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Download Free 2V0-622 Exam Questions
Exam | 2V0-622 - VMware Certified Professional 6.5 - Data Center Virtualization |
Size: | 369.58 KB |
Posted Date: | Wednesday, June 14, 2017 |
# of downloads: | 6361 |
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A lot of wrong answers. Do not take this dump from Bill.
Anyone recently taken exam? Is the premium file still valid? I am planning to sit in Feb/2019
Is the Premium dump still valid?? have a lot of incorrect answers
Premium is still valid. Took the exam last August 24, 2018 and got 480. Got 2 new questions. about enhanced LACP prerequisites and how many IP addresses are needed in vCenter HA.
Premium dump still valid
I score the test today and there are about 10-12 question new but the premium dump is still valid
Premium dump still valid, Passed Today with 45X. This dump is 100% valid for this 2v0-622 exam, up to 7 new questions added. Please take your time to research answers before writing the exam. Good luck!
Is the premium dump still valid ??
Is the premium dump still valid ??
This VCE only contains 37 questions...the exam has 70...
The premium file is valid?
I've passed with this dump but I had 15 questions that where not in it.
I've passed but there where 15 new questions That where not in any dumps I've seen. so over all file was still ok.
Premium dump valid. first 9-10 questions are new . passed 10th May. 390/500
What happens if you subscribe from the iphone app? Do you get premium?
Premium dump still valid, passed yesterday 26th, 430/500 , about 10-12 new questions (at the beginning, don't worry :) )
Premium file still valid. Passed the exam today with this file only. Still about 8 questions new.
the premium dump is valid passed on 09-04-2018 with 450, about 10 new questions regarding vsan and vdp.
Pasedd Today with 470 Premium Dump is still Valid. Premium dump for this 2v0-622 is enough, up to 10 new questions added.
Premium dump is valid, i passed on 22/03/2018, 8 to 9 new questions, but those questions you can get it on the Delta exam... i trained with both.
Premium exam valid. 9 new questions. I study premium 150 questions. Pass with 460. 21-03-2018
Premium exam valid. 9-10 new questions. Couple of notes on the new questions. primium 150 questions. i pass with 460. 15-03-2018
Premium exam valid, same as what everyone else is saying. 9-10 new questions. Couple of notes on the new questions from what I can remember -
vicfg-cfgbackup (Question regarding backing up appliance via cli) check options -
nvidea grip/vcpu -
davg/cmd - vm latency & storage latency
VM Distribution - additional options (to balance VM's across hosts) -
Just pass 470 score with 8 new question on 159 Premium Dump, a few trick question present.
Dumps are valid, 6 to 8 questions are new.
Premium dump is valid, but need to check some answers. I passed yesterday with a good score, but had about 12 new questions.
03/03/2018 - Premium is valid but 10-12 new questions
Took exam today and passed. Premium dump is valid; there are definitely at least 10 new questions. Know your stuff and you'll be fine.
PASSED! WOhooooooooooo
Dumps are valid, 6 to 8 questions are new. Regards
Saudia Arabia
Is the premium dump valid, anyone knows?
This dump is only showing 37 questions
hi guys premimum file valid. 7-8 new questions
Premium is very valid. 8-10 new questions.
Loads of wrong answer but valid questions. 9 new ones
@LT can you please mention what are the new questions ?
Premium with 150 question is valid.
Passed 29th Jan with 460/500, about 8 new questions.
Failed last week, BUT this VCE is 95% OK,unfortunately did not see that before my exam, except the question regarding VM debbuging (Statistics & Debbugin are correct one, on dump is WRONG!)
Hi there, I´ve failed last week and just 3||5 questions of this dump was not there all others WERE...this one is good, although has fewer questions :(
My pre dump has 123 questions, here showing is 150 questions. Can anyone approve which one is correct?
@ Adi how was the exam did you pass, is the dump valid?
@Adi.did you take the exam? how was it? any feedback?
can someone the premium dump is valid ?
Hi abid, which dump you used for study ?
@ abid- which dumps did you used? did you use premium or free ones?
Gave the exam today in UAE, passed with 340 marks. 5 new question from total of 70 questions.
Is the bill 37q VCE still valid? let me know asap.
This Dump is so bad. Many many wrong answers!!!
I am going to take exam on 28th please guys who take it before me let me know is the premium dump is valid good luck
I am taking the exam on Jan25th so will let u know
are these 2V0-622.vce - ExamCollection Verified still valid?
about 9-11 new questions.make sure you know your stuff
Not sure contains the up to date questions as it is very similar to , but folks failed on it :-(
is the dump still valid ? any new questions ?
Can someone confirm this dump still vaild
Can you please tell if someone has passed with the premium questions?.
KR, did you update to the latest VCE version? or you had the previous with 132 qs
KR, would you please mention the new questions you get
Passed today with 460 marks, the 150Q are valid.
There were 8-9 new Questions
i have not taken it yet
mike, have you passed the exam from 150Q, I need to make sure if it's valid or not?
look at the top of the page. its $69.99. they updated the questions
2V0-622 Premium VCE File
2V0-622.vce - ExamCollection Verified - Instant Download
150 Questions & Answers
where I can I find 123q. I am a paid customer and I don't see it
uthanda 123qs are not free
I need to know if the new dump 150 is valid or not?
does anyone has 123q?
I took the exam yesterday, 123q is still valid but with 13 new questions.
I had taked the last week. There are 15 new questions.
Hi all, I will take the exam within this month. Anyone can confirm that premium file 150q is still valid
Hi all, I will take the exam next week. Anyone can confirm that premium file is still valid?
Hi all, I will take the exam within this month. Anyone can confirm that premium file 150q is still valid ?
Can someone share the name of the premium file?
Passed today, do verify some answers, also study VMware Certified Professional 6.5 - Data Center Virtualization Delta as questions were from here to. few new questions. Also new questions on VMRC, proactive HA, predictive DRS, excli host cli
Hello Friends,
What is premium ?
from which dumps if i take and study and clear with the same,
please help me or guide me or suggest me.
Hi Matt, have you take the exam?
I failed it in October.
The file with 123q is still valid?
Passed using premium file. About 50 of the 70 questions from the premium file were on my test and 20 were not.
Hello this premim file 123q is valid? The are many new q ? Update new q please.
Hi all, I will take the exam next week. Anyone can confirm that premium file is still valid? Are the new questions mentioned in previous comments available?
anyone knows or has the new qs?
Is valid?
Premium is still valid. Passed last week, 14 new question.
Hi Ahmed. Are you talk about the VMware Certified Professional 6 - Data Center Virtualization Delta or VMware Certified Professional 6.5 - Data Center Virtualization Delta
Premium Still Valid + 10 question from VMware Certified Professional 6 - Data Center Virtualization Delta
i advise to study both
@AKS, why do you have 20 new questions, while other had only 10?, is the vendor already updated their questions and yet the premium is outed?
Practiced with premium file and took exam today.
Encounter about 20 new questions and passed 320/500.
Premium is valid. Passed with 430
Guys, are the answers in a premium file right? There are so many wrong answers in even this Bill37q one... Asking Guys wha have passed the exam lastly... please answer...
Guys, which file is still valid I a need to book the exam for next week
Premium is valid. Today pass 480! 10q new.
@nueno, thank you for confirmation!, why are others have different comment?, and they barely passed? are the answers are correct?
Premium is valid. Today pass 460! 12q new
This confirms that Premium File is Valid! 10 questions encountered which are not in the reviewer. My score is 460/500, these were the questions that I remember and not in the file.
1. Log Level on vCenter
Trivia - Provides complete detail
2. GAVG/cmd - This is the response time as it is perceived by the guest operating system.
3. ESXCLI command use to display SCSI storage
4. ESXCLI command use to configure default gateway
Passed on OCT 18th with 330, I used the premium dump with 123 questions, if you go to download premium file it shows 70 questions but it is 123. I saw about 15 questions that were not in the dump so be careful and make sure you know all the correct ones from the premium you will pass but barely :-)there were 70 total questions on my test
@nueno, thank you! looking forward to it!
bought the premium and will take the exam this coming friday, will confirm the validity of the premium file.
premium file have 23q by the way.
@failed User - I got 123 Questions, where did you find the 70 questions?
For all those who passed the test with study premium Dump how many questions you had in premium Dump 70? Or 123 ??
There are differences in answers between the 2 Premium Dump...
Premium dumps vaild passes 460, 12 new questions
Dump is still valid, almost 12 new questions
Premium is valid, passed today with 350. About 10 different questions.
The window is sliding shut fast so if you are going to risk it do it fast.
premium questions good, check answers!
There are 8 new questions, but the questions are still valid as I passed this exam on 7 Oct (over 90%).
Premium dump is still valid.I took Exam and Passed on 1st Oct2017.
Premium exam valid?
OMG did you take the exam?
Premuim is valid!!!!
Alex, were all the qs on the exam from premium vce?
Only premium vce file is valid. I"m-pass... More 85%.
This is 38 new question as I took the exam two hours ago. I failed..... :(
Is Premium valid?
Hi All,
Could you please tell me about where I could get this current file?
Is that Premium VCE File Valid
@CIO Sorry to hear that. Did you use Bill.37q and/or the 70q?
Do not rely solely on this file. I thought revising the 2Vo-621 may help but was useless. Only 17 out of 70 questions Approximately 24%...and yes, I failed the exam
Hi All this premium file is valid? pls answer.
is the premium valid?
Can confirm the comment of Joey.
Not valid, only 10% of the questions appeared during the actual test. Not usable.
only 30% of questions appeared, additionally the answers in the file are sometimes wrong. useless file, we have to wait.
please confirm this file workable for exam
This file is not valid. Half of the questions from exam are missing. And answers choices are incorrect in this file.
file is valid, but it does only contain half of the questions. better than nothing I agree
hello this premium file is valid?pls answer.
Hi, the premium vce file is valid???
This is just the Delta exam. I took the exam lasts month and can verify that these questions are still valid for the actual exam, but this will only get you half way there.
Wait for someone to release a 70+ question version. This is still better than nothing.
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