Young males who base decisions on whether or not they are going to regret it later on are dumb.

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Jun 2, 2000
51 y.o., hold a post grad degree and work in one of the traditional professions.

I had a ball in college, and did reasonably well academically (as good as needed). Like an early poster, I today have no idea what my grade average was or my SAT scores. But I do remember my friends, the good times and quite a lot of what I learned in school-at least the parts I've used.

I'm not encouraging doing stupid things, I'm just saying be true to yourself and don't be so judgmental of others. There is plenty of time later in life to be an old fogey-if you are comfortable being one now, fine, but don't try to impose that straitjacket on others.


Golden Member
Jul 22, 2001
I think there's two sides to this story...

Shoot, I can say I regret not concentrating in school because I might be better off than where I am today....then there's the other side saying I wish I had gone out more in school because now I'm like Chandler from Friends...unsociable and just wierd at points...

basically, whatever floats your boat...


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2002
Originally posted by: SampSon
Gee, I bet church every sunday is fun too right?
Why can't you justify irresponsibility?

What about say, free soul hippish type people who have given up everything to travel around the world? Is that irresponsible?
What if you don't believe in the whole American dream? Is that irresponsible?
Is it irresponsible to live differently than you?
What is wrong with being carefree when you're young. Thats THE TIME to do it.

Now, you say obeying the law. What if I want to smoke joints and go urban bouldering?(climbing buildings) What if I want to sit in a national park and smoke joints with my friend or girlfriend and enjoy the day? Is that irresponsible? It's not legal!

At 21 you arn't very far removed from college pukes at all.

I'm guessing you're going to have a killer mid-life crisis. Getting a wife and kids in your 20s, having the house and the car. Someday you might realize that the american dream destroys your soul. Or mabey you will never wake up to that fact. Or mabey you will just never care.

Or maybe you didn't read my thread a couple days ago about how I despise the American Dream (keeping up with the Joneses, working hard to try to satisfy some insatiable thirst for material goods). Or maybe you didn't even read in the original post of THIS thread.

You obviously justify irresponsibility with youth... "what is wrong with being carefree when you're young... thats THE TIME to do it". How can you say thats it normal, acceptable, and even good to make stupid mistakes when you're young? Some people have the personality that they HAVE to learn by not listening to other people, but thats them. I don't care that you smoke a joint in the park with your wife or girlfriend. I wish you wouldn't for your own health's sake, but as long as you don't try to sell it to my kids or me, and as long as you dont try to operate a motor vehicle or do anything that smoking a joint could impair, you're good to go.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2002
Originally posted by: RagingBITCH
If YOU MAKES YOU HAPPY, why are you judging others on what they have done, or what they plan to do? Because we all don't share your porn is wrong, going out and having fun other than playing ping pong view? What you view as atrocious and despicable is fun to 99% of people our age. I enjoy going out and having a good time. 20 years from now, I'd regret not going out doing those things more than I would doing it.

That's how you justify it, RB. How in the hell do you know how you're going to feel in 20 years? Do you subscribe to what's fun to 99% of people our age because it really makes you HAPPY, or because you're simply another consumer trying to satisfy your material happiness. I enjoy going out and having a good time too... I'm just not doing totally irresponsible things and then saying "Ah well, I'm young, its ok for me to drink and drive. Ah well, I'll regret it in my 40s because I'm psychic if I don't take this girl home a fvck her." It's simply something to help you sleep at night after making irresponsible decisions, RB.
Jun 18, 2000
Could you be any more hypocritical? For somebody that doesn't want to "boil down to that level" you certainly seem complacent in calling anybody that disagrees with your moral high ground an irresponsible idiot. For somebody that lacks life experience, you seem rather unqualified to judge others on their morality and what they will/won't regret when they grow older.

Humans tend to justify their existance on who they were growing up. For some people that might include doing things you feel are irresponsible.

As a side note, based on your handling of the situation with your girlfriend, I wouldn't use your concept of "maturity" to wipe my ass with. But thanks for the sermon, Reverend.


Aug 4, 2000
You just don't realize how unhealthy, risky, and morally irresponsible that is.

Okay, people on the internet who we don't know that are talking about morals = funny. What we have here is a clownshoe who is telling us to be on the straight and narrow all the time, um okay? There are no angels among us on this board so if you're that godly exception hats off to you and seriously STFU because imposing your moral ideas and whatnot is total garbage on your part which honestly makes you look like a flaming idiot.

Also, you're 21 and getting married? By your posts you hardly seem mature for marriage. Regardless it's your choice to do so but you don't see anyone here calling you a retard. Then how come you are trying to push your morals down our throats?


Nov 3, 2000
Originally posted by: Red
Originally posted by: RagingBITCH
If YOU MAKES YOU HAPPY, why are you judging others on what they have done, or what they plan to do? Because we all don't share your porn is wrong, going out and having fun other than playing ping pong view? What you view as atrocious and despicable is fun to 99% of people our age. I enjoy going out and having a good time. 20 years from now, I'd regret not going out doing those things more than I would doing it.

That's how you justify it, RB. How in the hell do you know how you're going to feel in 20 years? Do you subscribe to what's fun to 99% of people our age because it really makes you HAPPY, or because you're simply another consumer trying to satisfy your material happiness. I enjoy going out and having a good time too... I'm just not doing totally irresponsible things and then saying "Ah well, I'm young, its ok for me to drink and drive. Ah well, I'll regret it in my 40s because I'm psychic if I don't take this girl home a fvck her." It's simply something to help you sleep at night after making irresponsible decisions, RB.

Wow, not only does Red know how everyone is going to feel in the future, he knows what "irresponsible" peope are thinking right now!

Hey Red, if you think you know what's best for everyone, you're a total clown.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2002
Originally posted by: KnightBreed
Could you be any more hypocritical? For somebody that doesn't want to "boil down to that level" you certainly seem complacent in calling anybody that disagrees with your moral high ground an irresponsible idiot. For somebody that lacks life experience, you seem rather unqualified to judge others on their morality and what they will/won't regret when they grow older.

Humans tend to justify their existance on who they were growing up. For some people that might include doing things you feel are irresponsible.

As a side note, based on your handling of the situation with your girlfriend, I wouldn't use your concept of "maturity" to wipe my ass with. But thanks for the sermon, Reverend.

1. Responsibility is fairly relative. If someone does something that I think is irresponsible, or THEY thing is responsible, it's acceptable for me or anyone else to label that action as irresponsible. It's not name calling.

2. I handled the situation with my g/f with responsibility. We talked it out and worked it out. Unlike the 60% of couples that get divorced, neither one of us was so greedy and self absorbed to say "I'm doing whatever the fvck I want. If you wont let me do it, get the fvck away." If you think that's how I should have handled it, you're probably not married.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
Wow, I bet you're a lot of fun at a party. Did I tell you I can tell people their fututres? Well, for you I predict marriage right out of college followed by a nasty divorce two years later. I could tell you the rest, but just thinking about it depressing me.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2002
Originally posted by: IHYLN
I think Red wins the Idiot Poster of the Year award.

Just becaused I've crushed nearly everyone's argument doesn't mean I deserve a reward. You sound hostile in your first post. I don't like assuming, but I'm going to.... you're irresponsible and you're getting defensive about it.

How can you try to justify making poor decisions and blaming it on youth or future regrets? Why not just do what feels RIGHT, accomplishing your goals, and never have regrets?


Aug 4, 2000
rofl you are a baby in your own mind. Speaking from a maturity standpoint I'd seriously suggest not getting into a pissing match with someone you don't know about "responsibility".

As far as I can tell you have not won anything. All you have done is show off how much of an ignorant person you are. Hell I'm 23 and that is saying a lot.

You are touching a subject (regarding morals) when you certainly don't have enough time under your belt to judge. How pompous you must be to even make a thread like this is extremely laughable. Word of advice, don't assume, because you will continue making an ass out of yourself.
Nov 5, 2001
oh Christ, is it time for Red's daily morality hour again? Give it up. Live your OWN life, not mine. No wonder your gf/fiance, whatever you call her today wanted to leave you. If you give her as much of a BS guilt trip as you try to lay on this board then I'm surprised she hasn't just kicked you in the balls.


Nov 3, 2000
Originally posted by: Red
Originally posted by: IHYLN
I think Red wins the Idiot Poster of the Year award.

Just becaused I've crushed nearly everyone's argument doesn't mean I deserve a reward. You sound hostile in your first post. I don't like assuming, but I'm going to.... you're irresponsible and you're getting defensive about it.

How can you try to justify making poor decisions and blaming it on youth or future regrets? Why not just do what feels RIGHT, accomplishing your goals, and never have regrets?

Red, why do you care about how other people choose to live their lives? It really isn't any of your business how someone else lives their life. It's also absurd to think that you know what's best for others.
Nov 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Red
Why not just do what feels RIGHT, accomplishing your goals, and never have regrets?

So, it's okay with you then if what feels "RIGHT" is going out, having a few beers, and living my life how I want to? Thanks for giving me permission Daddy!


Diamond Member
May 13, 2001
I do partly agree with you. I am also 21 and am currently in he Air Force but did attend a year of college before I joined. I'm not one who goes out and gets hammered or much of a party guy but what I do enjoy is being out with my friends and if we decide we are just going to sit in out car listen to some music and shoot the breeze in the front of a starbucks then cool, if we wanna go out drinking then cool. It is our choice to make and our lessons to learn.
You can teach a kid to save his money and be responsible so when he is older he has all the savings he needs but he might not know what to do then where if you let him waste his money he will learn his own lesson and appreciate what he has more and what he needs to do once he is older.


Feb 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Red
While I'm a young man myself, 21, I'm sick of talking to college pukes who always try to justify going out and getting hammered, sleeping around, wasting money, and other stupid decisions because they say they don't want to regret not having fun when they are 60 years old.

First of all, that's just a crutch because they know what they are doing is immature and morally unresponsible, so they make up crap about how in 50 years they are going to be crying to themselves that they didn't run around have unprotected sex with as many whores as possible. That's BS! If you're a strong person with goals who tries to self actualize and develop strong values for the rest of your life (family, happiness, etc.) you'll probably not have any regrets. My grandfather in Florida is 89 years old... he is a retired Lt. Colonel from the Air Force and has been married for 60+ years. I'm pretty close with him and he has told me the best things in life to him were truly free... watching his kids grow up, having his wife lay next to him every night for all those years, etc.

I've never heard a happy, responsible, mature adult complain about having any type of regrets. When are college pukes gonna realize that the quest for material accumulation and fleeting happiness is DUMB.

This is why your fiancee dropped you . You are too mature.... pretty much right on with this.
Jun 18, 2000
Originally posted by: Red
1. Responsibility is fairly relative. If someone does something that I think is irresponsible, or THEY thing is responsible, it's acceptable for me or anyone else to label that action as irresponsible. It's not name calling.

2. I handled the situation with my g/f with responsibility. We talked it out and worked it out. Unlike the 60% of couples that get divorced, neither one of us was so greedy and self absorbed to say "I'm doing whatever the fvck I want. If you wont let me do it, get the fvck away." If you think that's how I should have handled it, you're probably not married.
1. If responsibility is so relative, where you get the stones to come in here and preach to ATOT about the immorality/irresponsibility of others your age? Also, how do you explain calling others idiots?

2. No, I'm not married, and neither are you. You talked over something that required no discussion. You've made threads in the past regarding the issues between you and your significant other, yet you still try to force a relationship. You call that maturity? I would hardly call a relationship that has such wild emotional swings healthy for both parties involved, especially when children might be involved down the road. You intend on marrying her, correct?


Sep 27, 2003
Originally posted by: Red
Originally posted by: RagingBITCH
If YOU MAKES YOU HAPPY, why are you judging others on what they have done, or what they plan to do? Because we all don't share your porn is wrong, going out and having fun other than playing ping pong view? What you view as atrocious and despicable is fun to 99% of people our age. I enjoy going out and having a good time. 20 years from now, I'd regret not going out doing those things more than I would doing it.

That's how you justify it, RB. How in the hell do you know how you're going to feel in 20 years? Do you subscribe to what's fun to 99% of people our age because it really makes you HAPPY, or because you're simply another consumer trying to satisfy your material happiness. I enjoy going out and having a good time too... I'm just not doing totally irresponsible things and then saying "Ah well, I'm young, its ok for me to drink and drive. Ah well, I'll regret it in my 40s because I'm psychic if I don't take this girl home a fvck her." It's simply something to help you sleep at night after making irresponsible decisions, RB.

How do YOU know how I'm going to feel in 20 years? I know me better than you know me, and you know you better than I know you. How you justify it != how I justify it. And 99% of people don't go out and drink and drive - you're making the false assumption that that's all people do to have fun. Get your head out of the clouds. Don't tell me what's irresponsible and what's not.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Red
Originally posted by: IHYLN
I think Red wins the Idiot Poster of the Year award.

Just becaused I've crushed nearly everyone's argument doesn't mean I deserve a reward. You sound hostile in your first post. I don't like assuming, but I'm going to.... you're irresponsible and you're getting defensive about it.

How can you try to justify making poor decisions and blaming it on youth or future regrets? Why not just do what feels RIGHT, accomplishing your goals, and never have regrets?

The 'no regrets' excuse is usually just an out when stuck up self-righteous people complain that others choices are immature or stupid. Young people do what is fun, generally. If fun to you is drinking and sleeping with women then thats what you do. I don't denigrate another person's lifestyle because of these choices. If the choices prove to be unwise then it will be shown in the results and they have to live with that.

Also, as others have said, you never know what you might regret 20 years from now. Saying that you won't have any regrets is just stupid, as life may have other plans that you have not been consulted about.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2000
Red, I think your user rating says it all. Personally, I partied HARD during my first 2 years of college. But then again I went to WSU which is way out in BFE. The only way to really describe WSU is "summer camp on acid." I joined a Frat, made a lot of new friends and had a great time. Those two years of partying really helped shape the person I am now. In fact after those 2 years I dropped out of WSU, not because of grades but because I realized that I needed something different. That summer I went fishing in Alaska for 2 months then came home got a job and starting going to CC. For the next 6 years I was working full time and going to school (never had the mommy scholarship). In fact I just got my degree last fall. My point is that the destination isn't really all that important compared with how you got there. I know you might look at my little story and say I screwed up but I don't look at it that way. In those first two years I realized that I didn't want to just get a degree and start my life. I realized that I already had a life that I needed to lead.


Aug 4, 2000
and why pick on males? as if females don't do their share of stupid things either??


Golden Member
Jan 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Red
Originally posted by: SampSon
Gee, I bet church every sunday is fun too right?
Why can't you justify irresponsibility?

What about say, free soul hippish type people who have given up everything to travel around the world? Is that irresponsible?
What if you don't believe in the whole American dream? Is that irresponsible?
Is it irresponsible to live differently than you?
What is wrong with being carefree when you're young. Thats THE TIME to do it.

Now, you say obeying the law. What if I want to smoke joints and go urban bouldering?(climbing buildings) What if I want to sit in a national park and smoke joints with my friend or girlfriend and enjoy the day? Is that irresponsible? It's not legal!

At 21 you arn't very far removed from college pukes at all.

I'm guessing you're going to have a killer mid-life crisis. Getting a wife and kids in your 20s, having the house and the car. Someday you might realize that the american dream destroys your soul. Or mabey you will never wake up to that fact. Or mabey you will just never care.

Or maybe you didn't read my thread a couple days ago about how I despise the American Dream (keeping up with the Joneses, working hard to try to satisfy some insatiable thirst for material goods). Or maybe you didn't even read in the original post of THIS thread.

You obviously justify irresponsibility with youth... "what is wrong with being carefree when you're young... thats THE TIME to do it". How can you say thats it normal, acceptable, and even good to make stupid mistakes when you're young? Some people have the personality that they HAVE to learn by not listening to other people, but thats them. I don't care that you smoke a joint in the park with your wife or girlfriend. I wish you wouldn't for your own health's sake, but as long as you don't try to sell it to my kids or me, and as long as you dont try to operate a motor vehicle or do anything that smoking a joint could impair, you're good to go.

you mean, as opposed to self-righteous diatribes on an internet board?
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