Zalman CNPS9500

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Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: entropy1982
there's no point in takling to Jedi.... i just found out he's a well known troll

Troll i don`t think so!!

Well known ..nope!!
The moderators have access to my Ip so they know Im not whoever you are thinking of!!

Now lets go on...
I may be practical!!

Too many people say things like check the physics of the thing out.
When they actually are just blowing smoke up the ole kazoo.
Any intelligent person would under stand the word "variable".....especially in the field of physics....doh...

Yet its not like I started a thread saying Intel was Now the best!
Which we all know is not true!
Yet-- almost evetybody on this forum jumps on the bash the Intel user who just posted.....whose the troll??

Then we have the people who for every temperature related issue say--Use if that`s the great savior.....

Then we have the PSU thats a freakin hornets nest!
For the life of me whats so hard about respecting other peoples opinions?

But to come out and make statements that are meant to sound so absolute are just ludicrous.....yet we all know about the dual 12v rail vs single 12 rail controversy...

Then we have the old my brand is better than your brand controversy...thats a laff a minute!

Then last but not least we have the poor person who starts a thread asking for an opinion of 2 cases....nothing more nothing less.
Yet the first 1,000 posts have nothing to do with answering the persons question...
instead they try to convince the person the antec P180 or lian or the coolermaster is the best.
When in fact that person doesn`t want iether of those cases, or can`t afford them and has there mind made up between the 2 cases they posted about.....

Then we have the people who bemoan paying anything to get a quality product.....
I`m not talking about shopping around for the best price, I`m talking about the person who wants something for nothing or hardly nothing!

yet you choose to call me a troll....
If I am a troll....anybody and everybody who doesn`t read a post and doesn`t answer just what the post is requesting could also be labeled a troll!
No matter how good your intentions are.....

If you haven`t noticed I have backed way off giving my opinion on the Zalman 9500.....
I`m still getting one but I also probably will get other heatsink(xp120) and compare the 2 for my own systems.

Anyways have fun!! Life is way too short not to have fun!!



Jun 30, 2004
"The Zalman CNPS7700 unit is a decent cooler at a moderate price point, but its design makes it difficult to fit on many dual Opteron motherboards. "
[from the review just mentioned at NeoSeeker]

Max Pc's Dream Machine '-05 featured a Tyan K8Ne Thunder mobo and two Opteron 275's. I thought that it might make sense in that case to use XP-90C coolers. Whether you could fit two SI or XP-120's into such a system depends on how the motherboard is laid out, but I rather doubt it . . .

If the CNPS-9500 fits -- the review seems to think it does -- I'm thinking it probably goes neck-and-neck with the XP90C. Both are copper coolers; the 90C is better than the 90 and I was told by ThermalRight that it was worth maybe 1 or 2C degrees' drop in load temperature. If the 90C is between 0.17 and 0.18 C/W in thermal resistance, the improved performance suggests a ballpark estimate of that value close to my recent estimate of 0.158 C/W for the Zalman.


Sep 20, 2005
JEDI too funny,

Originally posted by: furballi
Why wait for a review? Get a physics book and read-up on heat-transfer n thermodynamics. Actual in-case performance should be within 2C of the Zalman 7700Cu. Only a fool would worry about 2 to 3C delta at the CPU level.

As for the individual who thinks that US reviewers are more reliable, it's best to keep quiet when you're the village's idiot.

Furballi are you a physics student?
If so then you know that physics is more than just a book!
There are variables that are not taken into consideration and other factors beyond our control.
You also seem to be a bright person thus you know that from one person to another the same might not hold true again based on those variables.

If you would like we can go into the physics of the matter.....but to make such a blanket statements as you have made makes me wonder who the village idiot really is......hhmmmmm

Did Yoda challenge Furballi to a physics debate?

I love debates.

Wait that was almost 2 months ago.
My bad.
I guess Furballi went missing in action.


Apr 6, 2005
I only put on my engineering hat when the pay meter is running. If you cannot list these "pie-in-the-sky" variables, then they DO NOT exist, or they have a negligible influence on the performance of the cooler. As the number of 9500 users grow, they will either support or discredit my position. This is the FREE solution.

With an air-cooled device, the most important variable is the temperature of the INCOMING air stream used for cooling. The system's temp cannot be lower than the intake air temp. The 7700Cu can take advantage of a side duct to draw room temperature air into the cooling fan. The 9500 must use heated air inside the case for cooling. A powerful system may incorporate two to four front-mounting hard drives and dual video cards. These devices can elevate the air temp by 4 to 5C.

Equipments that must run 24/7 with high reliability are put in a temp controlled room because the PROS know that it is much more efficient to use cold air than a fancy CPU cooler.



Golden Member
Jun 3, 2005
$75? From where?

When we finally get them in stock, we're going to be $66 or so. I've seen other places listing in the low 60's as well. 75 is definitely high for this cooler


Jul 13, 2005
Furbali states--The 9500 must use heated air inside the case for cooling.

Thats just not true!! In fact its a mistatement of facts!!

There are any number of directions to mount the Zalman9500!!

The following doesn`t even take into account if I have shroud to direct the cool air to my heatsink....hmmmm

we can mount it facing the rear 120mm which if we wanted to we could turn into a cold air intake fan....

we can mount it so it takes in cold air from the upper 80mm fan on top of the case.....

we can mount it so it takes in cold air from the side window mounted 80mm fan....

We can also mount it so it benefits from both upper and side mounted fans intaking cool air...

Obvioulsy you have no clue...thus....

again we can talk physics if you wish.....
but why talk physics when you have no clue what the variables are involved concerning the fans and the direction the air is flowing in my case???

Thus any statement you made so far we could say was

Zalman 9500 --- idle 27c.......:laugh:



Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: TankGuys
$75? From where?

When we finally get them in stock, we're going to be $66 or so. I've seen other places listing in the low 60's as well. 75 is definitely high for this cooler has it in stock at just over $70. That's too high for me. There are tower-style heatpipe units for under $40, plus the Thermalright XP-90 is only $25. The CNPS9500 is a beautiful heatsink as far as "beautiful hardware" goes, but the cost is too much.

Hmmm, will Zalman do like all the others and have a CNPS9500AlCu model? Something that gets within 1ºC and 2/3 weight, at 2/3 the price?


Platinum Member
Dec 7, 2004
Originally posted by: YYZ2112
Vs. the Tuniq Tower 120
Vs. the Gigabyte G-Power BL

BTW, I'm so stoked (and NOT to get off topic).
I just landed a Leadtek PX 7800GTX THD VIVO for $347 BIN shipped on E-bay !
I think it's a good unit because the only reason the guy was selling a pair is because SLI apparently requires WinXP instead of Win2k which he refused to leave.

Wow gr8 price!! I love Rush


Sep 25, 2005
Thanks, it sat out there as BIN for a couple hours with no nibbles so I got lucky. Yea Rush rocks but it seems someone already took "YYZ" so I had to improvise.

Tell me what you think of the quality of the review above....apparently price means a lot to him, which I personally don't think he should have docked the unit that much for. I also wished he'd pitted it against a more substantial HSF like the Thermaright 90C or 120 or possibly the Thermaltake Big Typhoon. So far ppl seem to think it's on par with the 120 but without the flexibility of fan choice. Any rumor of a 120C....given that the 90C outperformed the 90?


Platinum Member
Dec 7, 2004
I think its a good review. Wished he had tested against some of the other "heavy weights" cpu HSF's like you said. I like the flexibility TR's HS's.....being able to add the fan of your choice, but thats just me. Jedi has both HS's. He is presently doing a comparison between the 2, so it ought to be interesting to read his results. As far as an XP120C....I'd be scared to hear its weight lol. It would be a daunting performer though. Have not heard any rumors about the possibility of one.


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: JBDan
Originally posted by: YYZ2112
Vs. the Tuniq Tower 120
Vs. the Gigabyte G-Power BL

BTW, I'm so stoked (and NOT to get off topic).
I just landed a Leadtek PX 7800GTX THD VIVO for $347 BIN shipped on E-bay !
I think it's a good unit because the only reason the guy was selling a pair is because SLI apparently requires WinXP instead of Win2k which he refused to leave.

Wow gr8 price!! I love Rush

here is an excert from the review--which was done in a very fair manner albeit the reviewer was lets just say not a top notch reviewer even though the Zalman came out with a real fine score!

Also a pet peeve of mine....

here`s an excerpt from the final conclusion on the review of the zalman 9500....

The total score that I've given below is obviously being pulled down hard by the pricing. If Zalman were to revise their price, I am certain this would be a MUST HAVE Product. A really nice and attractive looking piece of art by 'Quiet' seeking Zalman.

Come on we are dealing with a company that like all others is trying to make a profit...
trying to stay in buisness.....
trying to stay afloat....
trying to stay solvent....

I`m sorry to say this but if the kiddies who over clock don`t have a job or the cash yet to buy there own computer equipment whose fault is that?
Is that Zalman`s fault??

To my way of thinking thats a chicken shizza thing to say when reviewing a product.....
If Zalman were to revise their price

anyways.....I feel better now!! lol


Aug 12, 2005
Hmm, I think one really has to wait till a decent review/test comes out - hopefully someone tries to compare the 9500 and the 90c and 120. Looking forward to it.


Aug 12, 2005
And whats this i found at the zalman site - Fatal1ty FS-C77: a bit loud but would like to see a review on that baby as well... looks fine at least


Sep 25, 2005
Vs. Big Typhoon.

"And what about Zalman CNPS9500 LED? Unfortunately, I have to admit that our hopes didn?t come true this time. On the one hand, it is very sad because I was looking forward to this particular cooler like many other overclockers, and it was destined to turn into a new example of high efficiency, quiet operation and great looks in my system case (the latter is purely subjective, of course). But on the other hand, things are not so bad at all, as there is a more efficient cooling solution than Zalman CNPS9500 LED!"


Aug 12, 2005
Allready seen that YYZ2112 - i would be rather interested in comparing the 9500 with his older 2 brothers 7700Cu and 7000Cu... but unforunatelly didnt find any comparison on the net yet.


Jul 13, 2005
I personally have read many good and many not so good reviews!
Why you might ask are not the reviews all consistently good or bad?

Well any number of reasons from the reviewer not havinga clue all the way to how they review a product!!

What I can say is that on other threads I have posted my own personnal results using the Zalman 9500 in my rigg!

At idleI was pulling mainly 27c....sometimes 30c....
I even posted a screenshot of the 27c idle.....

Under load is where the 9500 really shined...
I believe under load it was something like beyween 37c to 39c.

Yet that is just my system!!

Reviews are NOT designed to be the final authority on whether a heatsink is good or bad!

We are the final authority becuase we are the ones who use and purchase them!

Just like SPCR made a huge issue over the Zalman 9500 noise issue...
There is NO noise issue!
Aws with any other heatsink you go full tilt all out it gets louder than if you are using a fan speed controller!!

Have a nice day!!



Jul 13, 2005
Then of course we could post a scathing review without being honest and truthful that the 9500 is getting mixed reviews....

My point...
A Review of the Zalman 9500....

various points...

Comments: Can't hear it over ambient noise. Cools as good as the stock cooler, but with a fraction of the noise. Really can't get any quieter....

Comments: There you have it, much cooler with barely any noise! Time to see how much i can sqeeze out of the CPU now...

Comments: Very little budging temperature wise, only a very slight increase, and thats with voltages raised by 1V !! I'm too scared to bring it any further...this is enough for any man!! By the way, this is actually air cooling, incase you were starting to think otherwise....


As seen from the fugures and graphs above, this heatsink from Zalman delivers, and then some. Achieving a 850MHZ overclock, with voltage increments on quiet air-cooling is a welcome addition to any enthusiasts case. You can enjoy the benefits and increased performence of a heavily overclocked chip without a howling fan and/or the worry of having water flowing around your precious hardware.

Installation couldn't be easier, and lets be honest about it, it looks damn cool! This most deffinately comes recommended from us, you won't get better then this when considering high-end air-cooling for your PC. There's no excuse for not purchasing it as it covers every major platform right now, and not only will it blow the stock cooler out of the water as regards noise (or lack there of), it will enable you to get the very most from your CPU whilst enjoying the silence.

*****point made***** hehehe
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