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Oct 9, 2000

"Bush is for NMD (National Missile Defence) and would commit to having it 'operational' as soon as possible. That would be just peachy. Gore, at least, is wishy-washy on the issue. Typical, but preferential.

Restarting a worldwide arms race and inviting nuclear holocaust isn't the greatest for the environment."

Read up on history. We have invited nuclear holocaust before, remember a little thing called the Cold War? If we had a missle defense system we wouldn't have to be concerned about life as we knowing it ending because some crazy dictator gets a missle. Right now if a nuclear missle in Russia wound up in the wrong hands we could do nothing to stop them from blowing up New York City if that is what they wanted to do. Get a clue.



Golden Member
Feb 11, 2000
Isla I'm running a write in campaign based on the concept that I don't have a clue as to what I'm doing, but promise I will do my best.

I'm looking for a running mate, you interested? I asked Shux but he never responded so I think he thinks I'm nuts.

Some of my basic thoughts:

When the weather sucks on the weekend or your days off and turns nice the day you go back to work, you get an extra day off to compensate.

Mondays - Mondays suck for everyone so we'll replace it with another Friday since everyone seems to like Fridays.

I think everyone should be entitled to high speed 'net access. Hey the technology is there lets use it.

Education - This is the key to the worlds future. We'll cut the government fat and use the additional funds for improved schools, teacher salaries and training and drug education. Let's face it an educated person will be less likely to be involved with drugs IMHO.

This is just a start but we gotta start somewhere.

And besides, who wouldn't trust Santa?


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
I'm with you, Fathom.... It's perfect! I'll be the first female vice pres....

Tax rebates on all shoe purchases!



Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
I am a family that takes care of the elderly. My wife and I take care of her 80 year old retired spanish language school teacher father. It is the custom I am teaching my children. If I am unable to be here for my wife,my children will take care of her for me. My wifes mother died in her arms at age 86 just a year ago. I found that jerks comments about how to treat the elderly repugnent at the least and unworthy of comment. You struck a nerve,hence the post.

Tommorow is our night out too. We are attending some pot luck dinner and auction to help raise funds for our volunteer fire department. They are auctioning off a Harley. Otherwise I'ld pick somewhere else to go. Maybe I'll get lucky. J/K


(I'm voting for Gore,in case you didn't know)

Al Gore .com


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Vote Republican. Democrats like to own issues. If they issue never goes away then they have nothing to get righteous about. It's easy for them to get in power, do nothing (other than getting head and selling government secrets), and then blame the Republicans when the changes they ardently promised don't come true. Then, they make more promises, and the cycle starts all over again. I think most people who vote Democrat do so because of the Democrats traditional positions on the enviroment and education. If you look at the records though, you'll see they've really done nothing.

Democrats try to hit the lowest common demoninator. Do you really want to vote for a candidate who is against kids having guns in school?


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Gore was the leading environmental legislation senator during his run in congress, he either directly sponsered or supported almost all environmental legislation presented to congress during his stay. Minor point, but if you value the environment Gore is leagues ahead of Bush.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000

<< the leading environmental legislation senator >>

Much akin to being &quot;The best dog-catcher in Panguitch, Utah&quot;.


Oct 15, 1999

If you can do it properly, homeschooling would give you control. T-shot says that you learn valuable social skills in school. What would those be? How to rebel against parental authority? How to properly use a condom? How to report your parents if they own guns or smoke? How to feel good about yourself even if you don't know how to read or write or add?

If you don't like what's going on with your schools, you SHOULD be able to take it up with YOUR LOCAL SCHOOL BOARD. Bush would let you do that. Gore would force you to deal with Federal mandates. Those disruptive kids are a protected constituant class and will not be triffled with!


If the SocSecSystem isn't reformed it WILL go bankrupt and your children will be forced to pay marginal tax rates upwards of 80% to pay for the government Ponzi scam. Gore is lying and using fear to frighten seniors into maintaining the hopelessly doomed house of cards. Only the US and Cuba don't have a personal account principle in the Western Hemisphere. Anywhere where privatization has occurred, members are getting far greater returns. Without reform, when the system chokes, they'll either have to cut benefits or raise taxes. And Gore will prolly be DEAD (or in his 80s) and unable to take the blame for his promises. We have to fix the system NOW and only Bush is promising to do it.


The Left claims that Big Business? will destroy the planet for money because the GOP has a secret stash of air and water and rocketships to Mars. If you think the 2nd part of that sounds ridiculous, it shouldn't, because for the first part to be true, the second would have to be too. It IS possible to develop domestic energy resources without destroying the environment. Why do you think the West had such devestating forest fires? (Other than the Bozos in the Park Service being Trashcan Men?) Because the government forbade logging companies from taking out the excess lumber, dead trees, etc. There was just too much fuel there. So, in the name of being &quot;green&quot;, Al and his Planetary Rangers might as well have lit the match themselves.

Also, what are the odds of you wanting to visit the 7,000 acres in Alaska that could help reduce dependency on foreign oil? If Big Oil? were to do a Chernobyl job on that land, honestly, would you miss it? It's a swamp and it's permanently dark two months of the year. If Gore was truly concerned about the Earth, why does he only want to hobble the American economy? The Kyoto Climate Accords would tax American energy and industry but leave China and India free to pollute to their hearts content. (They refused to sign on.) Saving the world or just taxing Evil America? MUST get over your &quot;if [taxes] are used wisely and for the greater good, then taxes are necessary.&quot; madness! It assumes that a faceless bureaucrat is a better judge than you of what YOUR money should be used for!

If you wanted to send your children to a private school or for you to stay home and homeschool, how are you going to afford it when Gore et al can come in and say, &quot;Sorry, but we need money to bus kids into your district. No tax cut for you. Don't be so greedy.&quot; If there is need in YOUR community, wouldn't you rather cut a check to a local charity instead of having the Feds take a dollar from you, take a cut for itself and then give the remaining quarter to someone in a politically favored area, probably on the other side of the country?

Gore has been slinging the class warfare about &quot;tax cuts for the rich&quot; and how the government can't afford them. News flash: There is NO line item in the Federal Budget for &quot;Tax Cuts&quot;. NONE. ZERO. ZIP. The surplus is excess cash that's be withheld. Your money. Sitting in their pockets. Current budget obligations are being paid for and the surplus is the leftovers. If you don't get that money back (or better yet, don't send it in the first place) they'll use it to buy the votes of other people while guilting you into silence. Don't want to be called &quot;greedy&quot;, do you?

How do you figure your household budget? You and Mr. Isla prolly sit down, total up the paychecks and figure the bills. Your lifestyle, your car, your vacations, your savings have to come out of what you take in. If you don't have enough money for something, what do you do? Do you have the ability to increase your income unilaterally? Can you go to the boss and say, &quot;The children need more money.&quot;? Of course not. You'll have to live within your means; learn to prioritize what's REALLY neccessary; get a Dreamcast for $150 instead of a $300 Playstation 2, etc. Why would you vote for politicians that reserve power to themselves that you'd never have?

Hope this has given you food for thought. Your children's future depends not only on having clean air and water, but also on their having the FREEDOM neccessary to develop their potential to the fullest without being forced to labour in service of some politicians promises that mortgaged their future for another chance to put their snouts in the trough.



Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999

Environment - Do people take better care of cars they own or ones they rent? If your answer is rent then vote for Gore.

Your kids future - If you want your kids to pay for your retirement and mine then vote for Gore.

In a later post you said you didn't want your parent screwed because they paid in to SS all their lives, I take this to mean that you are concerned about the Bush proposal to allow you to invest some of your SS money yourself. Neither the Bush or the Gore proposal would effect either on of them as best as I can tell, the Bush proposal as best I can tell should allow your children not to bear as great of a burden as the Gore plan. Under the Bush plan you might get less from the Government than under the Gore plan but you should be able to offset that with the investments you made on the money diverted from SS. Under the Gore plan at some point either SS taxes on your chids would have to be raised or you and your kids would get less benefits or both.

I voted today and I'll let you know that I voted for neither Bush or Gore FWIW.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999

Sounds like you want a change in education. That is something that you will never get with Gore and the Teacher's Union controlled Democrats. All they want is incresed spending/power.



Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
<<Current budget obligations are being paid for and the surplus is the leftovers.>>

And by law any unspent surplus is paid on the debt. If we were debt free, unspent surplus would be returned. In our current budget, 15% of all tax revenues go to pay only the interest on the current debt. If the debt is paid down we could afford bush's tax cut and an additional 15% accross the board. Of course you probably don't care that you will be selling your childrens future by not paying that debt off.

<<Also, what are the odds of you wanting to visit the 7,000 acres in Alaska that could help reduce dependency on foreign oil? If Big Oil? were to do a Chernobyl job on that land, honestly, would you miss it? It's a swamp and it's permanently dark two months of the year. >>

And what are the odds that you will vist yellowstone? There is abundent geothermal energy there that can be used to stop our dependence on foriegn oil. Please don't even say that tapping oil in a national wildlife refuge is good for the environment. Don't even imply it, because it is frankly assinine. As far as the validity of the national wildlife preserve I would like to understand your qualifications to label it as insignificant. I'm guessing you have a degree in biology?

<<If Gore was truly concerned about the Earth, why does he only want to hobble the American economy? The Kyoto Climate Accords would tax American energy and industry but leave China and India free to pollute to their hearts content. (They refused to sign on.) Saving the world or just taxing Evil America?>>

Please explain to me how &quot;protecting the american economy&quot; is good for the environment? Because I don't see a correlation between the two.

<<Why do you think the West had such devestating forest fires? >>

Because of a 50 year policy of putting out natural wildfires. The fires were so devestating because of the heavy underbrush that fed the fire. Something that is removed only when clear cut logging or through natural fires.

<<. Only the US and Cuba don't have a personal account principle in the Western Hemisphere.>>

Please provide a source.

<<Anywhere where privatization has occurred, members are getting far greater returns.>>

Please provide a real life example of where privatation has occured.



Oct 15, 1999
How is Gore going to pay off the debt when he spends the surplus and then some?!?! Huh? HUH? He's promising free EVERYTHING to EVERYBODY in an attempt to buy votes, so where is this debt paydown gonna get it's cash from?

Someone here had a GREAT post that mentioned Galveston, TX's county employees. Also, Chile has privatized their SS. Look it up.

You are obviously a tree-hugging Utopian who believes that nothing is more important than being nice to Gaia. Kindly go drown yourself, please. (Hey! I said 'please'!)

Here's the source of my comment about private accounts, and a snip:

...a view echoed by ten former Social Security trustees in their collective endorsement of Gov. Bush on Tuesday. &quot;Vice President Gore would not reform Social Security and his plan does not enhance the ability of the federal government to pay benefits in any way,&quot; they say.

One of those former trustees supportive of Bush's plan is Dorcas Hardy, who is also a former commissioner of Social Security. Interviewed by phone Thursday, Hardy called Gore's misstatements &quot;outrageous and irresponsible. The United States and Cuba are the only countries in the Western Hemisphere that either don't have a personal account aspect to their social security system, or are not actively engaged in implementing one.&quot;

On Halloween day, Gore told a Florida audience that Gov. Bush was &quot;promising [younger workers] the money we need for today's seniors&quot; and asking &quot;young couple to shortchange their parents.&quot; But Hardy, now a private consultant on issues pertaining to retirement and long-term savings, disagrees, and believes that Gore not only has his facts wrong, but his politics as well. &quot;When they're not being scared to death with baseless claims from politicians, seniors understand that the system needs to be redesigned if their children and grandchildren are to benefit from it as they did. Really, this isn't a seniors issue ? it's a juniors issue.&quot;

(Emphasis added)

I'm sure you disregard it because Gore's leg-humping minions refuse to acknowledge FACTS that run counter to their PROGRAMMING.

(fixed tags)


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000

<< Right now if a nuclear missle in Russia wound up in the wrong hands we could do nothing to stop them from blowing up New York City if that is what they wanted to do. >>

You're worried about people taking over a military installation for a sufficient amount of time to hack all the codes needed to launch a missile, or stealing an enormous missile and having their own launch system set up, as opposed to the dozens of suitcase-sized hydrogen bombs Russia's made? Getting through Customs would be a lot easier than the above, I can bet. Some defence priorities need to be re-ordered here.

I'm not saying the States doesn't have a right to defend itself in any way it chooses. But considering the very relative calm of the current world situation, perhaps inciting Cold War, the Sequel, isn't the best choice?

This is all as an aside to the fact that despite the billion or two already put into the defense system, it still only works every other Monday morning. Not too awe-inspiring.

An aside: Could we have a little debate here minus the personal digs? Or is that too much to ask for?



Oct 15, 1999
Clinton and Gore sold our top nuke secrets to China for campaign cash. They hold political beliefs that assume that America is the focus of evil and that we shouldn't be the only ones with the Big Guns.

A Chinese general said that he didn't think that the US would be willing to sacrifice L.A. if they attacked Taiwan and we defended them like we're supposed to. That doesn't sound very non-threatening.

You're naive assumptions that in we defend ourselves, it'll spawn an arms race either means you're around 20 years old or a complete fool. The liberals said that Reagan would cause a war and, TADA!...not only did we NOT have a war, but we ENDED the Cold War.

If you think that sitting passively by and thinking happy thoughts will convince the world that WE aren't a threat to THEM, you are a DANGEROUS FOOL.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 1999
Something that I find amazing. The Republicans have always championed themselves as the masters of foreign policy. However, all that they know is how to start wars. Peace Keeping is not in their vocabulary. Non-provocation is not in their deck of cards. Give me a break, China isn't going to start a war with us anytime soon. They got massive unemployment due to the closing of state-owned enterprises. The need new jobs for these unemployed. You think they will want to scare away American investors? Sometimes, the republican mentality just defies common sense.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< all that they know is how to start wars. >>

WWI: Democrat.
WWII: Democrat.
Korean War: Republican.
Vietnam War: Democrat.
Gulf War: Republican.

How's that again?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< gee, I am talking about the present, not some statistical history. >>

Then clarify that. What specific wars are you referring to that Republicans are responsible for?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Soooooo, you accuse them of only knowing how to start wars, yet offer no examples of wars they have started. I expect more logic than that out of someone who, if I remember, is a graduate student. Every war in the past 10 years has been approved by either a Democratic president, Democratic congress, or both.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2000
Bush is Governor of the most polluted state in the country. Houston is the most polluted city in the country.

There are schools which have 'smogmeters' that dictate whether or not kids can go out and play during recess.

Also there are many schools that don't have libraries at all, because they are so pre-occupied with preparing kids for passing the 'test' which can result in bonuses to school administrators if the kids score high enough.


Nov 14, 1999

<< My #1 Concerns: The Environment and Children's Needs/Issues. >>

If you believe that a Very powerful, merciless Federal Government should attend to those needs, and not you and your neighbors, then vote Gore.

One disadvantage, your ability to make decisions regarding your loved ones, will be the price.

If you believe that a Federal Government with a World beating, kick ass Military, should guarantee the safety of you and yours within our shores, then vote for Bush.

One disadvantage, you and your local neighbors will have to bond and help each other out, as the federal safety net WILL be diminished. More responsibility and resources (both financial and other) will be left in your capable hands.

I have left out third party candidates, many of whom would be better than the above, as I believe that an election is an incremental march to an ultimate goal, and not a place to &quot;make a statement&quot;.

I believe that Bush and the GOP is a good first step.

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