Your experience with Vista Beta 2

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Senior member
Dec 22, 2005
I'm running it on a 3000+, 1 GB, GF6800 128MB and I like most of what I see, but gaming performance is horrendous (went from 53k to 22k in Aquamark). I updated the video drivers to 88.61 and it's still very slow, plus Aquamark no longer works at all (just a black screen).

If at release time,

a) game performance is comparable to XP and
b) I can use d-tools and alcohol

then I may consider buying it.

P.S. the other strange thing I'm experiencing is that when I send a file to the printer on my network, nothing happens. I haven't looked into it much yet though...
Feb 19, 2001
Originally posted by: professor1942
I'm running it on a 3000+, 1 GB, GF6800 128MB and I like most of what I see, but gaming performance is horrendous (went from 53k to 22k in Aquamark). I updated the video drivers to 88.61 and it's still very slow, plus Aquamark no longer works at all (just a black screen).

If at release time,

a) game performance is comparable to XP and
b) I can use d-tools and alcohol

then I may consider buying it.

P.S. the other strange thing I'm experiencing is that when I send a file to the printer on my network, nothing happens. I haven't looked into it much yet though...

Performance is horrendous with 1gb. Switch to 2gb and you will see the diff. I switched from 3700+ w/ 1gb VX to 2gb of OCZ Plat DDR500.. HUGE change. Then I switched from 3700+ to Opteron 170. A good change, but not a huge whoah to me.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Hmm, I can't seem to get ati's catalyst control center or their new beta drivers working correctly. They say they've installed fine, but windows won't initialize them.
Oh, and for my audigy 2 zs, is it possible to get the driver to sync with the creative control panel? Should I be using the XP driver or the Vista driver?


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Fox5
Hmm, I can't seem to get ati's catalyst control center or their new beta drivers working correctly. They say they've installed fine, but windows won't initialize them.
Oh, and for my audigy 2 zs, is it possible to get the driver to sync with the creative control panel? Should I be using the XP driver or the Vista driver?

Ok, my problems apparently stemmed from the fact that I tried to install the windows xp nforce2 drivers. They install on Vista, but apparently don't play nice. I wasn't able to clean my system of them either, I had to do a format and a reinstall of Vista in order to get my graphics card working again.
The audigy 2 zs works fine with the xp drivers, but the eax console doesn't appear to work right. No big deal, who really used that anyway? Unfortunately, you still need the software cd that came with the audigy in order to fully enable the card's funcionality, which is a shame that the software isn't bundled with the drivers. (AudioHQ seems fairly necessary to setting up the card)

As for vista, it may be my imagination, but it seems that I/O intensive tasks, such as reading/writing to the harddrive or Internet connections are faster. At the same time though, the much higher cpu utilization seems to make multi tasking in Vista rather unreasonable. One task can be briskly operating, but open up internet explorer and browse for a while and I'll find the background task has practically slowed to a halt. On the other hand though, IE7 is a much improved browser over 6, and assuming it has no major security flaws should be suitable as a primary web browser.
Oh, and I like Win+Tab, it's a much more graphical representation of what you're doing than alt+tab is, and I'd place its usability on par with those multiple desktop features some programs (I think nvidia's drivers among them) offer. Maybe it may not be as fast as you'd like, but it definetely makes no mistake about what you're doing or what window you're bringing up.

Haven't tried games or anything like that yet, but the slightly nicer GUI of Vista does make it nicer than XP in my opinion, and its current driver difficulties (disregarding any lack of performance in games, though I haven't tried that yet) seems to be on par with Windows Server 2003. Windows Update also seems more able to find up to date/correct drivers than XP's did, but that may just be that all Vista drivers are less than a year old, it could fall into the same state of antiquety that XP's windows update did.

The OS seems more sluggish in general than XP, but seems to keep up under heavy loads better. Heavy loads that would make XP unusable seem to be handled better in Vista, with "Not Responding" programs that will actually start responding again rather than crash as soon as you click on them, and the task scheduler seems to be better as it appears that whatever the user is doing is given precedence, so it doesn't seem like a background task can still eat up all your cpu cycles and degrade your PC into an unusable mess. (of course, that also has the side effect that multitasking performance seems to be in the crapper, though that could just be due to the higher cpu requirements of everything, but wasn't aeroglass supposed to reduce requirements?)

Que mas? The little widgets thing sidebar is kind of neat, though I only really care for the cpu/mem usage meter so far sine it lets me know just how much Vista is killing my computer. It's rather disheartening to see 40% memory usage at bootup, knowing that includes the virtual memory as well and thus nearly all of my ram is being used. I could see some of the other widgets being useful as well, such as the stock ticker, and the egg timer, they save the pain of having to get external apps to do the same or googling for the information.

Standby doesn't always seem to work the same, at times I've seen it just put a DOS prompt on my monitor, while at other times it puts my monitor into power saving mode (ie, no signal).
Remote desktop works well, or at least seems to with the little use I did with it. Connected to the Vista computer from an XP Pro computer seems to offer slower remote desktoping performance than XP Pro to XP Pro did. XP Pro to Vista noticably lags, whereas XP Pro to XP Pro had near real time performance assuming the LAN connection was good enough. (generally I found having them on the same network was good enough, though 802.11b could be slow enough to cause problems) Didn't test out remote desktop very much though.

The performance rating thing is confusing.
There's a wierd error message saying drivers are causing the computer to boot slowly, yet the computer (once to the log in screen) starts faster than XP did to me (though it takes longer to get to the log in screen). Both drivers listed are microsoft drivers, but I had two different drivers prior to the format (I believe one nvidia and one creative) which leads me to think the system may just be picking out two random drivers and complaining about a nonexistant problem.

Edit: My mistake on questioning the bug reporter. It does appear that some drivers (or something) are preventing the computer from fully loading as fast as it should, however because Vista appears to give full preference to whatever the user is trying to do, the OS is ready to go and usable prior to everything loading. I guess that could be called an improved task scheduler.

The rating thing needs a better explanation of what the numbers mean as well, I take a 3 as a "3 out of 10" type thing, and I know my computer's not that bad. Hopefully the rating thing will remain an advisement rather than forcing upgrades to run software.
My athlon xp 3200+ is rated as a 3.4, my 1.25GB of ram as a 3.6, my primary hard disk as 3.7 (the rating for this seems to be made on speed + free capacity, but why should primary partition matter when I have two others?), Radeon X800XT as 5.9 for graphics, yet 5.5 for gaming graphics because I only have 256MB of graphics memory. Honestly, I don't think I've ever encountered a situation where the performance of a game was more limited by the amount of graphics ram than by the actual graphics chip.


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2004
I still haven't managed to get my audigy 2 working. when I try to install the xp driver it says something about not recognizing the device. I will make note of the error when i try again. I tried using creative's driver for vista on their site, that hasn't seemed to work either.[/b]

Browsing on the internet does seem to be pretty quick. Burning any cd with Vista is pretty quick and easy as well. click and go. Multitasking and Vista is getting to the point where it shouldn't be put together in one sentence.

The GUI of Vista is pretty nice, however it's hard to enjoy when your snailing your way around from window to window. So far games run OK, however because the drivers are a bit flaky I can't run some games without adjusting Vista's GUI settings. First time I went to launch one game it gave me a message saying it was disabling features in Vista to better run the game...

I haven't tried Remote Desktop yet, however using other VNC programs I haven't been pleased with what I get. Unless I turn of most all of the eye candy that comes with Vista I can't see anything at all. Even with settings to set back to classic I was on a click, wait 5 or so seconds, click again session. Having to refresh the screen often to see what was there.

I saw the performance rating and wasn't sure exactly how to take the rating scale. As a matter of fact, I don't care what Vista thinks. I wish it was something that wouldn't have to be there. I have the windows box to tell me what I can and can't use to run the OS.



Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Tarrant64
I still haven't managed to get my audigy 2 working. when I try to install the xp driver it says something about not recognizing the device. I will make note of the error when i try again. I tried using creative's driver for vista on their site, that hasn't seemed to work either.[/b]

Browsing on the internet does seem to be pretty quick. Burning any cd with Vista is pretty quick and easy as well. click and go. Multitasking and Vista is getting to the point where it shouldn't be put together in one sentence.

The GUI of Vista is pretty nice, however it's hard to enjoy when your snailing your way around from window to window. So far games run OK, however because the drivers are a bit flaky I can't run some games without adjusting Vista's GUI settings. First time I went to launch one game it gave me a message saying it was disabling features in Vista to better run the game...

I haven't tried Remote Desktop yet, however using other VNC programs I haven't been pleased with what I get. Unless I turn of most all of the eye candy that comes with Vista I can't see anything at all. Even with settings to set back to classic I was on a click, wait 5 or so seconds, click again session. Having to refresh the screen often to see what was there.

I saw the performance rating and wasn't sure exactly how to take the rating scale. As a matter of fact, I don't care what Vista thinks. I wish it was something that wouldn't have to be there. I have the windows box to tell me what I can and can't use to run the OS.

Are you using the 64bit version of vista? Supposendly it's a real pain to get Creative's drivers working on that, let alone working correctly.

I've also run 3dmark03, I think performance was degraded from XP (though I don't remember what my scores used to be, so I'm not sure), but there were some severe graphical glitches, even when it switches over to software rendered.


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2004
Yeah, I'm using the 64-bit version. Figured if I could support it might as well use it. I haven't had a chance to run 3dmark03 yet. I was going to reinstall XP on another new partition and start doing side by side comparisons. I am also have a lot of graphical 'glitches'.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Ok, I found out that graphical glitches I was having were caused by catalyst AI, by reducing its setting (but still leaving it on), I eliminated the errors.


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2004
Activation Issues.

Not having used Beta 2 for a few weeks, I went back in. It detected a new drive/volume I had added and asked me to reboot. I did and then when I logged in, it took me to an activation screen. It could not connect to the internet (was fine before) and if I don't activate it, it'll log me off. Any ideas?


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2004
Originally posted by: RobertR1
Activation Issues.

Not having used Beta 2 for a few weeks, I went back in. It detected a new drive/volume I had added and asked me to reboot. I did and then when I logged in, it took me to an activation screen. It could not connect to the internet (was fine before) and if I don't activate it, it'll log me off. Any ideas?

Have you tried removing the hard drive that was added and rebooting(although it's probably too late now). When Windows detects some changes in hardware it will ask for reactivation. Unless it was your primary hard drive that was changed I'm not so sure why it would ask for reactivation again.

Adding/upgrading most PC hardware does not require activation, at least this was true for XP and I'm assuming still true for Vista.



Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2000
I upgraded my system and now have an Abit KN8 Ultra, AMD 3500+ Venice at 2.75Ghz, 2 GB PC3200 ram and a Sapphire X1800 GTO.
Major difference in speed now ...... is almost as quick as XP Pro. Have installed the Catalyst Vista drivers and the Audigy 2 Vista drivers without any problems.
Have installed Nero 6 and DVD Shrink and burning DVD's without any problems. Tried Firefox but it is having issues so I'm still using IE7.
All in all Vista is running excellent and I'm starting to get pretty familiar with it. Games are running Ok but a little slower than on XP.
This is going to be a pretty nice OS when it is done!


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2004
I'll wait until it's done to make that judgement

I am hearing a lot of positive things for those users with high performance hardware. Especially those with over 1GB of memory. I am at 1GB and I am not impressed.

I'm getting pressed to purchase updated hardware. Maybe even a whole new system since mine is getting outdated and the cost to upgrade might as well constitute a brand new system for a couple hundred more...


Junior Member
Jul 6, 2006
I'm currently running 5456 after trying unsuccessfully on and off for several days to get the public beta working. Looking forward to seeing it come together, especially when developers really get going with WPF.

I went balls-out and installed Vista on my main home desktop. This turned out to be a bad move: I lost my work VPN capabilities because zone alarm doesn't run; lost my music because Rhapsody doesn't have a compatible player yet. I could probably take the hit on those, but I'm running into IE7 and Firefox instability, most frequently relating to the File Picker control crashing. IE7 goes out to lunch quite a bit, such that I have to do the Reset settings trick to get it back to working again.


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2004
Anyone find the sound options for Vista just a bit too much? I see there are a lot more options than there used to be, but nothing seems to work. For me it's all sorts of jacked up. This is without even my Audigy 2 installed.


Golden Member
Feb 26, 2001
I put Beta2 on my laptop and my main machine to try them out. (I have since put XP back on both..) Given the performance on both my take is such:

1. With the current state of the OS, nothing under 2G of RAM will make me happy; My main PC (1G RAM), and the Laptop (512M RAM) both are going to page file (Or whatever) entirely too much with the lowish amount of memory currently on each.

2. Third party driver need a lot of work, Video card (ATI x1400) and Wireless (Dell Wireless card) have either very poor performance (Vid) or just don't work (Wireless can't find my AP, works fine under XP)

3. The changes to how you access the (control panel) make life a bit difficult for those used to the (2k/ XP) ways of doing business, but they look to be easier for the novice user to deal with. (Advanced users, however are probably going to be a bit annoyed..)

4. Eye candy looks nice; more of the hardware that I am using has native drivers already in Vista, and I like how searching for drivers that are on my hard drives is more intuitive- it actually goes across the subfolders I set up in order to find them all for me. Conveinient.

5. Short form- seems like it will be a good "as long as I was getting replacement hardware anyway" kind of upgrade, but my MCE box will not change until that happens..


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2001
I've spent the last two weeks exploring Vista, but now the box I installed it on is sitting in the basement and I'm using Windows 2000.

The boot hijack deal was why I installed it on an older rig, and I'm glad I did. There's a lot of things that impressed me, but nothing that wowed me as much as OS X on a Mac laptop. The Windows Defender looks like a response to the popularity of SpySweeper.

The improvements in security and control panel enhancements are nice as well as the chess game. I am in no hurry to buy this OS. I am happy with XP and W2K, and will not consider Vista until I buy a new laptop.


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2004
Any more experiences out there with Vista Beta 2?

My only other problem I'm having with the 64-bit version is IE7. When using the 64-bit version of IE7 it crashes constantly. And there are a few security features that keep popping up that are annoying as hell. Using IE7 is like trying to use IE on Windows Server 2003. Just about everything after opening up the browser the first time pops up with some kind of warning.

I know that lately there was a new release of IE7 as well and I'll be trying that out too. But so far, a lot of things don't work with it. Cool added features, but once again it seems MS has sacrifieced one thing to get something else. It's a repetitive pattern and it's not working out all too well.


Senior member
Dec 22, 2005
Can't print at all from Vista Beta 2 with Laserjet 6L (network printer). Tried re-installing printer drivers etc. and it just plain doesn't work. This basically renders the OS useless to me at this point.



Nov 18, 2001
I've had some pretty big issues with it that a typical user definitely wouldn't deal with. On install, it couldn't see my floppy drive and so couldn't load SATA drivers. I had to copy them to a USB flash drive to get it to find the drivers. It also corrupted the partition on my external hard drive, which I never touched with the install program. When it was finally installed, the video was messed up because it couldn't find enough resources. I had to reinstall the drivers and then update the BIOS to fix that issue. Now, I'm trying to play Warcraft III and I can't get any sound. It fails to initialize the sound when I start it up. I also can't load various programs that I need for daily life. I'll be going back to XP. It's too beta for anything but web surfing with IE.


Apr 22, 2005
Originally posted by: joshsquall
I've had some pretty big issues with it that a typical user definitely wouldn't deal with. On install, it couldn't see my floppy drive and so couldn't load SATA drivers. I had to copy them to a USB flash drive to get it to find the drivers. It also corrupted the partition on my external hard drive, which I never touched with the install program. When it was finally installed, the video was messed up because it couldn't find enough resources. I had to reinstall the drivers and then update the BIOS to fix that issue. Now, I'm trying to play Warcraft III and I can't get any sound. It fails to initialize the sound when I start it up. I also can't load various programs that I need for daily life. I'll be going back to XP. It's too beta for anything but web surfing with IE.

WTH still uses floppy drives???? Mine has been disconnected for over a year lol. Only reason it was connected in the first place was, you guessed it, sata drivers, but with the nforce sata controller it see's it as an ide bus anyway. What kind of machine are you running this on anyway? I haven't really had too many problems with it, just random stuff, some applications making it crash, stuff like that.


Senior member
Dec 22, 2005
I haven't used a floppy drive in about 4 years.

Has anyone else noticed that 'Sleep' mode is more like 'Coma', and it takes longer to wake the damn thing up than to do a fresh boot?


Jul 25, 2002
After 5 miserable weeks of fighting this Vista Beta, I set down and removed it.
That in itself was a mess, as the features that it had installed had effectively poisioned my XP as well.
Rarely could I do anything for 5 minutes at a time without freezing, blacking out, or experiencing a spontaneous reboots or other sudden crashes.
I orbited memory sticks, processors, video cards, DVD-CD ROM's, and played several driver combinations trying to sort it out.
Of some 30 install attempts, only 2 reached completion without BSOD's, and neither of these 2 installs were stable enough
to consistantly run programs or use for even light tasks like surfing and the like.
The first 16 attempts were with the download copy ISO's & the last 14 were with the Microsoft provided CD's.

I had set Vista up on a 40GB partition on a separate HDD & if it had just set up there it would have been OK,
but no - it set up the boot selector on the C drive of my XP as well.
This made my XP harder to accesws and run, & had spawned some instabilities there too.

The uninstall and 'binge and purge' was just as troublesome - as the hooks it left in the XP would not clean up with FIXBOOT or FIXMBR.
My 'Old Reliable' XP now was a struggle to revive - no longer could I just pop in the XP disc, run 'REPAIR' & be cleaned up -
that option was gone with the residuals of the Vista boot select options having damaged the registry.
10 failed attempts to install it back to where it originally was on a WD 120GB each ended with BSOD's -
anywhere from early in the install or even up to with less than 3 minutes showing to completion.
I finally flipped my HDD selection and cleaned my Seagate 160GB, set a new 40 GB partition and tried again from scratch.
After another 6 attempts and swapping video cards . . . again, did I get XP running right.

Each time I tried to cleanly re-install XP it was done as a single drive setup with the other HDD unplugged and disconnected.

Remember - this had been a virtually trouble free, beautifully runing system - right up to the first time I installed Vista Beta.

Miserably dissapointing at this stage of the game, no matter how 'pretty' it looks.
I do like the IE7 & the WMP11 - they're pretty slick.

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