up with:

RAM: Corsair CMZ12GX3M3A1600C9 or G.Skill F3-12800CL9T-12GBSR2
Cooler: NZXT Kraken x41

The cooler and the ssd will probably be usefull for when I upgrade (at least the ssd for sure).

Last thing is, what of those RAM kits should I buy? I think the G.Skill is better right? Btw, my RAM have this fan. Is this usefull for me?
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Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
Any 6 core xeon should be enough for your board, as you will be reaching temperature/vcore limits well before BLCK limits is reached with the beast of the UD7. I have the original UD5, and it will do 200 BLCK and even a bit higher no problem. I currently have a X5670 in it running at 4.25 GHz. I could go higher I suspect, but it may require more vcore or better cooling. That system currently is using 12GB of corsair Vengeance, and a Thermalright Ultra Extreme Black edition as the cooler.

As for the SSD, I would go for an 850 Evo or better, especially if it will be carried over to the next system. 850 Evo has a 5 year warranty ( at least in US), and I believe better performance and durability. Of course, if you upgrade soon to a new mobo, an NVMe drive is an option, and you could use the current SSD as a secondary.

From what I can tell, the RAM is basically identical. Just different brands.
Reactions: MongGrel


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2017
Well, I managed to get my hands on two 3x2gb kits of CMG6GX3M3A2000C8 for 105€.

I readed this: "we do not support or suggest mixing sets even if they are the same part number. Not to mention that 6 sticks at 2000 MHz is a lot of electrical load on a memory controller and most aren't capable of being overclocked to allow 3 sticks to run at 2000 MHz let alone 6 sticks. It's always recommended to purchase one kit that meets all of your needs. When you purchase a memory kit the memory has already been tested at the factory at the rated specs".

But I thought it was a good deal, so I couldn't resist. Also, it will be a great test for the old ud7.

Anyways, It is actually an upgrade from my current ones and I can run the 12gb if needed, but at lower speeds I guess.

Pretty happy with the buy. Now I have to decide: MSI GTX 970 4GB GDDR5 or Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 WindForce 4GB GDDR5. From the specs the g1 looks better, but I'll have to read a little to decide which one fits my needs better.
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Senior member
Feb 14, 2009
Not sure if too late, you should have waited a few weeks as even if you don't buy Ryzen, many others will so you would find better prices for used parts.
Reactions: Doom2pro
Feb 17, 2017
Not sure if too late, you should have waited a few weeks as even if you don't buy Ryzen, many others will so you would find better prices for used parts.

Indeed, from the looks of it many people will upgrade to ryzen, increasing the supply of older, but still very good, cpus on ebay.
Higher supply at lower demand -> cheaper price.

The same can be said about the ddr3 ram of those older systems btw.
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