Zalman CNPS9500

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Aug 12, 2005
Nice review JediYoda - thanks. I think ill stick with my Primecooler (Zalman 7000Cu a bit modified and more quiet). At least till the temps get a bit "stressy" when the system will be running @ 2600Mhz instead of 2200.


Jul 13, 2005
thats an excellent heat sink for mild over clocking and everyday use!!

I was just trying to make a point that what one person considers to be the best heatsink might not be the best heatsink for the other person!!

Also reviews are a dime a dozen..
if yuo look hard enough to can find a review to support any

Have fun!!


Aug 12, 2005
Thanks JediYoda - will search on some test comparing the 9500 with the XP90c which is finally on stock in Slovakia though cost a bit more than what it does in US...


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: YYZ2112
You've probably already seen this but it's this type of analysis I'd like to see more of.

And BTW JediYoda, thanks for the review.

Nice site.....yet there results were obtained on an open test bench
no mention of ambient temps....etc....
Justb alot of bling bling..
Also when discussing noise they fail to mention that on most of those hetasinks you can change the fan to something even more quieter....
Since noise in and of itself is very subjectable I would say as I always do that reviews are meant to be a rough guide inorder to try to give the consumer information that is not readily available in order to make a purchase...
All those heatsinks it appeared faired pretty well.....
Thus so many heatsinks can`t buy them
But with that said...

There is no debating the big typhoon is one of the top 5 heatsinks...
Yet at the time of that review...there was no Scythe Ninja(if there was it wasn`t reviewed) or even the Zalman 9500 to review along with those other Heatsinks!!
Also it must be pointed out that as with so many other reviews of heatsinks it all eventually boils down to what heatsink works best for you....
There reviews of the XP90 Cu and XP120 as well as the thermaltake Big Typhoon are again a mixed bag when compared to other sites that also do reviews!!

Yet Not to beat a dead horse -- I have never said the zbig Typhoon is not one of the top 5 heatsinks.

I also believe the Ninja and the XP120 or SI120 or the XP90 cu are also in the top 5....

I didn`t mention the zalman becuase I for one would place it in the top 5 based on the results from my own personnal usage....

Have a nice day!!



Feb 19, 2005

I almost picked up a BIG TYPHOON months ago but wanted to wait and see what the Zalman 9500 would do....Had hoped the Zalman would satisfy my cooling needs so that I would not have to spend big bucks on water.

Well, I don't think that it lives up to the price....and money is tight right now so water is out. The BIG TYPHOON is just a great buy I.M.O. It cools as good as a XP-120 and comes with a quiet fan for a tad over $40.



Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: WLDock

I almost picked up a BIG TYPHOON months ago but wanted to wait and see what the Zalman 9500 would do....Had hoped the Zalman would satisfy my cooling needs so that I would not have to spend big bucks on water.

Well, I don't think that it lives up to the price....and money is tight right now so water is out. The BIG TYPHOON is just a great buy I.M.O. It cools as good as a XP-120 and comes with a quiet fan for a tad over $40.

well YES......I can see if money is tight....
yet to take a review from one site is fool hardy in my opinion...
There are many many sites that give good reviews to the zalman.....
But as I stated earlier.......all are good Heatsinks...

A Review of the Zalman 9500....

The reviews are mixed I agree but from my npersonnal use of the 9500 its an awesome heatsink!

Its really debateable if you can say one heatsink is better than the other based entirely on a review....
becuase all reviews are not conducted the same way....
Have fun!!
Let us jbiw what temps you are getting from the Big Typhoon!!

note--I just love it when peeps say things like this costs too much....lolol



Oct 5, 2004
I just did all the reading I can stand.
I'm not sure where folks are getting their pricing on the xp-90, xp90c and xp-120, but once you add a decent fan they are prices comparable to the Zalman.
The xp-90 doesn't compare with the zalman directly, although the 90c and 120 do.
I guess the days of $25.00 xp-90's are done.

In any event...

I'm convinced the Thermaltake Big Typhoon is the better heatsink, although very marginally.
It also looks like a lid off a can of fvck.
The Zalman is sexy, well made, very quiet, competes with the best, and it has blue lights.

Blue lights are always the deal breaker.
I'm going with the Zalman, even if it is ridiculously expensive.


Senior member
Dec 20, 2004
Originally posted by: shilala
Blue lights are always the deal breaker.
I'm going with the Zalman, even if it is ridiculously expensive.


I'll probably be picking up the Zalman in the near future, for several reasons:

1) After you spend $700 on a processor, $70 on a HSF doesn't seem so bad.
2) Blue LEDs are sexy.
3) Only 530 grams! In comparison, the Zalman Fatal1ty FS-C77 is 918g, and the Big Typhoon is 813g. The recommended HSF weight limit is 450g for both AMD and Intel... I'm personally not comfortable putting on a HSF that is TWICE THE RATED WEIGHT LIMIT for my processor, especially considering point #1.


Sep 25, 2005
I purchased the Big Typhoon for about $40 shipped. Although the runner up was going to either be the xp-90C, xp-120 or the Zalman 9500, I chose cost and function over form...and I must say Zalman's cooler is the best looking one out there by FAR's too bad you can't choose the LED colors though (I have a green theme going on). The design competition between the Typhoon and the Thermalrights was pretty much based on cost.

A word of caution though....the installation instructions from Thermaltake for the K8 processors have been through so many revisions, do NOT follow them heedlessly - I believe most came out based on older 939 mobo designs ! Check the pressure against your die, be sure you are using a bracing bracket behind the CPU die (not just the mobo around the die and even if the install pics don't show one) and if all else fails, just make up your own custom installation rig like I did. I'm 100% confident in my set up (being that it's going to sit on an X2 4400 processor) but if you haven't any DIY desires, go for the more expensive HSF's above. I haven't had a chance to test any temps yet but so far this HSF is well worth the $ and actually tickled my DIY bug enough that I didn't mind the extra work . More to follow when I get some actual temps.


Junior Member
Oct 17, 2005
Actually I reinstalled my Zalman CNPS7000B-Cu on a 4800 X2 after trying the Big Typhoon because at full speed, which is quiet to me, it ran 2C cooler. This was after going from 400-grit wet/dry to 2000 grit lapping on the BT. I used bigger screws with the standard backplate (with minor mod to protruding sleeves at MB holes) and wing nuts. I installed it several times with varying pressure using AS5. I thought I was going to push through the MB one time. I also thought that the smaller CNPS7000B-Cu felt more secure. The BT sticks out too far. Even with the screws clamped down so hard that it's bending the top bracket, if you grab the top of the unit and twist, there is slight movement at the base; I don't like that. The CNPS7000B-Cu fits solid as a rock. I realize that my experience with the BT vs. the little Zalman is converse to other reviews at-large on the www, but that's what I got. I will try the CNPS9500 on an Opteron I have coming even though I wish it had a green light and report back.


Senior member
Sep 12, 2005
I too am having trouble getting the temps that everyone is getting with the Typhoon. I think it has to do with the mounting on my board. Like Bridge said you really have to tighten it down....a lot.

The BT is giving me betters temps than my Zalman 7000B ALCU about 3 deg better, but that's not like the 7-10 deg I have been hearing with those switching from" old fashioned" heatsinks like the 7000B to the BT.

I am looking into getting another heatsink to see if the mounting is a little better for my DFI Lanparty board. I am looking into the Si120, the Zalman 9500 or maybe as a longshot, the Scythe Ninja. I am now looking for the one that is the easiest to mount and still maintain good pressure on the CPU without me destroying my motherboard.


Jul 13, 2005
Just a word of caution---

Everybody is stating we are not getting the drop in temps that other are getting with there Big Typhoon....

Understand there is more that goes into cooling your computer than just buying one of the latest greatest heatsinks.

You must have proper air flow.

You need to good fans moving the air.

You wiring job needs to be tidy so as to promote good airflow!!

Then there are people who are using the SI120 or the XP120 or the XP 90 or the Ninja or the Zalman 9500 who are getting those drops in temps.....

It really is somewhat subjective....

I was getting the same temps almost exactly with the Zalmn 9500 as i was with the go figure....



Jun 30, 2004
From tests I have seen the TT Big Typhoon is better, so it is really nothing to get excited about.


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: KoolDrew
From tests I have seen the TT Big Typhoon is better, so it is really nothing to get excited about.

Thats exactly true.
But remember reviews and tests are just help us make a more informed decision!

We have alot of comments on the Typhoon in these forums thus I would take the word of the people posting over the word of a reviewer who has only used the product long enough to set it up and test it.

All is good!!



Senior member
Sep 12, 2005
I think also there may be no such thing as a "best" cooler. There is only the best for your situation. Like you said there are other factors invloved, like case temps, airflow and one more mounting. Some mounting is better than others, thus providing better contact with the CPU, which leads to better temps.


Senior member
Jan 27, 2005
keep in mind how torque works, if the weight is further away from the motherboard there is more stress


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2005
I have a Zalman CNPS9500-LED on my Pentium-D 820. The temps droped by 20 degrees celsius compared to the stock cooler! And it is running on 5V, so I can't hear it. My PSU is the loudest element now (I have a Zalman VF700-Cu on my 7800GT @ 5V ).

I had the folowing temps at stock speeds:

BOX cooler:
idle - 60-62 celsius - pretty quiet
burn - 70 celsius - like a jet plane

Zalman CNPS 9500-LED:
idle - 40-42 celsius - can't hear it
burn - 58 tops - cant hear it!

That's one hell of a cooling solution! I love it! Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Using Arctic Silver 5 btw.


Platinum Member
Dec 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Qbah
I have a Zalman CNPS9500-LED on my Pentium-D 820. The temps droped by 20 degrees celsius compared to the stock cooler! And it is running on 5V, so I can't hear it. My PSU is the loudest element now (I have a Zalman VF700-Cu on my 7800GT @ 5V ).

I had the folowing temps at stock speeds:

BOX cooler:
idle - 60-62 celsius - pretty quiet
burn - 70 celsius - like a jet plane

Zalman CNPS 9500-LED:
idle - 40-42 celsius - can't hear it
burn - 58 tops - cant hear it!

That's one hell of a cooling solution! I love it! Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Using Arctic Silver 5 btw.

Very nice results. Your P-D idled at 60C with stock I'd say you got your $$'s worth w/ Zalman ehh?


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2005
Very nice results. Your P-D idled at 60C with stock I'd say you got your $$'s worth w/ Zalman ehh?

I am one happy customer I can recomment Zalman solutions blindly now :laugh:


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2005
Well, my results speak for themselves No need to write much, except for all the 'ohhs' and 'ahhs' If You have a dual core CPU and can spare the extra cash, you won't regret buying this baby. And the blue glow through the case holes is soooooo sexy :laugh:


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: YYZ2112
Blindly eh, Qbah? Now that's a recommendation !

Here is another review of the Zalman9500

I wish they would have compared it against some alternative units we're discussing here but I did like how he raised the die temps to the point that the Zalman was the only unit left standing.

so what are we trying to say--I did like how he raised the die temps .......
I thought it was a very accurate review...considering most of usd who use the Zalman 9500 over clock our systems more that just a little it was refreshing to see a review with a system o/c`d!!

There are other sites that have reviewed the 9500 with other heatsinks.....

The only problem is they are are just reviews...
designed to give a general idea what the cooler is capable of....
when in reality the reviewer only had the heatsink long enough to test it and thats bout it...
I would much rather go by what members of these forumns say who are using the equipment day after day....



Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2002
Qbah, were the Zalman's load temps you wrote earlier obtained with its fan running at 5v or at 12v? If those were load temps at 5v, do you mind doing the same thing at 12v to see just how much cooler it can get over the stock HSF? TIA.


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2005
I am doing a full system report... Will probably take a day or so. I will include temps and stability for:

stock 2.8GHz
- 5V idle and burn
- 12V idle and burn

OCed to 3,4GHz
- 12V idle and burn

SpeedFan and S&M Monitor (with it's excellent logging and graphs!) will be very helpful to show accurate temps.

As for your question Mloot, those are at 5V. So the fan is almost inaudible.
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