Yikes! Dr. Laura's mother lies dead in apartment for months

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Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: gopunk

i think you've confused "liar" with "hypocrite". most people use the term "hypocrite" to indicate someone who does not practice what they preach.

actually if shes stopped doing such things then shes not a hypocrite

yea, this story proves she fixed her relationship with her mother, eh?


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Swag1138
Originally posted by: Mrburns2007
Well at least Dr. Phil is a real doctor, Dr. Laura is just a poser.

Dr. Laura is a doctor. Just not a doctor of psychology.

And just not a medical doctor. I'm considering getting my PhD in Information Systems. Can I have a gay bashing, psychology show too?


Feb 26, 2001
NFS4: Her response sounds more like a lawyer speaking than a daughter who lost her mom I don't care how bad they had it out for each other

People are people, just because someone is your parent dose not mean they aren't complete assholes or people you want nothing to do with. I know plenty of people who have broken ties with parents in the past and have not seen them since, and for good reasons, it's sad but very common. I've not seen my dad in 15 years and I could care less if he died, why?, because he's an asshole no matter how hard any of his family tries to be family. My mothers mom is turning into the same type of person as she gets older and older. What's more disturbing is the way you judge this Laura lady from what you've heard of her from other peoples mouths. You don't even know this lady and since she has a talk show that involves helping morons get their sh*t straight she's a bad person for not keeping close to a person that for all you know didn't want anything to do with her? She dose not impose her opinion on anyone, she premotes good values when advice is asked for, and she dose her best to help others through her past experiences, wtf could possibly make this women lower than other ladies in the US? It makes no sense. I remember one idiot who called her up asking what he should do about his 3 wives and 7 children because he can't support them all, or one ladie who called about TV time and her 5 year old daughter. Yeah this Dr. Laura is a real menace
. Nobody is perfect, and I've never once heard her try to come off as a saint.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
I never really cared for Dr Laura,too abrasive and strident for my tastes .I also tend to hold people suspect who spend so much of their time making up other people's "should" and "should not" lists.


Feb 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Geekbabe
I never really cared for Dr Laura,too abrasive and strident for my tastes .I also tend to hold people suspect who spend so much of their time making up other people's "should" and "should not" lists.

That time gets her fat amounts of $$$$$$$$$$$$$ . But yeah she dose sound like she's in a constant state of b*tching when she talks.


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: DeafeningSilence
Wow... where has Dr. Laura been?

Not that she was involved, but wouldn't you contact your mother every few weeks or months???

Her mother was an antogonist who was doing nothing but bringing Laura down, so Dr. Laura broke off communications (as she has recommended to other people in the same predicament). Her mother ended up living alone with nothing but her own anger to cope with.


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: notfred
Originally posted by: JupiterJones
On a related note, Dr. Laura is a hypocritical bitch.

I don't really know much about Dr. Laura, but on what has she "put on a false appearance of virtue or religion"?

For most of her life, she was not religious and described herself as a feminist. Her harsh criticism of premarital sex and promiscuity came back to embarrass her recently when a former boyfriend sold nude pictures of her in 1975 to Hustler magazine, which were later posted on the web.

Her listeners might be surprised to learn that Dr. Laura herself is a divorcee. She began dating her second husband, Dr. Lew Bishop, while he was still married. They lived together for several years before marrying. Although she admonishes working mothers, she worked part-time after her son, now 14, was born. She preaches about the importance of family but has been long estranged from her own mother and sister.

from here

That's a great snippet from site that boasts the motto "First in the nation to serve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people"
I'm sure the context is very well preserved.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
I think people don't understand that there's a difference between actual counseling/therapy and what Dr Laura does on the radio.Therapy is usually centered around issues that the client has identified as being problematic, the solutions to those problems are usually also generated from the client themselves,the counselor is there to
server as a mirror and sounding board primarily.Yelling at clients and calling them names imho is not very productive for them however entertaining it may be on the radio


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: gopunk
Originally posted by: JupiterJones
For most of her life, she was not religious and described herself as a feminist. Her harsh criticism of premarital sex and promiscuity came back to embarrass her recently when a former boyfriend sold nude pictures of her in 1975 to Hustler magazine, which were later posted on the web.

Her listeners might be surprised to learn that Dr. Laura herself is a divorcee. She began dating her second husband, Dr. Lew Bishop, while he was still married. They lived together for several years before marrying. Although she admonishes working mothers, she worked part-time after her son, now 14, was born. She preaches about the importance of family but has been long estranged from her own mother and sister.

Interesting. Now, where has she said that:

1. She was always religious
2. She was never a feminist
3. She never had premarital sex
4. She was never divorced
5. She never dated while officially married
6. She never shacked up
7. She never worked
8. Her family is a shining example of all family should be

If she did, then you are correct to call her a hypocrite. But, Fred, if she never claimed the above she is not a hypocrite. I imagine that we all have made mistakes in the past that we would not duplicate today. When I talk about wise financial management, I am not a hypocrite because 10 years ago I owed 20K on credit cards. I learned my lesson and changed my ways. It is also possible to advocate virtue that one does not currently possess. A fat guy that tells you something about proper diet isn't a hypocrite, he's just weak. Once again, here I speak from experience.

i think you've confused "liar" with "hypocrite". most people use the term "hypocrite" to indicate someone who does not practice what they preach.

Are you implying that practiced is the same as currently practicing?

I stole a candy bar when I was 10, oh no, I guess I can't tell my kids that stealing is wrong!


Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: BD231
NFS4: Her response sounds more like a lawyer speaking than a daughter who lost her mom I don't care how bad they had it out for each other

People are people, just because someone is your parent dose not mean they aren't complete assholes or people you want nothing to do with. I know plenty of people who have broken ties with parents in the past and have not seen them since, and for good reasons, it's sad but very common. I've not seen my dad in 15 years and I could care less if he died, why?, because he's an asshole no matter how hard any of his family tries to be family. My mothers mom is turning into the same type of person as she gets older and older. What's more disturbing is the way you judge this Laura lady from what you've heard of her from other peoples mouths. You don't even know this lady and since she has a talk show that involves helping morons get their sh*t straight she's a bad person for not keeping close to a person that for all you know didn't want anything to do with her? She dose not impose her opinion on anyone, she premotes good values when advice is asked for, and she dose her best to help others through her past experiences, wtf could possibly make this women lower than other ladies in the US? It makes no sense. I remember one idiot who called her up asking what he should do about his 3 wives and 7 children because he can't support them all, or one ladie who called about TV time and her 5 year old daughter. Yeah this Dr. Laura is a real menace
. Nobody is perfect, and I've never once heard her try to come off as a saint.

i suggest you do a search on "dr laura" on google, to see why some people have a problem with her.


Aug 17, 2000
Originally posted by: Geekbabe
I never really cared for Dr Laura,too abrasive and strident for my tastes .I also tend to hold people suspect who spend so much of their time making up other people's "should" and "should not" lists.


But, I think many here are deamonizing her.


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: gopunk
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: gopunk

i think you've confused "liar" with "hypocrite". most people use the term "hypocrite" to indicate someone who does not practice what they preach.

actually if shes stopped doing such things then shes not a hypocrite

yea, this story proves she fixed her relationship with her mother, eh?

Dr. Laura isn't all about fixing relationships with mothers. She quite often states that when you grow up you seperate from your old family and create a new one. Sometimes the mother or father is from a hostile environment and she prefers you seperate from it if you can't get it to work. Are you guys actually listening to her show or reading her books before criticizing her? And listening to her for 15 minutes and changing the station doesn't count.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
(PREFACE: I'm not a huge Dr Laura fan.) But just because she advises people do things differently than she did in the past, doesn't make her hypocritical.

For all of those who say that Dr Laura is hypocritical...

I didn't get particularly good grades in HS, simply because I didn't put in the effort. Would it be "hypocritical" of me to preach to my boys the importance of trying hard and getting good grades in school?

Not hardly.


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Geekbabe
I think people don't understand that there's a difference between actual counseling/therapy and what Dr Laura does on the radio.Therapy is usually centered around issues that the client has identified as being problematic, the solutions to those problems are usually also generated from the client themselves,the counselor is there to
server as a mirror and sounding board primarily.Yelling at clients and calling them names imho is not very productive for them however entertaining it may be on the radio

If you listen to her at 3 o'clock (or when the show starts on your station) she's usually in a very cheery mood. But I normally don't get to listen to her until 5, and by then she's had so many irritating customers that she's down right crabby. "hi, just wanted to get your opinion, my husband molested our 4 boys a year ago, and I stayed with my mom, now he called and says he's changed, do you think it's okay to move back in with him?" "WHAT ARE YOU STUPID?" "Well he said he loves me and I don't want to hurt his feelings, so I slept with him and now I'm pregnant even though I'm remarried to another guy" :Q


Jul 7, 2001
sagalore -

you are right, i don't listen to her or read her books, so i can not point out any specific instances of her being hypocritical. it just seemed to me that calling people "slut" "whore" "disgrace", etc for actions that she herself is guilty of, seemed a bit odd.

but she IS a liar remember when her nude photos came out... she pulled a clinton and issued a statement denying that those photos were of her


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: gopunk
sagalore -

you are right, i don't listen to her or read her books, so i can not point out any specific instances of her being hypocritical. it just seemed to me that calling people "slut" "whore" "disgrace", etc for actions that she herself is guilty of, seemed a bit odd.

but she IS a liar remember when her nude photos came out... she pulled a clinton and issued a statement denying that those photos were of her

how do you know they were of her? I want to see I want to see

edit: How do you know she is guilty of anything? The only sites that have trash on her are sites that are... trash


Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: SagaLore
Originally posted by: gopunk
sagalore -

you are right, i don't listen to her or read her books, so i can not point out any specific instances of her being hypocritical. it just seemed to me that calling people "slut" "whore" "disgrace", etc for actions that she herself is guilty of, seemed a bit odd.

but she IS a liar remember when her nude photos came out... she pulled a clinton and issued a statement denying that those photos were of her

how do you know they were of her? I want to see I want to see

edit: How do you know she is guilty of anything? The only sites that have trash on her are sites that are... trash

because she said so she admitted that the pictures were hers, then filed a suit for copyright infringement. a little too late for damage control though, they were on the 'net like *that*.


and no... you really don't want to see


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: gopunk
Originally posted by: SagaLore
Originally posted by: gopunk
sagalore -

you are right, i don't listen to her or read her books, so i can not point out any specific instances of her being hypocritical. it just seemed to me that calling people "slut" "whore" "disgrace", etc for actions that she herself is guilty of, seemed a bit odd.

but she IS a liar remember when her nude photos came out... she pulled a clinton and issued a statement denying that those photos were of her

how do you know they were of her? I want to see I want to see

edit: How do you know she is guilty of anything? The only sites that have trash on her are sites that are... trash

because she said so she admitted that the pictures were hers, then filed a suit for copyright infringement. a little too late for damage control though, they were on the 'net like *that*.


and no... you really don't want to see


Although she is embarrassed by the photos, she said they were taken when she was 28 years old, going through a divorce, and had "no moral authority."

"I've undergone profound changes over the course of my life from atheist to observant Jew," she added. "I am mystified as to why this 80-year-old man would do such a morally reprehensible thing."

Sounds like that when she tells people on the air and in books what right and wrong is, and what wrong does to mess you up, she's talking from experience and not just another quack who is preaching something they were taught in a school. Now I have even more respect for her. But I still want to see those pics, respect or not!


Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2001
Originally posted by: SagaLore
Originally posted by: gopunk
sagalore -

you are right, i don't listen to her or read her books, so i can not point out any specific instances of her being hypocritical. it just seemed to me that calling people "slut" "whore" "disgrace", etc for actions that she herself is guilty of, seemed a bit odd.

but she IS a liar remember when her nude photos came out... she pulled a clinton and issued a statement denying that those photos were of her

how do you know they were of her? I want to see I want to see

edit: How do you know she is guilty of anything? The only sites that have trash on her are sites that are... trash

She went to court to block them and it was later known that they were of her if I recall correctly.

I have listened to her when there was all that press about her and people who called in where always looking for a pat on the back and for her to support there self righteous tone. I remember this one wife who called in and was mad cause her husband had left her and what a bad guy he was and then she happened to mention that she had been cheating on him and that is why he left and she was mad that he wouldn't forgive her and then she said something that really set Dr Laura off. She goes "well the last time I cheated on him he forgave me".

Her show is like Loveline for the self righteous religious types


Jul 7, 2001
Sounds like that when she tells people on the air and in books what right and wrong is, and what wrong does to mess you up, she's talking from experience and not just another quack who is preaching something they were taught in a school. Now I have even more respect for her. But I still want to see those pics, respect or not!

it also sounds like she STILL has no moral authority, seeing as she chose to lie. only after it became blatantly obvious that she could not win the lie, did she finally admit the truth, and then file a lawsuit to try and control the damage.


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Mrburns2007
Originally posted by: SagaLore
Originally posted by: gopunk
sagalore -

you are right, i don't listen to her or read her books, so i can not point out any specific instances of her being hypocritical. it just seemed to me that calling people "slut" "whore" "disgrace", etc for actions that she herself is guilty of, seemed a bit odd.

but she IS a liar remember when her nude photos came out... she pulled a clinton and issued a statement denying that those photos were of her

how do you know they were of her? I want to see I want to see

edit: How do you know she is guilty of anything? The only sites that have trash on her are sites that are... trash

She went to court to block them and it was later known that they were of her if I recall correctly.

I have listened to her when there was all that press about her and people who called in where always looking for a pat on the back and for her to support there self righteous tone. I remember this one wife who called in and was mad cause her husband had left her and what a bad guy he was and then she happened to mention that she had been cheating on him and that is why he left and she was mad that he wouldn't forgive her and then she said something that really set Dr Laura off. She goes "well the last time I cheated on him he forgave me".

Her show is like Loveline for the self righteous religious types

hahahaha that one is so funny I've heard some good ones but that one takes the cake
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