Yeah i really want to play with a snowblind build, but the case is so old style, i dont think i can tollerate it.
I went with the HYTE Y70 because i wanted that vertical GPU for my brother who will get a 5090. I dont want to put tension on the card due to the massive heat sinks we see now, since he doesn't like to do true custom water setup.
I bearly got away with an AIO as it is, as he was hesitant on liquid in general, but i told him a 9800X3D needs it. I lied but he's not the forum type to do research.
My current case will probably stay with me, and thats the Thermaltake Core X9. As its the only case i know that can natively handle 2x480 and have a lot of extra room with a horizontal bed. Meaning the board and GPU's are laid flat and not hanging.
As expensive as my brothers system maybe, i still cant stomach the fact my board + cpu still costs more then his entire setup, and when im done with my build, it will hit mid 4 figures.